Day 27: Library

Sep 29, 2007 09:18

Libraries, he'd found, were rarely as dull as people made them out to be.  Though he felt no magic in these tomes, they were still full of useful information.  Maybe some of them could tell him a little bit more about this world he'd landed himself in.

For that matter, why hadn't he run into any of the others yet?  They'd all been fairly close ( Read more... )

diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, edward elric, thursday, snake, mousse, sam winchester, utena, ginji, peter parker, luxord, artemis, raiden, harry, hikaru, xemnas, aya, sparda, usopp, integra, heiji, quatre, yohji, heero, phibrizzo, fox, zoro, kadaj, barret, haku, kratos, kain, l, bridget, renji, jack horner, rhode, homura, kenshin, dairine, siegfried, touma, malik, sora, saetan, luffy, ashton, river, leon (so2), claude, keman, birkin, kikyo, rukia, faust, sousuke, raven, ren, radical edward, guy, kimbley, kairi, byakuya, roy, wesker, valyn, fai, riku, snape, sai, sasuke, daemon, statesman, gin, hisoka, rangiku, scar (tlk)

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Comments 1086

screwthegods September 29 2007, 16:07:42 UTC
[Waiting for Gin and Rukia]

A field trip, with the infamous Martin Landel serving as a guide, no less. Homura's interest was peaked, wondering just what the venture would entail, and of course, if it would provide an opportunity to escape.

No doubt it would be interesting.

But at the moment, there was business to attend to, or shortly would be. Homura headed to the library, staying near the door where he would be visible, and watched for those he intended to meet. No doubt it would be an interesting shift in the end, considering what details Homura intended to share.

Hopefully he could end his day with success.


traitors_smile September 29 2007, 16:51:10 UTC
The library was thankfully much quieter than the bubbly conversation of the cafeteria. His headache was in full force and he rubbed his temple briefly as he entered the room. It was still fairly empty. Though Homura was already quietly waiting.

Gin took a chair at Homura's table, reversing it so he could sit a little more comfortably. "I take it y'got somethin' nice for me, ne? That or you jus' wanna ask a couple more pointed questions."


haiiro_no_chou September 29 2007, 16:55:01 UTC
Lunch had been surprisingly pleasant, and Rukia felt like she had made a new friend in Keman. He seemed like a sweet young ma-- young dragon. With a final squeeze of Renji's hand, she had gone off with a nurse. Peeking into the sun room, she didn't see anyone fitting Homura's description, so decided to check the library ( ... )


screwthegods September 29 2007, 17:01:03 UTC
Homura grinned at Ichimaru as he sat. "I do, but the payment can wait until later. And there is the reason why." The war god looked towards Rukia, having seen her come around the corner. Seeing her reluctance, and having seen her with Renji enough to be able to guess why, he called out to the woman.

"You're the one from the common board, are you not? Don't be shy. Come join us." He motioned to the chair beside him, at least kind enough to put himself between the pair.


hack_ed September 29 2007, 16:18:34 UTC
Ed paid careful attention to the bodiless voice as the nurse finally let her out of the cafeteria. Field trip? Out of the crazy-place? Something sounded fishy about that, but it would certainly be informative. And potentially fun!

However, the more immediate thought was: a library, how useful! But Ed did not see computers here either... how disappointing. As the girl wandered around the bookshelves she saw a lot of titles she was familiar with, but most of them were quite dated. She also noticed quite quickly that part of the wall stuck out to meet some of the bookshelves. What was the point of that? Hmm... further examination of the architectural anomaly revealed nothing of interest ( ... )


heraldric September 29 2007, 18:24:11 UTC
And he had been enjoying his conversation with the other Leon too! The nurses always seemed to drag him away just when he was getting somewhere. Such a nuisance!

At least they were headed somewhere interesting for a change. The library! He couldn't wait to see what sort of books even a prison like this held. As this wasn't his world, even the most mundane of books would probably be something he hadn't seen.

The nurse leading him didn't seem willing to let him go off on his own first thing, however. Instead she lead him over to some small red-head he hadn't seen before, a newer patient most likely, and told him to get acquainted. What was wrong with letting him choose his own friends?

He thought of walking away once the nurse had taken her leave, but that would have been rude. Instead he muttered "Um.. hi," before turning his attention to the shelves.


hack_ed September 29 2007, 19:01:05 UTC
"Hi!" replied Ed brightly, admiring this new person's hair. Pretty pretty blue! And they were a kid too, which was a nice change from the adults she'd met so far. She stuck her hand out to await a handshake as she introduced herself.

"Ed is very pleased to meet you!" She skipped the long version of her name for now, that could always come later. This person seemed kind of shy. Best not to completely overwhelm them.


heraldric September 29 2007, 19:20:16 UTC
It took a moment for Leon to realize that there wasn't a separate 'Ed' that the red-head was introducing him to, but that he or she was in fact referring to himself of herself in third person. Though 'Ed' seemed like a male name, the kid's voice made it difficult to tell. He supposed he should ask, as uncomfortable as that would be, so that he didn't start thinking of this new person as an 'it'.

"Er, likewise," the boy replied with a nervous smile. "The name's Leon. Are you" a boy or a girl? "new here?"


hellmunchkin September 29 2007, 16:25:52 UTC
Phibrizzo was happy to see the end of lunch roll around. The incident with the fat man had been too close for his liking, though Gluttony had been sedated before he could cause much a scene. Hiding out in the library would be convenient as well- he would bury his face into a book and scheme whilst pretending to read. Hopefully the book alone would be enough to shield him from the Chimera's roaming eyes.

