When the Nobody opened the door, he was really glad he was wearing the dark coat. He hadn't gone to a cold world for a while, but luckily the black leather was comfortable in almost all weather. Even just a crack of the door had sent a gust of frigid wind around the frame of the door way. Once the door had cleared out of his view, he could see it was quite a view - from what he could see through the fog, there was lush grass underneath them and some sort of a dark line boxing the area in. Looked like a wall, maybe The courtyard?
He had to navigate through a maze of plastic white tables to get near the cold ebony iron railing by the edges of the balcony. The area was lit somewhat by the moon, but when he angled the flashlight down it didn't pierce more of the fog than the moonlight did.
It was actually kind of creepy.
Keeping his arms close to his body, he tried to keep all the warmth of his coat close to him. "S-should be warmer inside," his teeth chattered behind him towards Ruby.