Day 25: Intercom, Evening

Jul 13, 2007 02:58

The intercom clicked on with its usual jingle, the Head Doctor's voice carrying with a bit more authoritative ease than it had earlier ( Read more... )

jack horner, raine, axel, homura, obi-wan kenobi, intercom, rock lee, adelheid, goku, larsa, suigintou, naoya, usagi, allen, ashton, naminé, reinforce, light, miku, zex, tsuzuki, reno, albel, hakkai, rukia, luxord, artemis, roland, javert, faust, dean winchester, raven, xemnas, hk-47, ren, subzero, yuber, fuu, usopp, ken, hinamori momo, lord recluse, farfarello, snape, sai, relena, takaya, masaru, hitsugaya, kadaj, gabranth, nurses, haku, hisoka, omi, renji, tatsumi, sanzo

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Comments 287

M21 itneverwas July 13 2007, 12:22:52 UTC
After the rather interesting lunch, Xemnas had requested to spend the remainder of the day in his room. If the Superior needed anything, it was some time to think about various matters. The Order, especially. But for tonight, he had decided to continue investigating the second floor. Hopefully, the little trip would yield more useful results than both the courtyard and the kitchen did last night.

After dinner was brought, the Nobody settled himself at the desk and began eating his meal.


M56 0bnoxious July 13 2007, 12:29:30 UTC
Albel was shocked to discover he had actually fallen asleep. It was only after a certain wench woke him up and escorted him back to his room, he had realized that he actually had dozed off. At the positive side, no maggots had bothered him with their stupid chatter.

However, it meant that the nightshift was nearing soon, to which the Elicoorian was definitely looking forward to. Hopefully, the maggot he would fight tonight wasn't some disappointing weakling. After all, it had been a while since the captain had some sort of excitement.

After he had gathered his weapons, he plopped down on the chair and began eating his dinner.


burningdigisoul July 14 2007, 19:49:42 UTC
Masaru left the Sun Room in much better spirit than when he had entered it. He was still a little annoyed at Roland from back at lunch, but until he saw the guy again, there wasn't much the boy could do about it. He'd just have to punch some sense into him later, right? The thought left the street-fighter grinning.

When he he to his room, it was already occupied. "You again, huh?" they boy muttered to himself. They hadn't talked very long the one time they'd actually met (it couldn't even be considered a conversation, really), but within that time, the guy had still managed to run Masaru the wrong way.

Whatever. He was hungry, and he'd be damned if he was going to have anything but a pleasant dinner.


0bnoxious July 15 2007, 09:20:33 UTC
"Hmph." Albel scoffed as he offered his roommate a slight glare, which would be the only sort of greeting the maggot would get. There was scum that just wasn't worth his time, and this kid definitely fell into that category. It was reason enough for the Elicoorian to not start any conversation.

Laying down his fork, he took a sip from his drink. Having to do things with only one arm was something that annoyed the captain greatly. If only he knew where he could find the worm responsible for this, he would have a great time spilling the doctor's guts all over the floor.


M8 tartaros_avatar July 13 2007, 12:30:59 UTC
Once his roommate arrived he could start getting work done. Rather than just stare impatiently at the door, Recluse started consolidating the encoded notes he had written out today, and began translating the promised notes for Haku into Japanese.

He was a little out of practice with the language, but he wasn't one who was prone to forget anything. He hardly looked at the page that he was writing out, eating his dinner with his free hand. When was that boy going to turn up? He had quite a lot of weapons to make tonight.


heavensequal July 14 2007, 13:02:13 UTC
Goku walked in about as late as he had the day before, though there was little excuse for it aside from oversleeping. Then again, that may have been the best one that could be provided, given that Goku was a heavy sleeper.

Regardless, Goku was now walking into the shared room. Immediately his eyes went to the roast and a wide grin broke out on his face. He didn't manage a greeting before he went happily to the pork, though he did mid-bite. "Hey," it may have been distinguishable, it may not have been.


tartaros_avatar July 14 2007, 19:36:34 UTC
"Good evening." Recluse set aside his notebook and went to one of the hiding spots on his side of the cell. He shut off the radio, which had been silently running current through a glass full of water and iron filings, and scraped an orange substance off the screws he was using as leads. This was rust acid that was going to be used for making thermite. There was already quite a lot of it at the bottom of the glass, but only enough for a small batch of thermite. He added more rust filings to the water, replaced the leads and turned the current back on again. He'd need to let it sit for at least another night to get enough for his uses.

