Night 59: Men's Bathrooms (M41-M80)

Nov 02, 2011 18:27

[from here]

Exquisite. There was no other way to describe being in a hall one moment and then suddenly appearing in the restroom in less time than it took the rest of the Institute to take a breath. This place was dark as always and Grell grinned as he realized it didn't matter this time. A death god's eyes, nearsighted as they might be, were ( Read more... )

grell, nigredo, albedo

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falseblack November 10 2011, 19:59:28 UTC
There was something like a beat between them, a break in the flow of time. Nigredo watched as the other went through a string of shifts, as countenance contorted to faces quite unlike Rubedo. While the killer in Nigredo understood he was caught in the grasp of another and urged himself to act in defense, the child looked on, unmoved. The sword in his (known or unknown) brother's hands whistled through the air, and suddenly, he couldn't tell if his heart or his mind had been ripped in two ( ... )


purpletaint November 19 2011, 05:23:47 UTC
For all points and purposes, Nigredo seemed almost at ease; apologetic and understanding of the scenario--the largest shown emotion disappointment. Any other would perhaps be relieved, assured by another's ability to shift to the situation. Yes. Any other. Albedo bypassed suspicion in a moment--that fact that his sibling was not fine was the single element of clarity. If one said they had no sin, they would be deceiving themselves--the truth would not be in them. Just as well here. There were facts but not truth, and Albedo knew the difference, knew the edge between them as well as the ways to reach between the particles of time and space.

And here, the little darling would give promises. Promises he'd likely break in a breath as he had here. For hadn't he promised to live?

But you understand that more than me, right? I would have let him.

Do you want to kill me that badly? I'll let you, if you want ( ... )


falseblack November 20 2011, 23:09:13 UTC
There were many paths Albedo could have taken. Multiple reactions he could gloss over, enough factors to bring to ruin. They were what they were, and he wouldn't be wrong to let promises pass with his own brand of acknowledgment. Nigredo wasn't lying, but he must be getting bothersome. He had dealt his cards--all lackluster and empty in the way of will. To others, this would have been sufficient, but of course, Albedo would have none of it.

Thus, the youngest hadn't a clue. And what had come (a question and a smile) was dead last in his expectations.

His mind knew the quote before he could place the origin. Green eyes widened in surprise, the smile dispersing, and he found himself stuck in repeats. Isn't it? To have bloodily approved the ancient truth. Nigredo recalled with perfect clarity; for it, he could place blame on the entity laced in the waveform pressed against his. There was a shift here, and he couldn't say he knew the reasons. {It ( ... )


purpletaint November 21 2011, 06:45:52 UTC
And here, Albedo was able to see Nigredo. As he was without any of the masks at the moment. And what should he find at the center but hesitant insecurities and disbelief? Albedo wouldn't have thought it but here it was--there was need here, need of a kind that he understood. That one's actions or lack thereof were fine, because if those were not fine, you were not fine. And that was something that must be true ( ... )


falseblack November 21 2011, 07:30:49 UTC
He would say there was nothing to forgive, but the deed had been done. Nigredo was absolved. The sin of his weakness released. He had foreseen none of the results, and in fact, the child had anticipated heavy resistance for being who he had become. Its absence, therefore, struck a chord, his heart beating faster than could be counted. He wondered if he wasn't missing as much as originally thought. Questioned if what was in front of him was the very thing sought for.

(He didn't know what he sought.)

It was uncharacteristic. It was unsuitable for an exemplary U.R.T.V., but Nigredo wanted to know--fiercely, as evident by the hand that fisted in his brother's shirt as the other adjusted. {Even if I make a mistake?} he questioned. {Even if I'm something you shouldn't protect?} When he was better off obliterated from their lives, would Albedo forgive him for existing?

Such an act would place Albedo in a different sphere than Rubedo, and Nigredo wished to see another become steady ground.

An affirmation to desperately keep.


purpletaint November 22 2011, 06:37:18 UTC
Albedo halted in his movements, the want to shift and move dispersing at Nigredo's intent hold. His brother's eyes showing more emotion than Albedo had seen in days. Surprise skirted through the older Variant, showing clearly, then his expression softened. He leaned downward to repeat his action, lips pausing longer than before. Albedo shifted back, smiling at his brother. {I like you when you're open like this,} was the quiet thought, sincere and clear ( ... )


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