Nightshift 25: M31-40 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 12:10

Dinner had been great, even if he hadn't been able to get seconds or thirds. Luffy also generally liked to eat with company whenever he could, but it seemed his roommate had mysteriously decided to skip out on their meal tonight again. He didn't really understand it. After all, who in their right mind would skimp out on eating right before another nighttime adventure?

He didn't have time to dwell on that baffling thought for long, though. The Head Doctor's announcement marked the end of the day (he'd been here more than long enough to figure that out), and tonight he was practically itching to get out. After all, Usopp was going to run around with him tonight. While Luffy could be content to have adventures by himself, he'd actually missed his crew a lot since his arrival, and he was glad to have one of his closest friends around to have fun with.

Come to think of it, Usopp had wanted to meet with him tonight outside his room, right? Luffy didn't really like the thought of standing around and waiting for someone out in the hall. Not because of the threat of monsters, of course, but because it was just so damn boring to do that.

As Luffy stepped outside of his room with his flashlight in hand and his radio around his neck, he figured he could wait at least a little while for the sharpshooter to come around. He plopped down onto the floor, legs crossed and arms folded over his chest. Hopefully he wouldn't drift off to sleep -- or see something really interesting and wander off on his own. He couldn't make any promises, either way.

luffy, kenren, carnage, usopp, ken, darman, roland, faust, ritsuka, ravi, omi, aya, kurama

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