Night 60: Janitor's Closet

Jan 12, 2012 00:00

[Coming from here.]Daemon pushed the door open and let his flashlight beam illuminate the interior of the closet with a skeptical look. If there was any semblance of organization to the chaos within, he couldn't pick it out. Whoever was in charge of maintaining this place seemed to have haphazardly stacked all their supplies on dubious-looking ( Read more... )

renji, daemon

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Comments 9

stray_shinigami January 12 2012, 21:23:05 UTC
Renji watched Daemon open the door with a certain air of bemusement. "You know, I probably could've done that without kidou," he remarked. He peered into the closet, playing his flashlight around inside.

"Let me take a shot. I think we're both equally likely to not know what some of this shit is." He squeezed into the closet and immediately went for the mops. After a moment of inspecting the thing, he unscrewed the handle and passed it to Daemon. "There's a start, at least." He did that to a second mop and passed them out as well. "Oh wait. Pipes." He located the longest, which was about four feet long and held it out. "Dunno if this would be sturdy enough, to be honest. At least the sticks are solid."

There were other potentially useful things in the closet, but weapons seemed the most important.


bastard_sadi January 12 2012, 21:30:16 UTC
"Yes, I know," Daemon drawled, shooting Renji a dry look. "However, should we run into something nasty, it's better we use your strength rather than mine. Mine's better for close combat and it's rare that we stumble across something it's safe to get that up close and personal to."

He obediently took the sticks Renji handed out to him, eying them with a critical gaze. He was not as expert as Lucivar in weapons, but he had a good enough eye. "The sticks will be good. Perhaps there's something I can do to improve the pipes. Might want to do that when we're someplace safe, however. Knowing how fast Craft in this place drains me, I might not be much use afterwards. Still, it could be worth it for some useful weapons."


stray_shinigami January 13 2012, 04:58:57 UTC
"Hey, whatever you want," Renji said. He wasn't in the mood to bicker about something like that. There were much better kinds of bickering for them to spend their time on ( ... )


bastard_sadi January 13 2012, 17:33:35 UTC
Daemon picked through the tools thoughtfully, most of them strange and unfamiliar, but he did pick up a wrench and another instrument he didn't know the name for, but looked useful all the same. "This is closer to the size I'm used to working with," he admitted with a wry chuckle, eying them speculatively. "I might be able to do something with these as well."

He stepped aside as Renji slipped back out of the closet, making room for the redhead. "Satisfied?" he asked, his tone a little distracted as he eyed their haul and wondered if and how he could improve them.


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