DAY 26: Men's Showers (Second Shift)

Aug 09, 2007 08:28

Gluttony didn't want to leave his Lust, not after he'd just found her!  But the mean tasty nurses said he had to.  "You can't join her in the women's showers" was a bad excuse.  He didn't like the mean tasty nurses.  Maybe Lust would let him eat them later.  Still, he knew he would see his Lust again, and that was good.  He liked Lust.  She was good and beautiful and smart and kind.  Why did they have to take him away from his Lust?

Still, he would see her again.  And she would tell him it was okay to eat the tasty nurses, and that would be good.  His new friend liked eating people, too.  That made him happy to find a friend who shared a love for eating people.  Today was a very good day.

As he entered the showers, he stood under a shower head and opened his mouth wide to drink up the water.  It wasn't as good as eating people, or eating waffles that didn't scream when he bit into them so weren't nearly as good as eating people, but it was still swallowing something, and that made him feel better.

carnage, qui-gon jinn, xigbar, kougaiji, snake, sam winchester, jade, naoya, luke fon fabre, zex, tsuzuki, yazoo, hakkai, peter parker, luxord, xemnas, aya, greed, sparda, subzero, big boss, xellos, ken, lord recluse, yohji, kanda, fox, farfarello, gabranth, barret, wolverine, l, renji, obi-wan kenobi, homura, kenshin, siegfried, ravi, naoe, ashton, seishirou, zakharov, albel, reno, claude, birkin, jj, elfangor, dist, faust, javert, roland, zabuza, dean winchester, peony, alucard, hk-47, ren, robin hood, yuber, guy, kimbley, heat, armand, envy, soubi, wesker, cloud, schuldig, daemon, aidou, gluttony, gin, sanzo, captain jack, tatsumi

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