Night 18: M40 Hallway

Oct 08, 2006 14:59

Haru woke slowly, feeling disoriented and very thirsty. The past day or two had passed in feverish dreams and vague snatches of memories. He'd been aware of a nurse in the room once or twice, but other than that, he had no real recollection of what had gone on or how much time had passed. The dark room, however, left little question about what time ( Read more... )

luffy, axel, adelheid, hughes, sora, rubedo, haru, eric draven, roxas

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Comments 69

felled_hero October 8 2006, 16:48:05 UTC
Hughes had spent most of the time locked in his room puzzling over his notes. He had been snapped out of his reverie by the sound of the Head Doctor over the intercom. And he sounded ( ... )


0ver_the_moon October 8 2006, 16:58:04 UTC
Haru's head turned at the sound of the loud whisper, his flashlight immediately swinging in that direction. His form was alert and ready for a fight, despite the casual appearance, and the metal pole still swung absently over one shoulder. His gaze narrowed at the sight of the man, but he relaxed when he recognized him, though he couldn't remember the man's name. He was from Lust's world, though, Haru was pretty sure.

"You're one of the soldier dudes, aren't you?" Haru called in return as he turned down the hall towards him, approaching the other man, his own voice somewhere between a loud whisper and a hushed call.


felled_hero October 8 2006, 17:11:30 UTC
"Yeah, Maes Hughes, Brigadier General." Hughes nodded and came down the hallway to meet the boy halfway. "You're... Kyo's cousin, right?" He could never remember the kid's name, and he wasn't about to identify him as 'that guy that turns into a cow'. That was just rude. There were too many names to keep track of, really. He wondered what the kid was doing out by himself. Probably the same thing Hughes was doing, heading out to look for people.


0ver_the_moon October 8 2006, 17:14:43 UTC
Haru snorted and shook his head. "He really needs to stop becoming so infamous," he commented dryly as he reached the other man and stuck out his hand in greeting, lips quirking into a crooked smile. "Yeah, I'm Haru, nice to meet you. Your name's Maze?"


rubbermancan October 9 2006, 00:32:39 UTC
When Luffy woke up, he felt oddly refreshed, which was a nice change compared to how he'd felt earlier that morning. His arm felt much, much better, and his eyes didn't ache with tiredness anymore. Instead, the pirate was well-rested, energetic, and ready to do more exploring while kicking some serious ass on the side. True, he'd been annoyed when the nurses had taken all the patients to their rooms earlier than normal, but Luffy was glad to have gotten the chance to get an extra nap out of the deal ( ... )


red_dragon_mode October 9 2006, 00:39:15 UTC
(( Coming from here ))Junior had managed to pass easily enough by the other people in his own hall, though he didn't want to admit that it was probably due to his height. But as the door leading away from the mens rooms came closer, he realized that he still didn't see Albedo anywhere. He decided to take a small detour and veer down the last hallway, but his mind was preoccupied and Junior barely saw the person right in front of him before running into them ( ... )


rubbermancan October 9 2006, 00:53:55 UTC
The pirate's gaze snapped down to the shorter boy as soon as he ran into him, but he laughed as soon as he realized who it was. "Hey!" he said with a grin. "It's you!" Luffy would have patted him on the back, but his hands were full from the flashlight and radio. Still, it was nice to see a friendly, familiar face, and Luffy was glad to have the company.

"Don't worry about it," he assured him, and he curiously stared around them. "The hall's kind of dark anyway, yeah?"

Upon hearing the redhead's odd set of questions, he barely bat an eye. "Nope," he chirped. "I haven't really seen many people since I talked to you this morning." Rubbing the back of his head, Luffy gave a small laugh. "Today was a little crazy! Anyway, why do you need to know? Are these guys friends of yours or something?"


red_dragon_mode October 9 2006, 01:38:31 UTC
"Yeah, the hall's kinda dark." He replied in a slightly sullen tone, looking around again. It would have been a bit difficult to find either of them, but he was determined to do so as soon as humanly possible.

"Well, I think that one of them, the white-haired one, was one of the ones that was just announced as a new patient. And...yes and no. One's a friend, and they're both my brothers. The white-haired one, Albedo..." Junior hesitated before continuing. "He died. He's my twin, and all our lives I could feel his heartbeat from when we were joined at the back, so I know he was dead. But now, I can feel the heartbeat again. I have to find him." He turned to face the entrance of the hall, but didn't start walking just yet. "...A piece of advice to you, Luffy: never get into a fight with your brother so violent that you could kill him easily. It might happen on accident. Want to help me look for Albedo?"


oblivionsky October 13 2006, 00:12:06 UTC
As satisfying as sitting around doing absolutely nothing could be, at the moment, Roxas was more inclined to be a little more active. He was glad that Sora accepted to move around more. Who knew? Maybe they'd find something interesting.

When Sora offered him his hand, he couldn't help but give it a strange look. It wasn't exactly something that Roxas was used to. But he took it anyway, using it as leverage to pull himself up. That accomplished, he quietly slipped out into the halls.

"Again?" he repeated when he heard Sora's question. He vaguely remembered someone saying something about that, but he hadn't been there long enough to tell the difference. It was a little frustrating ot hear what little he knew about the layout of things had become obsolete, but it was nothing that couldn't be worked through.

[From here]


scintillatingly October 13 2006, 00:33:18 UTC
"This is the second time they've changed things around on us," Sora explained with a small sigh. He didn't want to think about it too much, since that would only lead to pointless frustration. And considering the intercom had been particularly chatty (to an irritating degree) that night, Sora would rather focus on remaining calm.

Thankfully, he was good at that sort of thing.

"Last time it was a lot more severe, though. The building got really damaged and we lost some people along the way..." He trailed off slowly, frowning as he started down the hall where he'd originally come from--the other direction would merely lead to more rooms.

He hoped everyone was okay. What if... what if Riku... or...

Well, he wasn't going to jump to conclusions.


bond_off_lame October 13 2006, 01:32:42 UTC
[Coming from Here]

Managing to avoid a sticky situation by sheer luck, Axel had sprinted back the way he came from, not really paying attention to his surroundings until he finally realized that he had came back to a nearly identical looking hallway from the last two he had been in.

The redhead sighed, about to turn around and go back the way he came from when he heard a pair of voices spring up nearby. Usually, he'd just ignore them and continue on, but these in particular were uncomfortably familiar. And after a more thorough investigation it proved his assumptions correct.

"... Sora. Roxas." He attempted to show off his usual grin, but it kind of fell short and turned into a grimace instead.


oblivionsky October 13 2006, 02:17:28 UTC
Roxas opened his mouth, about to reply to Sora, but before any words could escape his lips, he heard his name being called from somewhere close-by. He automatically turned to face the new speaker, only to catch sight of Axel's grin just as it fell into something less than pleasant. And it wasn't exactly all that reassuring considering the conversation they'd had the day before ( ... )


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