Nightshift 24: M1-M10 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 11:42

Recluse was glad that the Head Doctor didn't waste his time tonight. He held the pepper spray he had acquired last night in his left hand, sharpening steel in his right. He moved purposefully down the dark corridor, keeping silent.

His radio wouldn't be making any noise for quite a while- he had managed to pries the screws out of the radio's case and removed the wires from the connections to the batteries. After wrapping the two wires around the end of two screws from his dissasembling of the bed the night before, the makeshift leads were put into a glass of water that he had gotten from dinner. The water had a tablespoon or so of salt mixed into it to make the liquid properly conductive. Rust filings from pieces of the bed frame he had ground down on the concrete underneath the carpet were placed into the water, and the whole setup was hidden in his half of the cell. With the current running through the water, the rust filings would be chemically changed as they sat in the water. It sounded like some sort of children's chemistry experiment, but the results would be much more useful, with a little work.

For now, he had to get to where he was going to meet the man he was going to fight. It wasn't going to be in the same place as where they had agreed upon fighting, but being fair wasn't exactly a real strong point of his.

[[Heading off to here]]

ren, sakura, naruto, rock lee, lord recluse, goku, sora, roy, usagi, luffy, cliff, yazoo, relena, otacon, kadaj, haku, eddie brock, alec, hughes

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