Day 30: Arts and Crafts Room (Third Shift)

Feb 17, 2008 15:05

[Bother away~]It was surprising how quickly the staff had lifted the lockdown, particularly for those who had a hand in this morning's "incident". Ken was certain they were going to be stuck in their rooms until nightfall and thus, felt wary of the intercom's announcement. Partly for possible ulterior motives, partly for the fact they were treating ( Read more... )

keman, takaya, ginji, sheska, anise, haku, mion, ken amada

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Comments 46

gald_digger February 17 2008, 22:34:37 UTC
While Anise didn't appreciate being intercepted and led back to her room when she was trying to see if Ion was safe during the riot, the lockdown gave her time to cool off before she ended up saying or doing something to land herself in trouble ( ... )


inb4crazy February 18 2008, 21:12:38 UTC
((hayyyy hope you don't mind me poppin' in Pazu--))There had been a fight during breakfast and then lockdown. So today wasn't going as usual as she had first thought, though Mion wasn't entirely sure whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing. And with kids and adults seperated today, Mion had a better chance of finding Rena; or maybe one of the other people she had met here, and not having to run into any adults. She liked Arlene, sure, but at the moment she didn't want to be touched again. Thinking about that made her absentmindedly grab at the back of her head as she walked ( ... )


gald_digger February 18 2008, 22:04:38 UTC
Anise glanced up, her incomplete project cradled in her arms. It was a fully sewn Tokunaga doll, larger than the one Mion had seen her put together a few days back, although it was missing a few features; its face, for one.

It took a second to recall the girl's name. "Oh! Hi Mion," Anise said, returning the greeting with a little extra cheer to hopefully overshadow that moment of hesitation. Admittedly, she put a little more effort to remembering the names of men than those of other girls. "Did you come to see more of my cute creations?" she asked with a playful grin.


inb4crazy February 20 2008, 04:57:11 UTC
Mion looked at the doll as the girl looked up at her. It was definetely bigger than the one she had been working on before... Of course, the fact that she made one at all with that sling she had been in was pretty impressive in itself. If you could make a doll with an injured arm, you could fight with a metal plate in your head, right? Right.

"Heh, well I guess you caught me," Mion laughed, grinning back at Anise. "I haven't seen dolls made in person before, and yours are espescially nice."


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rectifies February 18 2008, 21:30:15 UTC
[Ken would love a Keman until then~]

Ken had not paid much attention when others entered the room, only vaguely aware one of them sat near by. Copying the map required more concentration than expected. There wasn't even room to consider the dead-raising topic in the boy's mind.

It was not until the first set was finished that Ken finally noticed what the teenager was doing. Setting aside the two pages, he looked up curiously at the sketch and wondered about the identity of the person on paper. No archetype came to mind; the face seemed too ambiguous to give any sort of story.

Still, whoever they were, the sketch was pretty impressive. Ken could not help but vocalize that point. "That's nice," he said.


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rectifies February 19 2008, 02:11:26 UTC
"I think so," Ken replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "It's much better than what I can draw." Sadly, he had yet to outgrow stick figures.

The boy returned to his work, making preparations for the second copy. A part of him, however, the one that liked human contact, wanted to continue the conversation for a bit. Although, Ken would be fine if the teen would rather be undisturbed. "Do you draw a lot?" he asked.


faithful_frost February 18 2008, 19:56:31 UTC
Haku thanked his nurse politely and then glanced around the room. Not many people, but plenty of supplies. Sitting down at a table, he took some paper and crayons and began to draw out blueprint like designs of the areas he'd seen so far. He was planning on giving them to Zabuza-san, something that might be used as a trade item or something else.


faithful_frost February 18 2008, 21:07:14 UTC
((Finishing up rather quickly and heading off to here.))


forgot_my_life February 18 2008, 20:17:51 UTC
Takaya wasn't going to get away with a feigned illness this time, and his nurse knew him too well to allow him to go the the Sun Room. Filled with those 'hooligans' just like he was, he guessed. Couldn't let them interact. So instead, the grumpy teenager found himself in a quiet room, filled with kids and a feeling of utter distain for life in general.

He was sat down and given a mix of artsy-fartsy supplies and told to 'have fun.' He flipped off the nurse who sighed, used to him by now, and left him alone.

Though, Takaya guessed he was still being watched. Wouldn't do for him to make something inappropriate or, hell, try to hurt someone with the supplies. He was kind of glad he hadn't been involved in the riot though. He didn't think he could handle the attention that brought people.


akarusa February 19 2008, 07:25:36 UTC
After another hour or more staring at the blank walls of her room, Hokuto had decided that if she was going to be here for any length of time, the place REALLY needed some color; in light of that, being told she could go to the art room honestly cheered her.

Once there, though, someone caught her eye--not Subaru, but she couldn't help but be reminded of him. That happened a lot, but she reacted the same way every time.

Seeing that he had a stack of construction paper, glue, and other things appropriate for collage-making, she came over and took a seat near him. Not right next to, but close enough for easy conversation. "Good morning," she said, offering a smile.


forgot_my_life February 19 2008, 07:31:10 UTC
Takaya had been doing absolutely nothing productive and had, instead been glaring at the colored paper and markers in front of him, as though hoping they might just explode or something when a voice pulled him from his thoughts of fire.

He looked up at a woman. That alone was odd, since girls almost never willingly spoke to him. The only exceptions were, of course, his sister, Mori (who didn't really count), and Haruie (and he DEFINITLY didn't count).

"Morning," he managed to get out.


akarusa February 19 2008, 07:41:25 UTC
"Some day this has been," Hokuto commented, shaking her head. She'd gotten to relax much more than usual for the last twelve hours or so, but this being Landels, none of it had been for good reasons. "I've been here almost a week and I've never seen anything like that." The night of the field trip had been worse, but daytime and Nightshift were entirely different stories.

Trying to to actually use the scissors provided on construction paper didn't work at all; she quickly gave up and started very carefully ripping the sheet she'd taken into neat little squares. A tile mosaic would take a while, but she definitely had the time.


repolarization February 19 2008, 02:34:08 UTC
Ginji was cheery, even though he knew he had missed all the fun. He sat in the Arts and Crafts room, prepared to make something. Maybe he could put it in his room. It might make it more cheery or something.

He refused to let this place get to him during the day, so instead he focused on pretty paper and glue and tried not to get anything stuck on him.


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