Nightshift 27: Second Floor Hallway, Between Railing and SC Final Prep Area

Oct 11, 2007 15:27

[from over here]The area he had traversed only yesterday was empty, devoid of the wicked phantom and her godawful touch. Still, Aidou couldn't help but to be tense when passing through - he kept watching the stairs and the people behind him more than anything else. Better sense told him she was no longer there, but the part of him that was just ( Read more... )

fai, snape, aidou, gabranth, larsa, kain, harry, l.a., riza, celes

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Comments 30

always_a_victim October 11 2007, 21:51:21 UTC
[ From here ]

Kain's fingertips lifted from the wall as he came to the end of it. The last two doors looked like they had been broken in to; the second last door was the Pharmacy, and if people got injured it made sense that it was one of the first places to go for pain killers. Something to definitely keep in mind.

He turned to retrace his steps, absently thinking he should've brought something to write on, and froze.

Hanabusa. The shock of seeing his cousin standing right there kept him silent and still, but there was no mistaking it. He had grown up with him, knew nearly every physical quirk, and he had a very distinctive way of standing. The figure almost perfectly highlighted by the red light filtering in from above was most definitely Hanabusa.

Still, Kain hesitated, not quite trusting his eyes. There was only one way to find out for sure.

"Hanabusa," he whispered, volume pitched just high enough to be heard.


blood_and_pocky October 12 2007, 05:43:46 UTC
For a vampire not paying attention, another vampire's presence was like a intelligible whisper in the ear, raising the fine hairs on the back of one's neck. Normally it was hard to confuse the presence of someone familiar, to be caught off guard enough to be spooked, but Aidou was anywhere but in a good frame of mind.

And he thought 'enemy' and spun, eyes cold and red and merciless - kill whoever was trying to hurt him first -

It was only his name on the air that made him stop in mid-motion, just as he would have struck for the jugular, putting an abrupt and unnatural halt to the movement, like ice had taken route in his joints and frozen him in place. This wasn't Hinasaki Miku's inappropriate misuse of his forename, no, no one ever used his given name -

Except those closest to him, and that hurt in every fibre of his being, because that was Akatsuki, most definitely, no mistake.


always_a_victim October 12 2007, 19:40:19 UTC
As Aidou turned swiftly, Kain's hands flew up in a placating gesture, aborted before his cousin stopped moving. Time seemed to halt; the world continued around them, he knew it was, could hear people moving, but the only person that mattered was standing in front of him. The unnatural light only emphasized the strangeness to the situation, the surreality of meeting him here.

Something was seriously wrong.

Kain wasn't sure what made him think so, past Aidou's immediate, cut off attack (and it wasn't a surprise that Aidou's first response had been to attack him, considering), but there was something wrong. He'd have to tread carefully.

The first thing to escape was a sigh that spoke volumes of his relief and worry, fingers raking his hair back. "I was looking for you." He took one step forward, but no further, trying to measure how much personal space Aidou wanted.


blood_and_pocky October 12 2007, 19:59:00 UTC
His breath rattled, felt wet on his lips. Akatsuki, he wasn't an enemy... but familiar faces meant nothing - his body wavered between relaxing and tensing further, caught on a fine and dangerous edge.

Slowly, gingerly, he dropped his arm. Fingers curled into a loose fist.

He didn't move at the approach, didn't say anything - didn't think his voice would be steady - but his eyes remained crimson, an inhuman glitter, evidence of Aidou's suspicion. Turning his head slightly, he examined Kain, lips twisting into a indecipherable little frown.

That was his cousin's presence, a blood relative, and it felt disgustingly wrong to be accusing him silently, but there it was.


truthisntsimple October 13 2007, 13:02:28 UTC
[[From here]]

Severus stopped to make sure Harry (and the others) had kept up. He couldn't help but feel very very cold suddenly at the sight. Everything was bathed in a red glow more prevalent now that they could see the moon. Something wasn't right. Something wasn't right at all.


gun_fire October 14 2007, 10:05:57 UTC
Riza turned to count the other three of her group, relieved that they were still together. She had been in tense situations before, even situations that were inexplicably threatening, and yet this place seemed to do little else than find ways to unnerve ( ... )


blood_and_pocky October 14 2007, 06:06:23 UTC
[from here]

There were more people wandering around outside. The vampire lifted the corpse a little higher, enough that the sounds of dragging were quieted. With the glow from above, it was an easier task to spot a vampire in the dark, but he wouldn't make it any simpler for them.

The scent was all that was important. Just like with Bella Swan, he had to try and eliminate the problem before any creatures came in search of it. But in this case, the creature that wore his face was already dead and nothing more than a torn and bloody ragdoll - he certainly didn't care who stumbled across it, so long as it was nowhere near him. Or Akatsuki.

Akatsuki needed blood to heal; he had no interest in dawdling. With the same hand, he hefted the corpse onto the railing. That was his face, dead and twisted into a expression of agony, but it did little to move the real Aidou's blank expression.

Noting the appearance of the pyramid-headed creature, Aidou let the body drop and turned around again.

[trash dumping is over, back to here]


gun_fire October 16 2007, 07:46:48 UTC
[ from here . ]

Riza did her best to ascertain the safety of the hall when she stepped halfway into it, then looked behind her to be sure Harry and Fai came with her. She wasn't sure if they had noticed the danger, or the professor's indication of it, and so she could only hope that they did not protest.

She kept her flashlight on for now, not liking the idea of more darkness after what she'd seen--or thought she'd seen--inside the small room.


truthisntsimple October 19 2007, 05:51:16 UTC
He waited until his blurry vision caught sight of Hawkeye before slumping to the ground.


not_rly_fai October 19 2007, 14:03:47 UTC
The bottles he'd thrown did nothing to stop the approach of the creatures and in the end it seemed his warning to Harry was all for nothing. He wasn't sure what to expect when the thing took hold of his ankle. Would it tear him to shreds and devour him like the oni in the game? Maybe it was all just a game, just... a different storyline to this one. He couldn't imagine what kind of sick people would enjoy playing a game like this, but the possibility existed ( ... )


undesirableone October 19 2007, 20:38:40 UTC
Harry hadn't really known what was happening to him. He was attacked and then there was nothing...

Snape had rescued him, but after making out of the room there was no sense of overwhelming relieve for having still been alive. He felt cold, at least emotionally. This wasn't like the dementors at all. A dementor made you feel a lot. He felt nothing, cared about nothing. He was empty.

He was silent and unmoving. It didn't matter where they went or what they did. It didn't matter that his pockets were filled with Muggle medicine or that Snape was alive on the ground. He looked at his professor with a blank expression, ignoring the pain from where the monster had attacked him.


to_a_boy October 16 2007, 23:39:44 UTC
[ From here.]

L.A. limped along slowly, one hand firmly around his injured arm, the other holding the flashlight so he could see in front of him. He still had the vague desire to find some answers, as well as Ellis, so he stayed upstairs. However, he didn't know where upstairs the answers could be found. His slow movement through the hallways took on a random, aimlessly wandering nature.


to_a_boy October 17 2007, 00:03:11 UTC

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