Dec 07, 2006 17:33

While Arts and Crafts wasn't all that bad, Gray Fox was greatly relieved when an intercom announced Lunch. He had almost reached the point where he was going to start eating more of the building materials ( Read more... )

carnage, scholar ling, qui-gon jinn, axel, edward elric, obi-wan kenobi, xigbar, karasu, lust, dias, adelheid, snake, riza, azel, larxene, rufus, luffy, naminé, river, yazoo, albel, reno, tamaki, hakkai, ichigo, luxord, kuronue, hojo, hikaru, hughes, greed, roxas, phoenix, yohji, elena (ffvii), simon, fox, vincent, roy, mal, kaylee, cid, lyta, cliff, takaya, aerith, sasuke, schuldig, darman, kadaj, barret, inara, eddie brock, zack, nowe, kiden, renji, rubedo, sanzo

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gun_fire December 7 2006, 20:28:31 UTC
As her nurse escorted her, asking her how her first therapy session had gone, Riza began to wonder towards which side of the spectrum the other staff fell. Her doctor seemed closer to the patients than to whoever was behind all of this, but what about the nurses? Were they genuine ( ... )


lustful_thing December 9 2006, 16:31:00 UTC
"They call all of us by wrong names," Lust said, twitching her shoulder in a half shrug. "It's what they do. And then at night all of the monsters come out." She chuckled some, a deep and throaty sound.

"You'll get used to it. Well, I sincerely hope that you can fight without that ability of yours, Sasuke, or have found someone who can. This place is very dangerous to those who can't defend themselves. Very dangerous indeed."


sasuke_of_sound December 9 2006, 20:36:14 UTC
"Monsters," Sasuke said disbelievingly. He'd seen his fair share of beasts, training under Orochimaru, but monsters? "What sort of monsters?"

And -- "Has anyone tried escaping?" He asked. It surprised him that Lust hadn't mentioned it yet. The place didn't seem particularly well-guarded -- the medics scattered throughout the lunchroom looked about as threatening as his now-soggy lunch. "There has to be an entrance somewhere."


gun_fire December 9 2006, 23:05:35 UTC
As Riza listened to the boy's questions, she found herself feeling almost lucky that there were others here whom she recognized, others she felt she could trust. Were it not for them, she knew she'd be far more susceptible to the apt madness this place seemed to breathe.

But she hadn't yet been exposed to the worst of it. From everything she was hearing, she wasn't looking forward to nightfall. She was brave, and she was capable, but these were no usual opponents, and she was likely to be without an effective weapon for at least a little while.

She sighed quietly, finishing the last of her lunch, which was cold by now. Even cold, however, it was energy she was likely to need.


lustful_thing December 9 2006, 23:52:12 UTC
"People try escaping every night," Lust explained. "I don't know of anyone who has accomplished it." She rested her cheek in her hand, leaning against the table. "You'll need a weapon to do anything in this place."

She turned to address Hawkeye as well now. "The kitchen's always a good place to find blades or metal. I believe your soldier friends can give you more information - I have my weapon and have no need of others."

What monsters. Why did everyone ask that?

"Giant creatures that hunger for human flesh roam these halls at night."


sasuke_of_sound December 10 2006, 02:09:17 UTC
Sasuke's frown deepened as he glared thoughtfully at the table. So this place has stronger security than I'd expected, he thought. If I had to guess, I'd say that there's a powerful genjutsu that makes the building change, which means that without my chakra, I'll have to get around it in another way.

"Thanks." He remembered to thank Lust for her information, and realized that he now owed her. Addressing the Lieutenant this time, he asked, "There are more soldiers like you? From what army?"

He likely hadn't heard of it, whatever it was called, but it was worth a shot.

Hungering for human flesh -- Sasuke resisted the immature urge to roll his eyes. It sounded like one of Orochimaru and Kabuto's less useful experiments, that was certain. "Do they have any powers?"

[Dude, LJ, wtf. I was definitely in the right journal. ;____; SO SORRY.]


gun_fire December 10 2006, 16:23:46 UTC
She nodded to him when he addressed her. "From the army of Amestris. But it seems as though the people here come from a number of . . . different worlds. Even different times within the same world." She glanced to Lust, realizing she hadn't asked what time she was from.

As Sasuke spoke again, she waited for Lust's answer. She would need to know this, as well, though it was probable that the extent of the monsters here, and their abilities, was not easy to pin down.


lustful_thing December 10 2006, 17:39:33 UTC
"The monsters? Quite possibly." Lust shrugged. She had never paid that much attention. "I haven't encountered all there is to encounter in this place. There have been rumors of creatures that have abilities and powers, but I've never seen any myself. Those that I know are quite strong physically, and very fast."

She turned to Hawkeye, understanding there was a question there. "I came here shortly after the fall of Liore," she explained. "I was working with Edward against my Master, and then I was here."


sasuke_of_sound December 10 2006, 17:57:45 UTC
Different worlds again. He and Yohji had come to that conclusion, but he'd found it ridiculous and suspected that Yohji had, too. Sasuke wasn't sure what to do with this new information -- if he let himself think about it, he'd be left reeling -- so he stored it in the back of his mind to dissect or ignore later.

"What sort of abilities are there in your world?" He asked the Lieutenant, genuinely interested. If there were a way to learn anything new, here, and if it came from a different world ...

Lust's answer to his question reassured him slightly. Physical attacks he was fairly certain he could handle; even if his chakra was useless, his non-aided speed was fast enough to impress even Orochimaru. Who knew, this could be a training opportunity. A thought occured to him, though: Lust seemed to know a fair amount about this hospital, but she hadn't come across everything here yet?

"How long have you been here?"


gun_fire December 11 2006, 05:25:20 UTC
Riza nodded to Lust, acknowledging her attentive answer with some gratitude. But she couldn't, just now, deduce how "shortly" after Liore's demise those circumstances had occurred. Either it was after her time, or she simply hadn't known about it.

She would have to pursue that clarification at a later time. "In our world . . ." Riza frowned gently as she paused. She actually couldn't be sure what made her world different, but she made her best guess. "Our world thrives on alchemy--changing the composition of matter. It's a science, so anyone can learn it, but some have more ability with it than others. There are more specific abilities as well, but those are confined to a specific group of people."

She made no indication of Lust, deciding it wasn't her place to say more. But Sasuke's attention seemed to have returned to her, anyway. Riza couldn't blame him for it.


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