Day 54: Lunch

Jan 25, 2011 01:07

All things considered, last shift had been pretty low key. After this morning's disaster, though, that was perfectly fine by Claude. Some fresh air and a chance to make sure Guy and Okita were all right weren't things to take for granted. It was also good to have a fairly normal, conversation with Guy that didn't slip off into awkward territory ( Read more... )

leela, sechs, asuka, senna, tsubaki, bella, scott pilgrim, anise, gumshoe, izaya, the doctor, gren, ranulf, sora, england, prussia, rei, claude, guybrush, niikura, taura, elena gilbert, claire bennet, javert, lana skye, ruby, mello, brainiac 5, byrne, albedo, sakura, guy, stefan, kairi, gaara, peter petrelli, nigredo, kibitoshin, tear, soma, damon, rita, two-face, yuffie, ritsuka, rapunzel, isaac, castiel, edgar, allelujah, hijikata, the scarecrow, trickster, ippo, alaric, yomi, riku, sai, mccoy, zack, kratos, l, captain jack

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Comments 432

swornandbroken January 24 2011, 22:19:29 UTC
Mello had ended up dozing off in the Sun Room, succumbing to the effects of the sedation, and he was annoyed with himself, in the distant way he was still feeling everything, more an awareness that the annoyance was there than actually experiencing it, everything one step removed. He didn't seem to have missed anything, at least. Wasted time, the bugs chattered, disagreeing. You should have been planning, finding a way to take advantage of the situation. A day like this won't come along again, and what have you done with it? Gotten your dumb ass sedated, and taken a nap. How productive.

He noted the announcement with that same detachment, a far-away satisfaction in the prisoners having made the Head Arsehole's life more difficult, anger he knew he'd feel more fully later over how that had failed to make much of a dent in the smugness. The bastard was still toeing some party line, though, and that was interesting; Mello would have to think about that when the daze wore off. What he needed was more information about the Eagle, and, ( ... )


unmocked_lawr January 25 2011, 00:47:28 UTC
The previous shift had passed uneventfully. That was irritating at best, though it hadn't taken much eavesdropping on Javert's part to confirm his previous suspicions about what had happened in the morning. Another food fight. Could they honestly have thought of nothing better? As an exercise in testing the limits of the military's patience--whatever military it was--it had worked rather well, but surely there was more worthwhile information to be gleaned from this turn of events.

He accepted a plate from his nurse before turning and scanning the cafeteria as he passed through it, looking for a contact unlucky enough to have been present at breakfast. There--Mello, looking distinctly the worse for wear. He redirected his steps toward the younger man and set his tray down across from him.

"I take it you've had an eventful morning."


swornandbroken January 25 2011, 03:08:53 UTC
"Heh, you could say that. Maybe not as eventful as the poor suckers who were still in here when all hell broke loose."

He worked a bit of fish away from the smaller piece he'd taken, necessarily left-handed, and ate it. It was fortunate Javert had joined him. Mello couldn't have said he liked the older man, but he definitely gave credit where it was due, in two important areas in this case: Javert didn't run from a fight, and his deductive abilities were worth having on one's side, enough that Mello was able to argue to himself that he didn't mind having Javert be one of the handful of people who knew what this place had done to him.

"How about you?" It was difficult to tell from looking at him. Javert was the type who could probably walk through hell without a crack in his composure. "Were you in on any of the fun?" He gave the last word a wry twist.


unmocked_lawr January 25 2011, 16:15:57 UTC
"I'm afraid I slept through it." There was an answering sardonic echo in Javert's own words. And it was true, in a way; he supposed he was slightly disappointed to have missed the whole thing, if only because it would have given him the opportunity to get a closer look at their new guards.

"So what happened? I haven't heard the details yet; my nurse has been unusually uncommunicative all morning, and these fellows in uniform are terrible conversationalists."


oneman_onekill January 24 2011, 23:15:48 UTC
Ugh, he felt terrible. It had been sort of worth it, getting sedated and completely zoning out for a whole shift, if only to watch Gant go down with him, but at the same time, Niikura knew he'd acted way more quickly than he usually did. It was probably a combination of things: him getting stuck here right when Akumetsu was hitting its end game, doing almost nothing for a week or so, trying fruitlessly to get more information about Japan, dealing with other worlds, dealing with other dimensions, dealing with Badd...maybe Gant had just shown up at the wrong time. Hadn't he planned to go talk to Lana first last night?

In the end, he could be only human too, which was alright - because he was human. And he hadn't been wrong about Gant, either: he'd found out the truth, even if he'd verified it after the fact, and stuck it to the man. If only he'd had his mask, then things would've gone much more smoothly. Nothing like starting a morning with getting your head blown off ( ... )


willing_sheath January 24 2011, 23:42:12 UTC
Well. That had been an eventful morning, hadn't it? For the first time since she woke in this place Tomoe had reached some kind of strange catharsis. Still confused, still wary, but in a much more manageable way than the last two days--to the point that she could possibly hold a conversation with whoever she wound up sitting with this time.

