Night 57: Medical Wing Hall

Jul 18, 2011 16:16

[from here]He glanced idly at the doorways as they passed them, and yet still none read infirmary. "It's only a waste of time," he replied. "If you can't find them. Which would be a bit pathetic in a small building like this ( Read more... )

sonia, grell, zero, sechs, albedo, jessica drew, donna, venom, soma, rose (tvd), claire littleton, castiel, the scarecrow, utena, ippo, riku, zex, yomi, guybrush, meekins, claire stanfield, zack, mccoy, gant

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deadlyjuliet July 19 2011, 06:55:39 UTC
[from hereThe first set of open doors to his right had revealed nothing but a small employee lobby, so it was with some relief that Grell slipped past those still remaining in the reception area into the deeper parts of this unexplored realm. There were some people up ahead - two children perhaps? - who were also exploring the area and Grell made a note of where they headed. Whatever door remained unopened by them was likely locked or simply of no interest to anyone. The fortunate part of having a common goal was having to do half the work of finding things ( ... )


deadlyjuliet July 19 2011, 21:44:31 UTC
Following the curve of the alcove, Grell reappeared in the main hall and peered around the corner. The two children were further ahead, far enough that it was difficult to see them even with Grell's night vision helping him along. He supposed that using a torch would be helpful, but it was too conspicuous and he never carried one with him anyway. Narrowing his eyes, he strained to see as much as he could as the children stopped and turned to their right.

A moment later and whatever lock was keeping them out was broken. They stepped inside and Grell had his destination for the night planned. So that was where they were keeping their concoctions? Very well then, General. I'll play along with your little mad scientist routine. I do hope it's worth it. Grell waited a moment longer and then slipped into the hall, checking over his shoulder as he followed after the duo ( ... )


deadlyjuliet July 21 2011, 03:26:40 UTC
They were taking the medicines with such careless abandon! Grell sighed slightly to himself, head inclined back as he listened to the quiet conversation within. No effects? At least, no immediate ones. Well, that was reassuring at least. No one was going to drop dead from the drugs and it wasn't poison. Or, if it was poison, it was slow working and then Grell could watch the patients have a lovely, drawn out, painful end to their miserably short lives.

Which Grell now shared, he remembered.

Ugh, being mortal was the pits.

Well, whatever it was, it didn't seem to be causing the two boys any issue and so Grell took a deep breath, pushed off from the wall and turned to go inside.

[to here]


deadlyjuliet July 23 2011, 13:46:38 UTC
[from here]

How utterly disappointing. Now he had to walk again. After having his powers back for an evening, it was even more of a pain to walk everywhere. He missed the days when he could just skip from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding the crowds and the unseemly masses of people. Those days were growing further and further away from him, however, and for once, Grell realized just how long a month could be. Was he even at a month? It certainly felt that way.

It just wasn't right to let a lady wilt like this. A rose kept under shaded glass, unseen by any worthy viewers was better off dead. But she? Would not die. She would live until the very end. Grell had to keep living so he could go back to his world, find Sebastian, kill him and make him bleed again. Such a pretty man deserved to be swathed in red, bathed in it, and with Ciel, the demon was simply wasting his endless potential.

Grell sighed and kept moving.

[to here]


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