Night 57: M71-80 Hallway

Jul 14, 2011 01:39

Aw, poor Aguilar. You could hear the big, wet pout he had going on through the fuzzy speakers ( Read more... )

lightning, snow, england, brainiac 5, sesshoumaru, peter parker

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Comments 23

M78 NOW wow Peter :| emotionl4arobot July 14 2011, 14:08:59 UTC
While Brainiac 5 woke feeling remarkably refreshed, it was disconcerting to realise that, firstly, he didn't really recall falling asleep in the first place and, second, he was fairly certain this wasn't actually the room he shared with Peter. It looked too clean, untouched, like it was just one of the many empty rooms in the institute, waiting for some new prisoner to be housed in it.

That, and there was also a note on his chest that both explained everything and raised far too many questions.

"You'd better explain a little more than just the conversation on the information board, Peter," the Coluan muttered, folding the note up neatly before tucking it and his radio into a commandeered pillow case. Unfortunately, while Peter may have had his best interests in mind with this misguided attempt at protecting him, he'd neglected to also bring the Coluan's change of clothing or Legionnaire ring, so after quietly opening the door to check that the hallway beyond was empty, Brainiac 5 trudged back to his room* and took the time to ( ... )


emotionl4arobot July 16 2011, 13:17:58 UTC
[to here]


stlg13bomber July 17 2011, 00:49:35 UTC
A medical trial, huh? That sounded interesting. Carter had heard, with some stomach-twisting details, about the medical tests the Nazis supposedly did on Allied prisoners (and possibly other people who didn't matter as much to the storytellers), and Aguilar was the closest thing to a Nazi he'd seen since coming here. Still, a little dose of medicine didn't seem like such a bad thing, and while his crowbar had served him faithfully a backup pistol would be nice too. Or a good firm bomb. Or a raygun! Yeah, a raygun would definitely be worth taking a few pills.

Besides, medical testing was how Captain America got his powers. Carter didn't want to think he would flinch where Captain America had stepped up and taken his injections like a man. Carter shouldered his crowbar, donned his radio, and set out to become a supersoldier.

Or violently ill.

Either way, he'd get a neat gun out of it.


stlg13bomber July 17 2011, 01:18:32 UTC

AHHH AM I DOIN IT RITE AHHHHHHHH princeofthemoon July 21 2011, 07:22:32 UTC
The first thing that Sesshoumaru noticed was that something was wrong. He may not have been precisely sure what yet, the heavy fog of sleep had not yet cleared from his senses, but something was wrong. More than just something, everything was wrong. The first and most obvious thing, which wormed its way past that niggling feeling of wrongness before he was even awake enough to appreciate it, was his position.

He had been traveling, he knew he had, he was sure of it, chasing that bastard Naraku, and he was sure there was nothing he was needed for in the house of the moon, and yet he was lying down. When wandering, as he so often did, Sesshoumaru rarely lay, even to sleep. He would rest against the trunk of a tree, or against Ah-Un's side, and fall into a light sleep sitting up. It was a convenient position, one which allowed rest and free and quick movement if one was woken, one which allowed quick access to his swords and fast reactions. It was not likely that an enemy would be able to catch him completely off-guard, but the ( ... )


this is so long princeofthemoon July 21 2011, 07:23:54 UTC
Rock? A branch, perhaps? The texture seemed wrong for either, it was not metal, it was not rock, it was not wood, it was not leather ( ... )


princeofthemoon July 21 2011, 07:24:54 UTC
There was nothing useful in the drawers - more bizarre clothing of the sort that he was wearing, pairs of what resembled tabi but clearly were not, as the toes were not separated. The two doors closest to their walls appeared to be closets, though they were too dark for him to properly investigate without retrieving the cylinder. Its function had not changed in the minutes since he had set it down, and it proved somewhat useful, though the sudden brightness made him narrow his eyes to slits and almost hiss ( ... )


princeofthemoon July 21 2011, 09:39:20 UTC
[ to here ]


M74 heroesdontshave August 6 2011, 22:36:41 UTC
This was really weird. To be honest, Snow wasn't even really sure what was happening for a few seconds. Nor was he even capable of being confused yet. He was drifting in that strange plane between being asleep and being awake. Only thing was, he never remembered falling asleep. So it was more that he was suddenly in this weird dazed state out of nowhere, incapable of even wondering where he was and what had happened for a few moments ( ... )


outside M74 and FDSUAH LET HER IN X( thestormishere August 8 2011, 17:41:48 UTC
[ Skipping straight from here. ]

Any relative peace that Snow was experiencing there in the darkness... was abruptly shattered with the arrival of one very agitated fellow l'Cie.

As always, the quick thumping of her footsteps was probably the first warning, but this time it was also the only warning before the sound of the woman slamming herself right into the door echoed through the room and down the hall. He had better regain his bearings quick; she didn't have time or the patience for much else.

"Snow!! Open the door!" In other words, if he wasn't there to do so, she was fully intent on kicking the thing down. Panting with exertion from the full-on sprint she'd done from her own room to his, she whacked her lighting device on the wooden barrier for effect.


heroesdontshave August 9 2011, 05:15:08 UTC
Well, if he hadn't been completely awake by now, that sure as well would've gotten him there quick. As soon as he heard something slam into his door, Snow immediately bounded to his feet and whirled to face the door, startled and ready for anything. Er, or at least anything other than the sound of Light yelling at him frantically through the door ( ... )


thestormishere August 11 2011, 05:45:27 UTC
At once Lightning was attempting to push her way into the room, through the man in the way. The last thing on her mind was conforming to upholding manners- there was way too much clogging things up mentally at the moment, and the fact that she hadn't been able to find him was searing. He wasn't difficult to find. Or at least he shouldn't have been!

"Where have you been?"

And taking it out on him at least a little was easy. It wasn't unusual - or hadn't been unusual once - for Lightning's temper to turn dangerously powerful once it found reason to flare up. When she'd been turned into a l'Cie that tendency had heightened for sure... but then again, it had then definitely leveled out. It seemed that the more her power increased, the more reasons she was presented with to take stock in being cunning but rational ( ... )


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