Day 58: Cafeteria

Aug 16, 2011 01:37

Anise woke up feeling lucky to be alive. She still felt a bit waterlogged, even though her skin, hair, and clothes were completely dry. During last night's adventures, she'd swallowed a lot of water, and it still felt heavy and disgusting in her stomach. Her arms and legs were tired from treading water. Lying still in her bed, she still kind of ( Read more... )

zero, klavier, japan, tsubaki, badd, badou, anise, lily, terra branford, the doctor, england, sam winchester, firo, utena, doctor facilier, niikura, claire bennet, peter parker, tolten, snow, lunge, brainiac 5, albedo, peter petrelli, tear, rose (tvd), damon, ritsuka, two-face, erika, edgar, hijikata, maya, battler, zack, kratos, l, america, sechs, carter, jessica drew, bella, izaya, sora, gren, claude, renamon, guybrush, byrne, leanne, guy, venom, rita, lightning, castiel, chise, trickster, mikado, yomi, riku, ippo, meekins, daemon, aidou, edward cullen, claire stanfield

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allineeded August 17 2011, 00:58:37 UTC
[from here.]

The woman didn't speak to her again. She only led her through several hallways. If asked, Leanne would have had to admit she had no idea what any of them even looked like, still stuck in a daze. When they finally reached their destination, however, a large room with with several long tables, she instantly perked up. There were other people in the room.

None of them seemed to be paying her any attention, which she supposed was for the best. It likely meant she hadn't been brought here for anything too dangerous. It also meant that she could probably quietly find someone to talk with, someone who could give her some answers. At least one of them had to be more talkative than her current companion.

Leanne shot a glance at the other woman, but she paid it no mind, only kept moving. She directed her to take a tray of something, before pointing her to the tables ( ... )


yin_yang_fox August 17 2011, 04:38:55 UTC
The Digimon had near finished the amount that she was going to eat. Most meals were bread and salads and little else, but she took her fill today--despite the questionable aspect. Renamon was one who cared little about what she consumed; that she was given actual food seemed near wasteful. Ah. Well.

She needed to hear from Utena and see if the girl would like to try again for Renamon's plan. If not, she could go alone, however, it would allow for the Digimon to question the teen on her time away. There was little to expect, though. She had been through these interviews before.

She glanced up at the sound of someone approaching, a small girl, polite enough. "Of course," she answered, inclining her head. The appearance and voice weren't placed within Renamon's mind. She was new, whether by hours or within the past day. The Digimon waited for the girl to get settled, then tilted her head in question. "Are you new here?"

A question already answered, but human decorum had begun to keep within her.


allineeded August 17 2011, 23:02:55 UTC
Leanne froze, eyes fixed on the girl across her. The girl had known, just like that. Just one look at her and she'd known. How had she--

...But it didn't really matter how she'd known, did it?

Breaking out into a grin, she relaxed, already feeling her heartbeat slow down some. She should have expected it, really. The people here probably all knew each other already, were probably all here for the same reason, whatever it was. Of course they'd know she wasn't one of them.

"Yeah, I guess." She nodded, resting her arms on the table in front of her. What did she even mean by 'new'? The girl hadn't seemed perturbed by it at all, almost as if she regularly just happened to meet people who'd been dragged here from their homes. "I just woke up here this morning. I was in my own bed before that."

How she'd woken up there instead of her own room was one thing she definitely needed to find out, preferably as soon as possible. The idea of someone sneaking in on them in the middle of the night... It made Leanne's chest squeeze uncomfortably ( ... )


yin_yang_fox August 18 2011, 02:17:19 UTC
Shock and then relief. Renamon couldn't place the reasons for the emotions until the girl spoke. This morning. The relief was now obvious. She thought that she could gain some understanding. Renamon had been here for nearly a month, and despite that and the amount of information that she had, understanding still slipped out of reach. Even with the military here, the supposed obvious fact in front of them, she couldn't accept such a given answer. So much was veiled in obfuscation--for something to be so clear now was distrusted ( ... )


allineeded August 19 2011, 03:49:31 UTC
The grin on her face faltered, turning into a frown. What the girl, Renamon, said... she sounded so calm about it. She didn't even bat an eye, only remained perfectly calm while she said it. But that didn't make any sense, what she said didn't make any sense! Taken away? No, that couldn't have...

