Getting to check up on Neku had been good (even though Sora realized that he was the one who'd been approached, rather than doing the approaching), but when the buses finally made their way through the snow and into the town, the boy was completely distracted by the view that followed. It really did remind him of Christmastown. There were no lights
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"Do you see any 'soldiers' over this way?" he asked the girl with a cocky grin. "Besides, I can just kick 'em over if someone gets mad. Then this turns into Godzilla vs. the Snow People of Betazon-5, and is still a totally awesome and productive way to spend time."
She ... had no idea what a Betazon-5 was (or a Godzilla, really) but she couldn't help but laugh at the silly sounding words. He was certainly an interesting person.
Moving around him, Kairi bent down to pick up her own small ball of snow, packing some more snow onto it until it was large enough so she could begin to slowly roll it around on the ground. At least, that was how she thought people made snowmen, right? Maybe she could make ... a snow palm tree or something like that, since she wasn't really good at making people. A palm tree would make a nice change of scenery, either way, even if it was only made of snow and there was no beach in sight (that she knew of. What if there ( ... )
And then he got a name. If Scott had been drinking anything at the time, now would've been the time for a spit-take.
"Really?" Scott asked before remembering to shut his gob. He had already come close to busting down a fourth wall last night, and he wasn't going to do it again now. "That's-that's a nice name! I think I knew someone with that name once! Totally different person, though. You never would've met her in a million years."
Scott paused, that tiny adrenaline burst just winding down now in his chest. Now he knew why the girl looked so familiar. That didn't explain the hair, though. Had Kairi just been in Landel's for that long now? It was kind of sad to think about if that was true.
"I'm Scott Pilgrim," he told her, wondering if Sora had ever mentioned his name to her before. "And I'm from a mysterious land called 'Canada', full of snow and ice and igloos and polar bears. And actually none of those things at all, except for the snow during, like, half the year. But that's how everyone pictures us, anyway," he explained with a self-deprecating grin.
"I'm from Destiny Islands," she chirped happily, finishing the small star in her hand and placing it carefully on top of the palm tree. "It's ... a very small world, and not a lot of people have heard about it, but I don't mind," she told him with a smile. "Home is home no matter what, right?"
He looked back over his shoulder and gave a short laugh. "Hey, that's pretty good! That something from your home, then?" he asked, very consciously playing dumb right now, but starting to feel more comfortable about it, at least. "Oh right, and I did meet one other person who said he was from Destiny Islands - Sora. You know him, I'm guessing?" Guessing with 100% accuracy for fun and profit?
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