Nightshift 26: M60-M70 Hallway

Aug 24, 2007 04:47

Now on a full stomach, Guy felt a lot better about what laid ahead of him. It was going to be difficult to have to watch over both the emperor and his companion (though it was possible she could fight on her own), but they might just get lucky and find something of interest. He had to keep a good attitude about this ( Read more... )

kyon, subzero, guy, kimbley, siegfried, hinamori momo, duo, waka, kon, naoya, demyx, light, seishirou, amaterasu, zex, hokuto, kurikara, signum, peony, hk-47, tatsumi

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Comments 114

icy_demise August 24 2007, 15:43:58 UTC
SubZero had just barely gotten the thing working when night arrived. He had carefully hidden the Game Boy back in it's hiding spot before heading out side.

He had to go find HK and then find the female patient block. Hopefully Logan would already be there, he didn't want to wait around with HK for everyone else to arrive.


arc_wrench August 24 2007, 15:53:30 UTC
HK didn't really want to leave the fun little DS and the game with the orange-armored being. But he wouldn't really have a chance to play with it during the night, and why pass up real killing for virtual slaughter?

He saw SubZero's distinct thermal signature down the hall and moved silently towards it. His roommate had taken one of his scalpels for fiddling with the primitive comm device, but he still had two more, as well as several pens and the glowstick. He was ready to kill things!


icy_demise August 24 2007, 16:02:40 UTC
"Ready?" It was a useless question, and HK would probably complain about it, but HK probably would have also complained if he hadn't said anything to the other assassin.

SubZero wondered where they would be going. Listening to the intercom, the place sounded dangerous. Then again, maybe they should try to take down one of the people that the man was talking about?


arc_wrench August 24 2007, 16:08:42 UTC
"Incredulous: You think you have to confirm whether or not I'm ready to go kill things? Of course I am!" HK couldn't quite work up the normal level of snark in his tone. The game had been too fun, and it made him even more eager to engage in some unadulterated violence.


budgetordie August 24 2007, 19:52:32 UTC
Dinner had made Tatsumi curious about Light's motives, but there was little time to think about that now. Rangiku and Xigbar (along with whoever else Xigbar brought along) would be waiting, and the man had no desire to be late.

He tucked his notebook into his waistband, and bid a brief farewell to Light before heading into the hall. Tonight, however, he was also wearing the coat, it's pockets convenient for placing the flashlight and radio he always took along when he needed his hands free. For now, he still carried the flashlight in hand, using it's light as he headed quickly to the appointed meeting place--or at least as quickly as he could, given the strange atmosphere in Landel's that night.


budgetordie August 24 2007, 20:26:08 UTC

rappigs August 24 2007, 20:47:37 UTC
What a wacky guy! That roommate of his - or at least Peony assumed that was a roommate. The guy smiled like he was constantly sucking on something sour. Hopefully he'd gotten a good look at the map before the lights clicked off and Peony grabbed everything (his bat, the ripped-out map, and the shine-tube,) fit that trusty baseball helmet on his head, then set out.

Still, he couldn't help but notice a certain .. heaviness to the air around him. Huh, that was weird. It was almost like he was swimming, in a way. ..Huh. Well, that didn't really faze him. It was Peony, after all ( ... )


razing_phoenix August 24 2007, 22:21:55 UTC
As Guy had stood there waiting, he had experienced that change in the air as well. It caused him to lean his weight harder against the wall and tense slightly. It was as if the air had closed in and tightened, and he couldn't really explain what that meant. All he knew was that it couldn't be good, and it was a pretty discouraging start to the night.

Peony showed up with his light and smiling as usual, which made the servant feel a little better about things. He pushed off the wall and nodded, trying not to look too amused at the emperor's choice in headgear.

"Yeah. Never got a hold of Luke and my roommate is sleeping, so..." He shrugged. It wasn't like he had any other plans. "But, is it just me, or does it feel a little weird tonight?" He knew the question was vague, but if Peony was feeling it too, he would probably know what he was talking about. Guy looked around the hallway as if he could find the source of the strange feeling.


rappigs August 24 2007, 23:20:39 UTC
Peony tucked the bat under his arm to wave his hand through the air in front of him. It felt almost like some really heavy humidity, except the air didn't seem wet, it was just - like it wasn't altogether.. air. Would they get used to it? Yeah, probably. Or maybe not, who could say?