Still, to be safe, he barricaded himself into a corner that was Zelgadis-free at the moment. Pulling up a random book of poetry, the Mazoku lord attempted to blend in and go unnoticed.


axe_of_oath September 30 2007, 15:18:11 UTC
It wasn't until Gremio stepped into the library that he realized just how long it had been since he'd been around so many books. He'd never been particularly bookish as a child--growing up in a fishing village like Kirov meant less time to read in favor of more time out on his father's boat. And after he joined the military, well... there just hadn't been any time at all for that. He'd read to Tir when he was a little boy, certainly, and he'd probably thumbed through more cookbooks than most housewives, but that was about all ( ... )


hellmunchkin September 30 2007, 15:32:32 UTC
Phibrizzo peered over the top of his book, sweeping the area and making certain Zelgadis was nowhere to be seen. Once convinced of this, he lowered the tome and presented a most amicable smile. "Sure, mister! I would love the company!"

...and the shielding. If Gremio was there and Hellmaster scooted over slightly, the only angle anyone could see him from was...


axe_of_oath September 30 2007, 15:48:54 UTC
... Oh sweet lord, now Gremio's mother senses were tingling.

"Ah... thank you very much," he said, smiling warmly as he took a seat next to the boy. He couldn't help but wonder, though. Just how old was this boy? How had he ended up here in the first place? He certainly hoped his case was a rarity; it was bad enough for young girls like Miku and Haruhi (both Haruhis) to be stuck here, but for an actual child...

"If you don't mind my asking, what's your name?"


myopic_mousse September 29 2007, 16:36:32 UTC
Mousse decided that if he was going to have to bide his time until night, he might as well find some way to do it. When the intercom announced that the library was an option, the myopic Amazon saw no reason not to accept. However, on his way from the cafeteria, a nurse put a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Stipe," she said sternly, "Please leave the dining utensils here."

Mousse blinked. How did she even know he had pilfered some? Maybe she didn't, really. Pretending he knew nothing of what she was speaking, he insisted she had to be mistaken. In turn, she slid a hand swiftly under his shirt and produced three forks.

"We wouldn't want to hurt anyone, would we?"

Incredulously, he stalked into the library to join the other patients. How was it that his techniques were so easily seen through and when could he get his hands on some weapons?


g_resolution September 29 2007, 19:04:07 UTC
Lunch was certainly interesting, William had to admit. He had been expecting something of value, but Wesker's request went far beyond that he could now see why he kept the other man around, even if he was annoying at times. Regardless, the doctor was hoping this coming night would be as equally interesting as lunch was, he did not look forward to wandering aimlessly in the dark.

After managing to convince his nurse to let him grab his notebook and a pen from his room, William allowed himself to be escorted into the library where he was seated next to a rather different... boy...? The long hair was common in this place, but it did not make it any easier to discern the sex of the people here


myopic_mousse September 29 2007, 19:10:07 UTC
Mousse glanced over at his new companion, not mistaking him for another or mislocating for the first time since his arrival despite his lack of glasses. "Oh, hello," He said simply.

Nodding slightly, he added, "My name is Mousse. Who are you?"


g_resolution September 29 2007, 19:14:24 UTC
Setting his notebook on the table and flipping it open to a blank page, William glanced up at the boy most definitely a boy before smiling politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm William Birkin." And very busy. He had to record the information he was told at lunch into his notebook in the very unlikely event that he forgot it.


stray_shinigami September 29 2007, 16:57:21 UTC
[has been reserved for Kairi, it seems]

Given the choice, Renji went for the library without hesitation. While other people didn't seem impressed with the place, the library contained a great many books that he'd never even seen, far newer than anything he'd had access to in Soul Society. (And Western ones, even.)

He didn't wander far from the door; he figured Kairi would just not see him in the sun room and head this way. For some reason he'd thought they'd be in the art room again. He grabbed a random book and opened it, leaning against the shelf as he read.


heartcrown September 29 2007, 17:16:44 UTC
“Renji? Reading a book? I’m surprised!”

Kairi’s amused voice came from behind her tall friend; her hands clasped behind her as a soft laugh escaped her lips. After finding out they were to go to either the sun room or the library, the copper headed girl picked the library first, thinking that she could always swing around and check the sun room afterwards. To her surprise (and luck!) she found Renji on the first go. What were the odds?

Moving to his side quickly, Kairi smiled up at her friend.

Only to look away a few seconds later when past memories dawned on her and she spun around, her back facing him now as her face flushed red. Oh no, this was going to be harder than she had expected!


stray_shinigami September 29 2007, 17:23:29 UTC
Renji closed the book when Kairi approached, though he didn't put it away. Holding on to it gave him something to do with his hands, which was good. And it had been an interesting book. "I do know how to read," he said. "I just don't do it much." Which was completely untrue. Most people just didn't realize that he enjoyed reading, and that was fine with him.

And then she acted weird.

"What," he said. "Do I have something weird on my face?"


heartcrown September 29 2007, 17:31:05 UTC
Taking in a deep breath, Kairi waited until her face stopped feeling heated, and spun around once again to face Renji, shaking her head quickly. “No, sorry. Don’t mind me.”

Kairi peered around the library in silence and awe, having never been in the room before. It was nice and quiet, and for a moment she wondered if she was speaking too loudly. She knew how strict people were when it came to the silence in … well, rooms that were supposed to be silent, so she understood why people would get so angry.

Smiling once again, the Princess tilted her head to the side, looking up at Renji with curious eyes. “How’re you?”


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