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Comments 30

thatdemonbitch April 10 2011, 08:04:30 UTC
The specifics of how she'd gotten into this mess were pretty far from Ruby's mind when she slowly began to blink her way back to consciousness. Instead, she was working on processing the here and now -- the bright, clinical lights that were blurring her vision as dark eyes cracked open then hurriedly blinked shut to try and blot out the offending brightness; the constant, rhythmic tapping noise from somewhere just out of her field of vision; the coldness of the exam table.

And the restraints. That part, at least, was familiar. Too bad that familiarity wasn't in any way in the comforting sense of the word. Most of Ruby's familiarities failed to fall into that category, though, so it wasn't like that was news. She lifted one shoulder, eyes still scrunched shut a little, groggily trying to jerk a hand free. No use. No surprise, either ( ... )


damned_doctors April 10 2011, 17:43:36 UTC
It was interesting to watch someone who had so much experience with torture wake up as a victim of it. The details of what Ruby had done versus what Ruby had had done to her over her "lifetime" as a demon was only vague, but the doctor figured she'd been on both sides of the equation a number of times ( ... )


thatdemonbitch April 10 2011, 23:28:17 UTC
A chill ran through her courtesy of both the tone in his voice and the fact that she couldn't quite strain to make out any definitive features. Who was this creep? She was gonna have to find out, because when she got her hands free, he was gonna be sorry.

It wasn't often she got the chance to get up close and personal with the people -- things? -- things that had hurt her, but revenge was something she had developed a taste for a long time ago and this guy was no Alastair. She didn't have to run screaming the other way, she was the powerful one. They wouldn't be tweaking her powers if that weren't true ( ... )


damned_doctors April 11 2011, 03:43:07 UTC
Trying to threaten him in return was a valiant effort, especially since the doctor knew that there was weight behind the demon's words. The creatures had more or less created the art of torture, and he knew that if she did get a hold of him, he would pay. But that simply wasn't going to happen. They held all the cards, as much as Ruby believed that her "Father" might some day come and save her ( ... )


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