Day 30: Staff, Morning

Feb 14, 2008 03:14

Burly orderlies and agile Calm Effect nurses flooded the cafeteria from the Courtyard while regular hall nurses filed in from the Sun Room and ushered out those not involved in the rebellion. It indeed seemed as if Landel was sending out all the cavalry, and an effective cavalry they were: The riot didn't continue for much longer after the alarm ( Read more... )

diva, raine, axel, anya, kagura, edward elric, saber, tyler, nia, danny phantom, ken amada, mason, allen, jack skellington, simon (gl), clark kent, angel, zelnick, misa, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, signum, artemis, raiden, knives millions, harry, mello, rena, hikaru, matsumoto, ion, xellos, heiji, peter petrelli, yohji, archer, ritsuka, zuko, farfarello, zoro, okita, takaya, mozenrath, sanosuke, hitsugaya, haku, yukari, wolverine, nathan petrelli, willow, haseo, kunzite, rubedo, sanji, rhode, rinali, obi-wan kenobi, kenshin, bella, siegfried, adelheid, tenchi, kaito, fayt, momo (xenosaga), sora, heiderich, saïx, usagi, luffy, reinforce, ashton, seishirou, river, birkin, reno, albel, keman, amelia, mark, rukia, edgeworth, itachi, sousuke, faust, max, roland, harley, peony, argilla, kenren, dib, hanyuu, armand, kairi, hinamori momo, zelgadis, vlad, roy, frey, cid, fai, cloud, leon magnus, sai, sasuke, schuldig, daemon, aidou, sierra, falis, beatrix, edward cullen, brooklyn, ashe, scar (tlk), hisoka, gin, omi, rangiku, subaru, sanzo

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fly_petrelli February 14 2008, 16:51:22 UTC
Just as Nathan had been more than prepared to take a punch from the asshole standing over Claire, all hell had broken loose, sparing him from a bruised face but separating him from his daughter at the same time. He'd tried to reach her, tried to do something to protect her, futile as it might've been, but there'd been nurses between them in an instant, and what could he hope to do? Take a few hits for her if things got bad? Nathan wasn't a fighter, and he never had been. Not like Peter was ( ... )


fly_petrelli February 21 2008, 21:13:37 UTC
Two pilots from two different worlds. Nathan supposed it made sense that he had no idea what a Shin-Ra P56 Monstrenco was, though he imagined that, unless Gaia or whatever was drastically different from his own home, they were used for the same end.

Really. War stories and technological babble wasn't really his expertise.

"I guess we're not. But flying's flying, right?" Even though he was all to aware that that was hardly the case in personal experience.


dawning_dreams February 22 2008, 04:16:38 UTC
"Damn right," Cid managed a smirk, and though he wanted real bad to ask for gross detail on what an F-15 Eagle was, he held back for the sake of his pride. The man was his roomie, after all, which meant they'd probably be seeing a good amount of each other unless Nathan disappeared ominously like the last guy.

"So, I'm guessin' from what you said that you still fly now, right?" Cid asked as he leaned against the wall on the side of his bed, trying to look calm and cool even if he still felt really damn excited.


fly_petrelli February 22 2008, 20:53:54 UTC
Nathan had to laugh at that. It was possible that, if he spilled the beans, Cid would be interested, even a little envious, considering how much he obviously loved to fly. Still, reservations remained ever-present, the result of a long, long time spent ignoring and holding back and wishing his ability would disappear for the sake of his career. Nathan just sighed.

"Yeah. I still fly." He probably didn't even have to ask whether Cid did or not.


dawning_dreams February 23 2008, 14:47:29 UTC
[ On second thought ::so fickle:: I figured out another topic Cid would pursue in the conversation, so if you want to backthread until nightshift, that could work! Or ending the convo could too. Either way, YOU KNOW I'M COOL WITH ANYTHING. <333 ]

"That's great," Cid grinned, absentmindedly reaching into his pants pocket for a cigarette that didn't exist. The pilot stared down at his empty palm as he pulled it out again, wondering what amount of relaxation he must've achieved if he'd forgotten, even for just a split second, the craphole situation he'd landed himself in.

In any case, even if the guy was in politics, he still flew, so... heh, he could still be an asshole; pilots tended to be arrogant dicks as far as the stereotype went, and ...well, Cid's own personality wasn't helping the cause ( ... )


fly_petrelli February 26 2008, 19:51:37 UTC
"Oh, just the usual," Nathan replied casually, with a grin that would probably imply that he was kidding. "Guys flying through the air, women punching holes in walls, office workers learning how to travel back in time..." His tone turned somber again as he realized he was in the same boat, wishing against all hope that there was some way...

But you couldn't get do-overs like that. Not in his world, not in this one. The hard truth of it was plain as day. He sighed again, for at least the thousandth time that hour.

"I haven't heard of anyone bringing the dead back to life, though."


dawning_dreams February 28 2008, 11:19:28 UTC
"Right, right," Cid snorted good-naturedly in response to Nathan's joking, waving a hand at him as he looked away. The pilot didn't really notice the other man's expression turn somber, instead arching a brow thoughtfully and beginning to ramble himself. "Though I gotta say, in my world, one of my buddies, Tifa... man, she could punch through that and worse, and then I guess we have, y'know, sentient alien plagues, but..."

The pilot trailed off from his interruptive muttering as soon as Nathan added his last sentence. Cid blinked at his roomie, looking simultaneously amazed and dubious.

"Wait, y'serious?" As far as Cid's life experience went, he himself had some pretty sweet jumping skills, and then Tifa could kick ass, and then there was the sentient alien plague, but aside from some Haste-casting to speed movement up, he'd never heard of anyone achieving actual time travel.

So if Nathan's world actually had that... well, it could clear shit up, that was for sure.


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