Nightshift 24: M1-M10 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 11:42

Recluse was glad that the Head Doctor didn't waste his time tonight. He held the pepper spray he had acquired last night in his left hand, sharpening steel in his right. He moved purposefully down the dark corridor, keeping silent ( Read more... )

ren, sakura, naruto, rock lee, lord recluse, goku, sora, roy, usagi, luffy, cliff, yazoo, relena, otacon, kadaj, haku, eddie brock, alec, hughes

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Comments 77

gotahunch June 3 2007, 02:33:29 UTC
As usual, Cliff left as soon as the door unlocked. His roommate didn't seem like he needed the company so he was more than happy to snatch his things and go. Waiting around just meant picking up an unwanted guest.

[Going here.]


heavensequal June 3 2007, 13:52:56 UTC
"Son Goku," Goku introduced. Then something happened, roommates probably did things, and overall a bunch of big "???"s came up over whether or not more occurred. One thing was certain though, Goku ate his dinner. If nothing else, there was that. When, where, how? That was part of the big "???"s. .. Except for the last two, where would be in his room, how would be with his mouth ( ... )


the_clown_king June 4 2007, 22:31:42 UTC
Still no sign of any of the others. Tamaki was starting to get nervous, he was out of hallways. He was going to have to venture out into the main part of the hospital...

Well! He had his sword! And he was sure to find someone soon...

(to here)


littlestrawdoll June 5 2007, 02:54:36 UTC
[from here]

It seemed like M10 was at the end of the row, and depending on how many there were in total, with two to a room, it did equal a potentially large number. Ren frowned. He'd grabbed the flashlight that had been under his pillow, but hesitated to turn it on. Light in darkness was not necessarily a good thing.

What people were in the hall all seemed so young...

"Who exactly is this person you're going to meet, Alec-san?" he asked.


blacksustenance June 5 2007, 02:58:01 UTC
[Coming from hereOkay, so maybe his sense of direction wasn't as good as he thought. In his defense, though, it was dark and dammit, all these halls looked the same if you got turned around. Eddie Brock was pretty sure he hadn't been near this section of the male patient cells before, but one door looked like another and the only thing he had to go by was the fact that the faces he could make out didn't really look like anyone he knew ( ... )


janus_006 June 5 2007, 03:02:38 UTC
"His name's Javert," Alec said. He was glad that Ren hadn't turned on his flashlight. It was always better to develop night-sight than rely on lights. One could see with light, but also be seen by that same light. And given the rumors of monsters around...he'd rather not be seen, thank you very much. "He's...he was, rather, a French Inspector of Police. A good man to have as an ally, wouldn't you think?"

Of course, Javert would probably wonder why he'd brought his roommate. Well, fine. Let him wonder.

A man was approaching them, one Alec hadn't seen before. He was smiling, trying to look friendly. A monster? Probably not...anyway, monsters probably weren't supposed to talk (and he figured that they'd be more intimidating at any rate). He noticed that the newcomer kept his voice low, and decided to do the same. "Yes, it's still M block. This is the M10 end."


littlestrawdoll June 5 2007, 03:31:37 UTC
Javert, a French Inspector. Was a French Inspector. Ren couldn't say he was either pleased or displeased that the man had worked for the police; if he wasn't on an information gathering assignment, and he wasn't actively in a contract, then his main priority was more or less to discover just how to get out of here. Or more importantly, how he'd gotten here in the first place, and what had happened to keep him restrained in human form ( ... )


141point12 June 14 2007, 15:52:06 UTC
[ From here.]

The hallway was indeed clear when Snake and Otacon made their way out, and empty except a small group of- "Kids," said Otacon, not knowing why he was still surprised to see people no older than sixteen. He'd met more kids here in the last few days than adults, which shouldn't be surprising considering the source of most of the "characters" here.

He was willing to bet those kids could fight better than he ever could. In fact, all three girls seemed unmistakably familiar to Otacon, and he could almost swear that one of them...

"Gundam Wing?" Otacon whispered, sounding awed. "There's Gundam characters here?!"


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141point12 June 17 2007, 07:44:39 UTC
"No. Better not," Otacon decided quickly, and focused on leaving the block. "I'd probably freak them out by saying something, and then comes the uncomfortable questions and explanations... So far, my track record with teenage girl patients has been, er, less than great."

He sighed.

"I'm going to develop a reputation at this rate, if I haven't already. Sometimes, I wouldn't mind being in your position." Otacon glanced at Snake. "Who would you want to see here? Wait, I could probably guess a few..."


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