Erika stood back to survey her work, and she had no idea why no one seemed to care.
By 'no one', she was referring to the soldiers who were on guard, who should be looking particularly anxious due to the atmosphere of this place. It didn't make sense in her mind. Someone who just took up a large chunk of the middle of the Sun Room to build a
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What did the rest of his crew do with all of their free time? Plan strategies. Analyze data. Have very serious conversations about serious topics. He had no idea. It was moments like these which highlighted how painfully ill-suited he was to being a Starfleet officer. Give him things to shoot at, or an enemy to outpace using wits and determination, or a galaxy-saving mission to accomplish, and he would rise to ( ... )
At Billy's last statement, he looked up from his stolen bedding, eyebrows raising curiously. The sentiment, he didn't disagree with - or at least, Kirk didn't disagree he was "a little high profile," although that seemed to him the perfect reason to be kidnapped. It wasn't as if anyone from his world could find him, even if the whole Federation launched a search-and-rescue for himself and the abducted members of his crew. Why not grab the awesome people you could find in any given universe ( ... )
Now the thought made him wince. This, he didn't show Billy, because it wasn't the most curious thing the man had said. The Kobayashi Maru? Kirk pushed the armchair in place alongside the couch while his mind turned this information over. Assuming Billy's knowledge of Starfleet didn't come from low-budget television shows, no one but a fellow Starfleet cadet would know about him and the Kobayashi Maru. Assuming it did... Jim had no idea. Did the other Kirk beat Spock's test too? ( ... )
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