Day 27: Breakfast

Sep 19, 2007 02:24

Day came too soon.

Sora hadn't been able to find Rena, had instead been forced to crumple onto the grass of the recreational field and bleed all over himself, and hadn't even accomplished what he'd been sent out to do. What he'd been entrusted to do. He didn't know how he was going to be able to face Renji and the others, but he also knew he wasn't going to hide from them, either. That would just be low, after all, and he was ready to face up to the consequences.

He didn't try to make excuses for himself. Even though there had been a Special Counseling patient, they had managed to take her down by sheer numbers. The fact that he hadn't seen any sign of Rena was what had him the most worried. He hoped he could find her today.

The boy laid in his bed for a good while that morning before his nurse finally came in to collect him. She clucked over the bandages wrapped tightly around his chest and leg, and asked him if he was okay to walk.

Once Sora assured her he was fine (he didn't really want to use crutches, as that would just attract attention to himself, and he didn't need others worrying over him), they made their way to the cafeteria. Sora yawned and winced against the bright light of morning - it seemed even earlier than usual, and he realized why when they entered the cafeteria and found it empty.

The boy shuffled over to grab a chocolate chip pancake, a bowl of cereal, and a glass of milk (good for the bones, or so his mom had always told him) before settling at a table. He kept an eye on the door, hoping he would see Rena walking in soon.

kyon, axel, saber, haruhi fujioka, anise, suigintou, sam winchester, jade, naoya, allen, larxene, tk-622, mewtwo, asch, light, luke fon fabre, clark kent, zex, tsuzuki, ai, hiei, peter parker, luxord, artemis, hikaru, xemnas, greed, sparda, matsumoto, subzero, riddick, ken, integra, quatre, lord recluse, yohji, heero, phibrizzo, kanda, ritsuka, yuffie, fox, edgar, hijikata, farfarello, okita, masaru, kurikara, hitsugaya, kadaj, wolverine, l, renji, jack horner, rhode, homura, kenshin, bella, haruhi suzumiya, siegfried, cyrille, larsa, momo (xenosaga), sora, saïx, luffy, reinforce, ashton, leon (so2), river, birkin, keman, claude, reno, albel, ami, kikyo, mark, rukia, mion, sousuke, roland, javert, max, peony, raven, celes, alucard, hk-47, ren, kenren, yuber, guy, kimbley, armand, kairi, nadine, roy, urahara, wesker, valyn, cid, cloud, leon magnus, relena, sai, schuldig, daemon, aidou, ururu, statesman, kaoru, ashe, eddie brock, scar (tlk), gin, hisoka, omi

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