Leanne bit her lip, glancing off to the side before looking back at Renamon, trying to will away the sinking feeling in her stomach. What about Zephyr and Vashyron then? They'd been in the same house she'd been taken from? Were they here too and she just hadn't seen them yet? Or were they taken somewhere else, somewhere away from her?

She really hoped they were all right.

"..The military?" she asked at length, the words finally sinking in. Her eyes widened. "Are the Cardinals behind this?"

But why would they do something like that? She didn't exactly like some of them, but they were the Cardinals. Kidnapping people and--

Leanne gasped in a breath. Of course. Of course they would. She'd lived it, in Aetersyl. It wasn't exactly the same ( ... )


yin_yang_fox August 22 2011, 03:42:23 UTC
Leanne. A name to the face that briefly fell before rising back in a desperate grab for understanding. It made sense, of course. For who else to look towards in pain but for the ones who caused it to you personally? Cardinals were something new, but another name to a list. The people Leanne thought of were more likely to appear as patients than as aggressors. Renamon shook her head once. "It's unlikely. It's simpler to think of everything from your life as being cut off here ( ... )


allineeded August 23 2011, 02:33:03 UTC
Study. It was happening all over again, wasn't it? There was something about her that made people want to study her. But why? No one ever told her why she'd been picked in Aetersyl and, judging by how friendly her escort had been, she doubted anyone would tell her the real reason now. She-- all of them, she realized with a pang-- were only test subjects to whoever was in charge. Even if they were treated nicely sometimes, in the end, they were all only...

Would this place, too, leave her to die in the end?

She couldn't, wouldn't, let them.

Leanne closed her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath as she did so. "Thank you... Do you know where here is?" Cut off, Renamon had said. There were a lot of things that could mean, but one possibility in particular kept nagging at her. A possibility she almost didn't dare say out loud, it was so far-fetched, so impossible, but she needed to know. "We're not in Basel?" She almost managed to keep her voice from cracking, too.


yin_yang_fox August 24 2011, 04:11:57 UTC
Here came a larger issue, depending on where Leanne came from. Basel was nothing familiar to the Digimon, as many of the places spoken here had been. Renamon closed her eyes for a moment. "This place is not somewhere that would be familiar to any that come here. It exists outside of everything else."

This was fact, however, there was now added details. "However, it's said that this is somewhere in America, on Earth." She paused, watching the girl. "Around the years 2006 to 2008, supposedly." She was silent a moment, then added. "Which means that to the people here, we're either in the future, the past, or something unknown altogether."


allineeded August 24 2011, 23:22:30 UTC
Neither the names nor the year were familiar to her at all. There was no place in Basel with that name and, if anywhere outside it once had any of those names, there was no way to know about it.

Just the thought sent chills down her spine, but there was absolutely no way to deny it. Wherever she was, whenever she was, the truth was she was no longer in Basel. There was no way to be sure until she could go outside the building, or until she could get a good look out a window, but so far it seemed like... In this place, Basel's walls were probably nonexistent, something only someone like her would know about.

"We're in the outside world," Leanne whispered, almost to herself, still not quite able to believe it. In that moment, it was almost unbearable, sitting there in that room, doing nothing. She had to go outside, had to see what it was like outside Basel, somewhere even the Cardinals didn't know about.

"So you're not from here either? You're from somewhere different?"


yin_yang_fox August 25 2011, 05:48:55 UTC
The outside world could have been a number of things. The least of which a prison, the worst touching on a place of existence cut away from all else. Renamon could believe any number of things, any number of worlds with different lifestyles. The way Leanne whispered the words gave more than the simplicity of the phrase. Renamon looked at her, truly, and took in that the mention of possible different times didn't phase the girl. That was enough of a reassurance to move forward.

