Day 60: Intercom, Evening

Dec 15, 2011 00:34

The intercom jingled at its standard time, with the Head Doctor still in his over-the-top, jovial mood. It seemed not even the evening light could keep down the love he held for his job.

"Good evening, everyone! I hope your soul is filled with music from last shift; I know mine is ( Read more... )

sonia, sechs, guy, intercom, japan, scott pilgrim, rose (tvd), two-face, ritsuka, castiel, gren, sora, edgar, the scarecrow, maya, mikado, rei, okita, guybrush, daemon, peter parker, claire stanfield, loki, chipp, lana skye, kratos, rainbow dash, renji, kurama

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Comments 121

M21 bastard_sadi December 15 2011, 15:18:49 UTC
Normally Daemon would have fully enjoyed the dinner selection for the night, but the Doctor's little chuckle made his suddenly wonder if the delicious looking plate brought to his room was actually what they'd said it was. There was no way to probe it however, so after a moment of thought he sighed, sinking down on the edge of his bed and picking up the fork.

Whatever it was, dinner was delicious indeed, and after days of the pink gruel, this almost reminded him of home. Without the day of chaos preceding it of course, trying to keep the wolf puppies out of the kitchens while Mrs. Beale cooked, as any type of bird had quickly become the Pack's favorite. Kaelas might have been an issue as well, if the big cat hadn't been more afraid of being scolded by Jaenelle than any desire to pilfer dinner. The thought brought a small wistful smile to his lips as he worked on dinner.

He wished there was wine...


Re: M21 osoreirimasu December 16 2011, 03:15:56 UTC
Japan was wary of returning his room. After spending a blissfully...well, okay, it had been stressful and full of him standing at the bulletin board for far too long as he fielded questions from the patient populace about the division of the Institute grounds among the Nations, but it hadn't been quiet and that was enough for him. He'd only just begun to grow accustomed to the silence when it had been broken by the surge from home last night; and now it was gone again. The entirety of his country, stripped from him without a second thought, again. It was painful and while Japan didn't exactly enjoy being called crazy and being forced to field every sort of question as if the bulletin board had devolved into some ink-based 2CH, it had been noisy and had filled up the hole for a short while ( ... )


F22 loyalrose December 15 2011, 15:25:51 UTC
And that hadn't been at all creepy, Rose thought of the dinner announcement as she was escorted back into her room. She didn't touch her tray, even though the sight of it was certainly more tempting than the gruel had been. Instead, she sprawled out on her stomach on the bed and grabbed her journal, flipping open to the maps she'd copied down from the board today and set about memorizing it. She was tired of not knowing where she was going in this place when she finally got the chance. It was time to fix that.


selfnighted December 15 2011, 22:56:04 UTC
Someone sounded as if he enjoyed describing food. Perhaps the doctor-administrator's true calling had been a chef-novelist. The mental image was amusing, at least.

"I hope you aren't injured?" Maya asked as she took a seat at her desk. Really, though-despite the bloody mess Maya had witnessed last night, she still hadn't seen any of the alleged monsters with her own eyes. She was beginning to suspect she simply couldn't see them; though of course, she had to be attacked by one to know for sure. Perhaps she needed to wait in one place in the dark hallways for a few minutes.

All the more reason not to do it. Curiosity killed the... she thought, amused, as she looked at dinner. It did look good. That was one point in the doctor's favor, but if he'd expected anyone to treat tonight's meal with anything but caution, he was far too optimistic. On that note, Maya must be optimistic as well, to wonder what happened to the Radio Man. "Not hungry?" she asked Rose.


M14 stray_shinigami December 15 2011, 20:52:38 UTC
Well, the talk with Tolten had sure been weird, but it also felt like a sign that there were some things in this place that were basically... normal. Renji felt amused more than anything by the entire idea. Of all the norms there could be in the Institute, he supposed having weird conversations with kids was probably one of the best.

In the room, there was a pleasant surprise waiting for him - his uniform, sitting on the bed that he guessed was going to be his. Renji grinned at the sight. Sure, he still didn't have any weapons, but at least he got to wear something that it was easy to fight in. Since his roommate wasn't there yet, he stripped and changed his clothes, ignoring the dinner tray for now.

Just wearing his uniform made him feel better. It was stupid, but true.


M73 eventually complicatedliar December 15 2011, 21:10:45 UTC
Loki had found his talk with Rita fascinating and even a little enlightening. He didn't often get to have conversations like that. And it was odd, really, that there was turning out to be a definite up side to being kidnapped while falling through space to likely unpleasant death via spaghettification in a black hole ( ... )


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Re: M73 complicatedliar December 18 2011, 13:34:43 UTC
Loki watched the other man come into the room curiously, then wiped his mouth and stood. It was only polite, after all. "That would seem to be the case," he said calmly. "I take it that my presence is a bit unexpected? Unfortunately the nurses don't seem to care about any opinions we might have." He seemed more amused than anything else.

The other man looked human enough, though that apparently signified nothing here. He certainly didn't sound Aesir, which was really Loki's only concern. Anyone else could be dealt with easily if his touch was deft enough.


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scintillatingly December 16 2011, 00:39:23 UTC
In the end, Sora hadn't been able to ask Chipp all of the questions that had formed after hearing his story. He wanted to give Venom the benefit of the doubt and it had helped to talk to him over the bulletin, but he couldn't help feeling a little put out even as he was led back to his room. Maybe Venom really didn't think of them as proper friends after all ( ... )


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scintillatingly December 17 2011, 02:51:53 UTC
Three weeks was really nothing to sneeze at. Most people didn't stick around here for that long, and Sora got the feeling that this place had worn the other boy down in more ways than one, judging from the look on his face and the way that he wouldn't meet his eyes. Sora felt his own shoulders slump, mainly because he wasn't sure that anything he said could cheer his new roommate up at this point. The fact was that he wasn't whoever the boy was expecting, and that wasn't about to change ( ... )


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