She found herself with a small plate of food (thank god Anna had seemed to finally pick up on the fact that putting a mountain in front of her was not going to make her more likely to eat it) and deposited toward the middle of the room--though honestly, based off of how breakfast had gone she would have much preferred to be along the edges again. Oh well.



for_a_song January 26 2011, 07:02:08 UTC
After some quiet time in the Sun Room, Gren was feeling... well, 'better' wasn't really the term for it, but he was a little less on edge. He'd had time to calm down and get his wits about him a little more. There wasn't much he could do about the fact that today seemed to be doing it's damnedest to plunge him back into some of the worst parts of his life, but what he could do was remember that he'd got through it once, and he'd get through it again. Not was not the time to fall apart ( ... )


willing_sheath January 27 2011, 00:46:23 UTC
Tomoe had been expecting someone to be seated across from her (as that had happened at every meal thus far) and looked up from where she had been poking at the rubbery excuse for tempera in front of her. Her eyes turned toward the nurse who was moving away for the moment before turning back to him and giving him a nod. Even if she refused the nurse would probably just steer him back to the seat anyway. At least he gave the impression of polite company.


for_a_song January 27 2011, 04:59:18 UTC
It seemed the woman was either shy or just the quiet sort. Either way, Gren didn't particularly mind. He probably wasn't at his most charming, given the stress of breakfast, so he was content enough to just sit and eat. "Thanks," he said, sitting down and poking a little at his lunch with a fork. "The staff seems to like pairing people up for some reason." He was far from antisocial, so it wasn't usually a problem, but maybe they'd sensed he wasn't quite himself and decided to intervene.


kingdomless January 25 2011, 00:04:52 UTC
By the time Kairi woke up, she was certainly feeling better, but she was still wary to enter the Cafeteria once again. Could she be blamed? Her eyes continued to dart around the room as if she expected the horrible gas to appear any minute.

"Now, Claire," her nurse by her side cooed, "I know this morning was difficult, but things will be better! I promise." and then she smiled that usual sickly sweet smile, and Kairi couldn't help it when her stomach dropped to the floor. The smiles of the nurses and doctors meant absolutely nothing to her, especially considering the doctor who had experimented on her those many nights ago had smiled at her as well, and it only made her feel worse and worse and worse.

After grabbing a plate of food, the princess made her way to an empty table, sitting down with a sigh. She couldn't help that she was still slightly on edge. You have to get over it, Kairi, she told herself, prodding at her french fries with her fork.

No use dwelling on things.

(for rapunzel eeeeee)


afdasf sorry for the TL;DR! ;o; hairraising January 25 2011, 12:27:49 UTC
[From here]

By the time Rapunzel entered the large eating area (the "Cafeteria" as the nurse had called it), her head was spinning to such a degree that she was surprised she hadn't fallen over again. This was less out of actual dizziness and more due to information overload. For one thing, the woman who had picked her up in the strange white room kept calling her by a different name, "Amanda," even when Rapunzel insisted she was mistaken. For another, there was the fact that there even was an unfamiliar woman there with her at all, and a nurse at that. That had alone had thrown her for a loop even more than the name thing did. Then there was the building itself, which was unlike any Rapunzel had ever seen in her life. The sights, sounds, and smells alone were doing a number on her brain every second that she spent walking through it ( ... )


don't be sorry i love it~ kingdomless January 25 2011, 16:13:50 UTC
Hearing the sound of her "real" name, Kairi looked up, blinking in surprise when she saw a nurse moving a girl in her direction with ... very, very, very long hair. Unconciously, the princess ran her hand through her own hair, glad that hers was growing out (and she couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for hers to get that long ( ... )


hairraising January 25 2011, 22:30:30 UTC
Don't worry? Don't worry?! How could she not worry? By now Eugene could be ( ... )


she_is_ruin January 25 2011, 00:21:00 UTC
[To be homicide detective-ed. GRACE, COME TO ME. ♥]

Oh, naturally someone who thought to get in her way and abuse her as Landel had done would be dealt with gruesomely, as was his due, but it was hard to begrudge him his unstable passions. Whether or not he actually believed that at some level his zoo animals would be content to toe the line was not actually her concern, but it was almost amusing that he could express his disappointment without a touch of irony. Yomi was disappointed, too, that a new hand had been dealt while theirs--the force that made up her fellow prisoners, to which she loosely belonged--had been overspent. Through observation, she had yet to crack open the soldiers’ reason for being in the Institute. If they belonged to the 'Eagle', then who was he? Another unanswered question ( ... )


ham_fisted January 26 2011, 10:11:03 UTC
Gumshoe had never been one to trust the nurses here. They took orders from the Head Doctor himself, which automatically ruled them out as potential allies, in his book. You'd think it was obvious by now, but there had been a time when he'd wondered if their hearts were really in it. After all, who said you had to be an egomaniac to work for Dr. Landel? Gumshoe worked for Mr. Edgeworth and you didn't see the detective claiming to be a genius!

He hadn't tried discussing it with his nurse, of course. Alright, so say he did give it a shot. How do you think it'd go? If you asked him, he thought she'd turn him down flat for "prying". Prying! If asking someone he'd known for three to four weeks a vaguely personal question was prying, then he could forget the idea of recruiting her as an ally.

Okay, so he had tried discussing it with her ( ... )


she_is_ruin January 27 2011, 23:44:26 UTC
Watching and learning were skills a person needed if they were to be perceptive, and they came to the fore more strongly in this situation than they might in another. Because she had the room under subtle observation, Yomi couldn’t fail to notice one of the human prisoners approaching her of his own volition. It was the look on his face that made her pay attention. Who would look at her like that?

It was a single moment in time before sense set in, but one long enough to strike her with palpable alarm, to her own surprise. Her eyes widened. Only the most perceptive type of person would have recognized her expression as one of trepidation, and even then they might have missed it.

Couldn’t be. No one here knew her. At least as Yomi.

(No, not again. Don’t let it be Izumi again, her rebirth. Don’t it be Yoshiko, her other self.)

It wasn’t until the man seemed to realize his mistake did the noise of the cafeteria resume, once more blanketing her in sound and sensation. The howl inside her stumbled back into rhythm. He got it wrong. ( ... )


ham_fisted January 28 2011, 07:35:18 UTC
Had it seriously been more than a month since Maya Fey's kidnapping? That probably made his last real doctor's appointment a little over three weeks ago. He raised his hand to his forehead and slowly ran it backward through his hair. The injury from that day was long gone ( ... )


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