The Digimon shook her head once. "I'm not. And none of the people here are. Possibly even including those who are in charge of this institute." She watched Leanne, bright eyes near-staring. "I'm from a world where there exists a normal world overlaid with a Digital one, made from the information created in the physical world." She quirked a corner of her mouth, aware that that was a bit of a strange amount of information to take in.


allineeded August 25 2011, 20:04:31 UTC
Leanne quirked an eyebrow, only able to stare for several moments. "I don't really get it..." An understatement, maybe. She didn't understand anything about where the other girl was from, not even what the word digital meant. Maybe... Maybe that was just one more thing that had been lost when everyone moved to Basel, something that only belonged in the outside world.

She smiled a little though, shaking her head slightly. It seemed silly even to her, that she'd be able to smile then, but she had to be strong, had to stay calm if she wanted to go back. And this was the best way she knew to do it. (Back to where? To Basel, where everything was so... No. No, back to her friends. That was a lot more important.) She'd gotten through Aetersyl and lived, she could get through this too.

"I wonder how they got all of us in here."


yin_yang_fox August 26 2011, 03:12:34 UTC
It was more than needed at the moment. Renamon nodded. "My apologies. Though there is no definite knowledge of how they get us here. There's a few theories, but nothing that can be proven." There was also the fact of people being here after they had already died, and people who were inhuman appearing in human bodies, but those things could come at a later date. There were other things Leanne should know before they even touched those details.

"There are some things you should know," she went on. "At night, we're released from the rooms we're kept in, and can explore whenever we want that we can get to. Escape is pointless--no matter where we are in the night, the next morning we're back in our rooms." She wondered if there were any exceptions to that rule. At this point, she lacked any hope of that. "Don't go out alone, though. There are creatures and dangers at night, and it's especially dangerous if you travel by yourself."


allineeded August 27 2011, 02:40:03 UTC
If ever there was a moment where she needed her gun... Leanne huffed out a breath, frowning. Escape was pointless. No, she couldn't believe that. There just had to be a way out. Somehow. So what if they couldn't find it yet? It still had to exist ( ... )


yin_yang_fox August 27 2011, 04:32:15 UTC
If Renamon was thinking more at the moment, she would have possibly considered the implications of what she said. Canceling out a hope of escape was close to cruel, though justifiably true in the current standings. It existed as a double-edged sword--it was also possible to provoke action and resolution with the words as well. But the Digimon did not catch her misuse of words, and only continued on ( ... )


allineeded August 27 2011, 05:36:12 UTC
She was silent for several moments, considering. So no guns for now, but weapons, even if makeshift weapons, were available. The knowledge brought a sense of relief with it, knowing that she wouldn't be left entirely helpless against whatever roamed the halls. She could probably manage with whatever she found for a while,too. A gun would have been best, but a weapon was a weapon, no matter what specific type it was. And this was no time to be picky.

Leanne nodded, flashing a smile at Renamon, and leaned forward slightly on her arms. "Thanks. I really appreciate it!" A pause, her smile slipping some as she glanced briefly at the other occupants of the room. "I really do. I don't know what..."

This was really happening. She wasn't going back to Ebel City, not just yet (though, if she had her way, she'd be going back as soon as she possibly could). For now, there were other things she needed to do.

With renewed determination, she nodded once again. "I'll check out the bulletin board."


yin_yang_fox August 29 2011, 02:21:29 UTC
For the determination in Leanne's eyes, she was rewarded with a small smile from Renamon. If nothing else, this girl was used to hardships. That provoked something in the Digimon, gave softness instead of severity. Renamon nodded again, then continued. "Do that. There's much to be learned in this place. It's not as straightforward as it seems."

Nothing was bound to the lines of reality or possibility. This place was shaped by wills, and the one who affected it most still existed out there. As Renamon suspected. "What weapons are you familiar with? If I see any tonight, I'll take it for you."


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