here.]He had reached the meeting point in less than a few minutes and there was still not another patient to be seen. Castiel paused, standing near the wall as he moved his flashlight up and down the corridor. There was nothing, not the sound of a shadow slipping through the dark; not the whisper of something less than human
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Their usual meeting spot wasn't too crowded as usual, though Erika could tell that she probably wasn't the only person who was waiting. Hopefully, this wouldn't be a problem, but she still stayed closest to the hallway she just came out of as she set her things down and waited. It was a shame she couldn't look at her toy, but Erika didn't want to draw attention to herself for once, and she did that enough simply by not wearing her uniform. That was a shame, because she really did want to take a few more looks at it...
Oh well. Erika settled for the tedious task of straightening out her outfit, since she was so sloppy lately with putting it on. Erika cared greatly about her appearance, it was just that time wasn't on her side for once. Troublesome. At least it was a good way to pass the time.
[ Waiting for Sync and Nigredo. ]
It was just like he'd anticipated.
One of these days that dress was going to be the death of her, but hopefully it'd be at a time where she was no longer needed. But until then Sync found it a hindrance, something that brought unwanted attention depending on who caught a glance of it first. However, lecturing the other teen about her choice of outfits couldn't have been any farther from his mind. His arms were aching already, but he managed to keep at it until he finally reached the end of the hallway. He wanted nothing more than to drop Nigredo at their fight, but he figured that might be a bit counterproductive for what he was aiming for that night.
It might've been an odd sight, a boy carrying an even smaller boy in his arms, but if there was something he'd learned fast from Erika it was that her threshold for the bizarre was pretty high.
"We're going to be having company tonight."
Her threshold for the bizarre was somewhere out in space, past the Milky Way.
"Good. I was worried about what we were going to do tonight." Obviously, whether their new companion was a willing participant didn't really matter to the girl. There was something more important to deal with. "In that case, it might work better if I use the ring for once. Your hands are full ( ... )
But they weren't playing that mental game, regardless of how tempting it might've been. After all, the girl had already helped more than enough with the Guy situation, though that subject could be left for after they reached their destination. Because, while he didn't want to admit it, Erika was right, and the last thing they needed was Nigredo causing a commotion in the middle of the hallway. No, it'd be better if they reached the basement as soon as possible; at least then his roommate would have no choice but to follow them.
"It's in my pocket," The God-General answered, glancing down at the aforementioned portion of his pants. "I hope you're not expecting to land on me when all I've got is dead weight."
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