Night 53: West Wing, North Hall 2-B

Dec 19, 2010 00:50

[from here]

McCoy rubbed at his shoulder. He was going to have bruises on top of bruises if they kept things up. The doctor suppressed a grimace. Secretly he was hoping they could finish their investigation of the area soon, mostly because he was getting tired of knocking down doors nights in a row. He doubted it, nothing was ever easy, particularly digging up anything interesting, but there was a part of him anyway that hoped it was. The getting-older-and-crankier part.

This really wasn't exactly in his job description. Complaining out loud wasn't going to help in this case. It might have a therapeutic effect, especially when he groused to Jim, but less so around Spock. Spock had a way of taking it completely seriously and then pointing out every which way complaining wouldn't help, which mostly had the end result of making him more annoyed than when he started out. He also just wasn't in the mood to get into a good argument with the man anyway.

ema skye, minako, mccoy, spock, renamon, watson, prussia

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