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damned_doctors February 7 2008, 00:19:42 UTC
"Oh, there's no need to worry about that. You don't have to do anything in this procedure, really." The doctor pointed out to his patient. Luke's words may have rung some truth in them, but that didn't mean there were no other means to trigger his special little power. Improvising was always a doctor's specialty, so it didn't take much effort to hop over the hurdle and get the job done ( ... )


radiant_howl February 9 2008, 22:50:23 UTC
Luke knew that Asch wasn't being accusatory with his question, but he couldn't help but feel guilty, like he did something wrong anyway. He wasn't strong enough to resist that stupid doctor and whatever the hell he did...

"Y-Yeah... was forced in...to it," Luke ignored Guy's order to strain himself, and he seemingly waved off Claude's concern. When Guy tried to help the other redhead get up, Luke grabbed onto Guy's shoulder and tried to sit up as best as he could...

... which resulted him in spasming into another round of coughs. Jeez, it was so hard to breathe now that he thought about it.

"I'm... fine... really."


charredashes February 10 2008, 00:36:35 UTC
Forced into using it, huh? If they had forced something like that, then it meant that they had known what Luke was capable of. With that in mind, Asch had to wonder how much they really knew about their actual lives.

Regardless, now wasn't the time to be thinking about something like that. Once Luke was someplace safe (or safer, as Asch really didn't think any place was 'safe' around here) they could think about that.

Taking the cue from Guy, Asch placed his hands on his replica's back in order to help support him as he sat up. It was obvious from the coughing fit that even something as simple as sitting up was difficult given Luke's current state. Getting him out of this room, then, was probably going to be difficult.

"We'll do all the work, alright," the redhead said. "So you quit moving and shut up."


full_score February 10 2008, 07:19:59 UTC
"Easy, easy," Claude gently told Luke as soon as the redhead broke into another fit of coughs. He wasn't sure what a hyperresonance was, but if the Institute had forced Luke into one, and it was resulting in the separation of his fonons or atoms or whatever, he definitely didn't need to be straining himself.

Fortunately, Asch and Guy were helping him sit up. As much as Claude wanted to assist them, he felt like he'd just be crowding everyone if he pitched in. But he still feel like he should do something...After hesitating a brief moment, he shrugged off his Federation jacket and reached over enough to slip it over Luke's shoulders. If anything, he could at least help him be more comfortable, right ( ... )


razing_phoenix February 10 2008, 07:44:18 UTC
Even when Luke started coughing again, Guy made sure not to let go of him. He gave Claude room to place his jacket over the redhead's shoulders. Then, with Asch's support, he pulled Luke closer against his shoulder, edging him away from the table as he moved one arm down under his legs.

With that, he took a step back and lifted Luke up so that he was holding him altar style. Luke was definitely heavy, and he wouldn't be able to carry him on his own for very long.

"Come over here and take his legs?" Guy asked of Asch. If Asch was here, then he had to be willing to help, right? Even if it meant carrying the "replica." While he still didn't approve of the way Asch treated his friend, at least he was pitching in. It would have been pretty hard for just him and Claude to deal with this.

"Just try to get some rest, okay?" he directed at Luke. "But don't give in..." It was going to be weird if Luke started fading in and out again while he was holding him, but Guy tried not to worry about that.


radiant_howl February 10 2008, 18:07:19 UTC
"Th... Thanks," Luke smiled, looking around at everyone. He couldn't believe that they actually found him; but he sure was glad that they actually came looking for him. Part of Luke felt like he didn't deserve all the fuss that was going around. He should at least try to walk a bit by himself...

Of course, the mere thought exhausted Luke and he just clutched on the jacket that Claude had offered him. Huh, since when did Claude have one of these? It wasn't standard Landels clothing...

Damnit, if only he could just walk! But his legs were already feeling like gel and he was sure that he would just end up crashing on the floor.


charredashes February 10 2008, 20:00:18 UTC
"Yeah, I got it," Asch replied, moving so he was in a better position to get Luke's legs. He might've normally made a remark telling Guy to stop telling him what to do, but he wasn't looking forward to getting into an argument at the moment. Besides, it had been his choice to go with Claude and Guy in the first place.

Glancing over his shoulder to Claude, Asch asked, "How's it look out there?" If he and Guy were going to have to carry the replica out of here, then that meant there was only one person to fight should anything choose to attack them. Hopefully that thing was still preoccupied with those other patients, otherwise they'd have an even bigger problem on their hands.


full_score February 11 2008, 05:41:08 UTC
Claude had admittedly been a little worried about someone making some kind of uncalled for remark, especially given how stressful the situation was. Thankfully, it seemed Guy and Asch were doing an admirable job of cooperating, and he was a bit relieved.

"Not any worse than it was when we came," Claude answered Asch as he took another look outside. "I think we can make it if we don't mess around."

He glanced back at the others with a small nod. "Come on."

((To here. ))


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