And then on to other weapons... Recluse took out the hammer he had procured last night, along with a length of the angle iron he had taken from his bed frame. He had several blades to make tonight.


M64 arc_wrench July 13 2007, 12:42:49 UTC
'Mr. Cullen' was not happy that the nurse was being so embarrassing about this whole thing. No, he couldn't walk in a really straight line. Yes, he was still slurring alll his sentences. But did she really have to almost yell all of this to the general population? He was stoned off of an unwanted pain medication overdose, not deaf!

The nurse sat him down in a chair, put a tray of food (Urgh! Not again!) in front of him, put a fork in one of his hands and a knife in the other, asked him if he needed any more help with all of this ("Exashperation: I can put this disgushting shtuff in my mouth without yer help, meatbag."), then, only then was he left alone.

He stared at the food, a little suspicious that it might be starring back.

Today has been kriffing awful.


Re: M64 reanalyze July 15 2007, 03:09:02 UTC
For a first full day, Citan had found the hours to be rather unsatisfying. He hadn't learned anything new, hadn't gathered any further information. That was unsettling. He supposed he had a bit of a feel for the place, but nothing further.

Most disappointing.

Night would, perhaps, bring further opportunity. He waved away his nurse politely and made a line for his supper. At least they were well fed.

"And how are you this evening?" he asked his roommate, cocking his head and looking at him closely. Was the other man all right?


Re: M64 arc_wrench July 15 2007, 03:17:04 UTC
HK turned his head to blearily stare at the meatbag. "Shtatement: A cshertain meatbag thought it would be real funny to put pain medsh in my food. Lotsh of them." Vicodin, or whatever it was called. At least it was numbing all the bruises he had gotten today.


Re: M64 reanalyze July 15 2007, 03:19:46 UTC
"Oh dear."

Citan shook his head and clucked his tongue apologetically. "At least it was in your food - you'd be far worse off if you'd taken anything on an empty stomach." Drugs went to ones head far much faster that way.

"I'm sure the effects will wear off shortly."


M42 stray_shinigami July 13 2007, 13:19:52 UTC
Renji was already in the room when Hisoka had arrived; he'd spent the end of the shift there, just laying on the bed where the orderlies had dropped him. He'd only rolled over onto his side to face the wall; it made him look like he was asleep.

And he wanted to be asleep. He wanted to not be able to think any more, at all. And he wanted a shower, with water hot enough to scald the skin right off of him. And... a lot of other things. But mostly, to just not think and remember.

He'd made so many mistakes. And he'd been punished for them.


Re: M42 somber_secret July 13 2007, 14:50:45 UTC
From the minute he was dropped off at his room Hisoka could tell something was up. It had nothing to do with the tension that filled the room or the fact that Renji looked as if he could have had a much better day, even though his back was turned to him-- he had always been good with reading body language.

Alright, so maybe it did, but it didn't change the fact that the boy knew something strange was going on. His roommate was always the first one to get started on whatever and now he looked like a broken doll. A comparison the empath hated more than ever.

Without taking his eyes off his roommate, Hisoka took a small step further into the room.

"Hey..." What was going on?


Re: M42 stray_shinigami July 13 2007, 14:52:42 UTC
Renji looked up slightly, just enough to confirm that it was Hisoka, and that Hisoka wasn't standing anywhere near him. "Hey." He waved vaguely toward the desks, where dinner was sitting, then turned back to the wall. In the brief moment his hand had been up, the new scabs across the palm had been visible; they were just starting to go tacky. "'m takin' a nap," he said. Hopefully Hisoka would take the hint and leave him alone.


Re: M42 somber_secret July 13 2007, 14:54:37 UTC
Oh yes, Hisoka had gotten the hint alright, but being the stubborn 'brat' he was, he wasn't about to just back down just yet. The bastard had poked and prodded him (although not that much, so Hisoka would show mercy) about talking to others when he needed to get stuff off his chest. Was he about to ignore his own words now?

The brief sight of the nail marks in the palm of his hand only further convinced Hisoka that something had happened. Something beyond the usual fights that took place.

"Did you get into a fight?" He asked casually, keeping a sharp eye on his roommate's body language, waiting for something to give him away.


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