Nightshift 25: Cafeteria

Jul 15, 2007 17:37

[From Here]

Slipping into next room, Cloud allowed the door to click shut at his back as he looked around. Now this was a place he could easily recognize from his early days. This had to be a cafeteria, if the long tables and the arrangement spoke of anything. He had paid many of his days away in Boot Camp at arrangements just like this.

He padded silently over to the nearest table and ran his fingers across the smooth cool surface. The room was large enough to house a considerable amount of people, and he thought that he had not ran into anyone because most were in bed sleeping. Was he breaking some sort of rules by being up and about so late?

If he had been a younger man, he might have taken heed to that thought. As it was, he simply walked around the room until he found a door, leaning down to investigate what appeared to be a lock on the door. He ran his fingers over it, noting that it did not feel all that strong, and he could have sworn that his fingers came away with a red-ish dust on it. Rust?

Curiosity drove him to slam the butt of his flashlight into the lock at the same time he pulled. He was surprised when it gave so easily, and he stumbled back a step. He turned the lock over in his hand before pushing open the door.

Just like the old ShinRa days. Breaking and entering was a lifestyle apparently.

[To Here]

matsumoto, seishirou, demyx, axel, cloud, kikyo, xigbar, kadaj, max, kunzite, celes, excel

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