Hmm. It couldn't be miasma - he didn't think anyway. Miasma wouldn't be colorless in the light, right? Not that he'd had the opportunity to see a lot of miasma. When the stuff had invaded, the palace had been surprisingly well closed off from that reminder that they were floating in the Qliphoth. Still, when he wasn't sneaking out of the castle, he'd been able to see how orange it'd made Grand Chokmah from the throne room.

"Hmm, it's just you," Peony said dead seriously, an utterly stony and un-Peony-like look on his face for a few seconds before he relaxed into an easy smile again. "Nah, I feel it too. Almost like miasma, isn't it?"

He blamed Saphir.

"Anyway, wanna get going?"


razing_phoenix August 24 2007, 23:47:26 UTC
It was difficult to take Peony's first statement seriously because it was so deadpan. Luckily, the man didn't leave him hanging for long, and at that comment about miasma, Guy had to pause and think.

"A little bit," he said with a nod. "But with miasma it felt more like the air was stagnant with something. This is just..." He wasn't quite sure how to describe it, but the subtle differences were there. Which was for the best, since he didn't want to deal with miasma ever again if he could help it.

Since there wasn't anything they could do about it since they didn't even know what it was, Guy decided he wouldn't let himself worry about it for now. "Yeah, sure. Are we heading over to the female block to meet your friend?" It made Guy a little antsy. Of course he knew that a female block existed, but he had wanted to keep away from it for obvious reasons. They hopefully wouldn't spend too much time there.


deathneverlies August 24 2007, 22:11:59 UTC
Duo was pleased to be awake this time when the doors unlocked, though he found the nighttime announcement a little odd. The head honcho sounded like some kind of deranged ringmaster. If this place was a circus, Duo figured Mr. Intercom should be the one driving the little car, not conducting the show.

But circus clowns aside without offense to poor Trowa, he had some friends to meet. He threw a flippant wave to his roommate before heading out the door. In hand, he had his flashlight and that quirky possessed radio, but nothing more. He did, however, tuck a few pens in the waistband of his pants. They were a piss-poor weapon, but it was better than nothing, at least.

Keeping the flashlight off for now, he guided himself down the darkened hallways, using his memory from the earlier day and the brief glimpses of the other patients' lights to figure out where to go.

[To here.]


expedites August 25 2007, 09:07:29 UTC
Well this place was fucking weird.

Kon was giving the place a weird look from his door, head poked out as he held the flashlight in one hand. He shined it down the hall one way, then the other, before flicking it off. Who knew what kind of things would be attracted by the light. He didn't retreat from the door, though, keeping a shoulder up against it to keep it mostly shut, minus where his head was poked out.

He'd already rummaged around his room, found the flashlight, pens, and radio. The radio was safely tucked away with pens and batteries, while he'd also grabbed an extra set of clothes. Monsters could attack, and while he might not change into the clothes, it was nice having extras that could be bandages in case of emergency.

Hopefully he wouldn't have a need for an emergency and would just be able to join up with Kyon without any problems.


bored_narrator August 25 2007, 09:16:31 UTC
[from here]

Kyon had done his best to get there as quick as possible. He kept a sharp eye on the room numbers, following down the hall. He had stopped at M35 to see if Tamaki was in, starting his little meeting. Finding the blond absent for the moment, he ran a little faster down the hall.

It didn't take much for him to make it all the way to the M70 hallway. He slowed down a bit and held out his flashlight. M70 should be right near the beginning of the hall.

He stopped seeing Kon's head poking out the door. He lowered his flashlight and waved him down. "Ready to go?"


expedites August 26 2007, 05:22:48 UTC
"Ready as I'll ever be. This place is just... 'fucked up' seems accurate." Kon frowned a little before he slipped out of his room, shutting the door behind him. He moved over to him quickly, holding his flashlight firmly in one hand while patting for his radio and batteries. Assured that they were there, he flicked the light on and shined it towards their feet.

Not even where he waited for his death and the death of other modsouls could compare to this place. It was just... scary, he'd admit. Dark and ... dark. A good way to describe it was that word, and it sort of set him on edge. Not that his nerves hadn't already been bunched up in the first place.

"Let's go before something that goes bump in the night shows up."


bored_narrator August 26 2007, 07:01:14 UTC
Kyon gave him a nod and moved his flashlight towards the hall, the way he came. He had yet to run into the monsters they were trying to avoid. He wanted to keep it that way.

"The room I'm heading to is just down another hall or so, we shouldn't run into anything," he said, honestly hoping more than he was actually sure.

His luck was begging for a Monster appearance. He just wasn't going to mention that to Kon.


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