Night 55: M41-M50 Hallway

Apr 01, 2011 16:52

.....Ow. Okay, uh. Was all that static really necessary? If that guy was hoping to give everyone a migraine, he was certainly on the right track. He excelled at being annoying as much as he did delivering creepy, cryptic messages. Alright. Good for you, whoever you were.

But no matter. The strange speech over the intercom was the least of the prosecutor's concerns. He hastily finished  writing and then slid the journal inside his desk, leaving his empty dinner tray right where it was. Yeah, somehow he'd managed to eat all of the pink sludge. He should get an award for that. No, actually, he'd deserve an award if he was still alive when morning came. Hopefully Badd had come to his senses by now and wasn't still assuming Byrne was a spy or something. Hopefully.

Oh yeah! Flashlight, yeah, that'd be really helpful! Byrne opened the desk drawer again to peek inside, but then frowned when he couldn't find the elusive flashlight in there. Aww, man. For a moment he'd hoped that these soldiers would have been merciful enough to leave him one. It wasn't really fair that everyone else seemed to have one except for him. They just had to torment him, didn't they? Sigh.

Well, if he had to go without one, he had to go without one. No use whining about it. He'd survived the previous night without it and he'd gone on several heists without needing one, either. Tonight would be no different. Byrne reassured himself with these thoughts, then, with a quick "see ya" and an added "be careful" to his roommate, he headed out the door and into the dark hallway.

Right. Time to go pay Badd a little visit.

[M41; to here]

byrne, claude, depth charge, lightning, two-face, lunge, snow, zack, mccoy, the scarecrow

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