Day 53: Sun Room, Morning

Nov 26, 2010 14:48

With breakfast finished and a new acquaintance made, the Scarecrow's mind turned to his other friends. The disappearance of Depth Charge's friend had brought back memories of how he'd felt when Kaiji went missing: helpless, useless, as though he should have and could have done something more to find him. If only he had his brain, then maybe he ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., gambit, tsubaki, anise, minato, the doctor, goku (dragonball), niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, lana skye, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, minako, stefan, tsukasa, watson, mele, damon, two-face, erika, tifa, the scarecrow, matt, maya, ishida, yukari, zack, kratos, rubedo, haseo, jo, bella, scott pilgrim, kaito, aigis, elle, izaya, austria, claire littleton, sora, prussia, chuck, leon (so2), buzz, dean winchester, guy, kairi, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, lightning, rita, castiel, katniss, riku, yomi, aerith, sai, yue, claire stanfield, edward cullen, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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Comments 555

hes_deadjim November 27 2010, 06:18:31 UTC
The first thing McCoy did when he woke up was check to see if he still had his shadow. To his relief, it was there, very much not living and as steady as it always was. After last night, he'd nearly expected to wake up with it standing over him, and frankly, waking up unconsciously preparing to get the tar scared out of you wasn't any way to start a day.

He felt ridiculous even having to check in the first place. Checking for your own shadow? A living shadow that could vanish out from under you? Talk back? It sounded like some story an sibling might tell you before you went to sleep. It did wonders for putting some fear in you when you were younger, but now? McCoy didn't believe in monsters. He didn't believe in magic either.

What he did believe in was science, what new technology and new life forms could look like when first encountered, and here, a lack of any morals on the part of the facility. Those weren't monsters they faced. He was certain there was a perfectly good explanation for it, something science could explain given ( ... )


vodka_jump November 27 2010, 19:34:08 UTC
Breakfast had actually put him in much better spirits. Still, he drew his coat about him as the nurse led him to the Sun Room next. There was a lot to consider. If they went on another expedition to find his scarf, he should make it fun if they were going to go with a group of friends. Usually, just the company of the other nations was enough to keep him entertained, but it wasn't often he entertained for others. What could be expected?

Maybe he should ask the bulletin board. There were always so many interesting opinions, not to mention people there. He couldn't be sure he'd get the right one, but they would be fun to read either way.

He also needed to find more friends to come along. He still didn't know so many outside of the other nations, so he should probably get to know some new patients too. Sure enough, there were plenty of smaller, weaker looking people. He decided to approach one, a smile on his lips. Didn't seem to be a country, at least not one worth recognizing.

"Good morning friend!"


hes_deadjim November 27 2010, 22:32:23 UTC
That was a greeting bordering on bombastic. McCoy looked up from his notes, and reflexively started to look around, but found there wasn't anyone too close nearby or behind him, which left only him that the man was referring to. He'd never seen him in his life or even met him, and at least in this galaxy, with most people, it took at least meeting a person before you went around referring to them as 'friend'.

Unless the man was that other low percent and just went around calling everyone that. He was actually smiling too. After last night and being kidnapped in the first place, in the doctor's opinion, there wasn't too much to start a day off smiling for.

Maybe he was new? He wasn't too happy upon arriving here, but maybe this man just didn't know yet.

"Mornin'," he said slowly. "Did you just get here?"


vodka_jump November 29 2010, 05:03:42 UTC
Just get here? What a funny thing to ask! Russia shook his head, slight confusion settling on his features. Was there something on his face? How did someone tell something like that? He hadn't asked any silly questions...

"I've been here for almost a week now," he said, scratching his head. "My name is Ivan Braginski, but you can call me Russia, if you like. Did you just get here then?"

Maybe he was new and just a little confused.


heraldric November 27 2010, 07:08:44 UTC
Giving the news to someone that another patient was no longer around was definitely not an easy thing to do. It was undeniable now, though. Keman, the boy who'd been his roommate since he'd arrived, was no longer present in the Institute ( ... )


angeritself November 27 2010, 13:53:08 UTC
In his condition and especially after yesterday, Shizuo was to be accompanied to the Sun Room. His nurse approached as he scowled at the last of the announcement, and supervised his awkward stand -- he refused her hand, and also her help as he situated himself with the single crutch. Even if he hadn't had ample experience with worse (believe it) injuries, and couldn't work a crutch, he wouldn't have wanted her help. In that situation, he may not have had a choice ( ... )


heraldric November 28 2010, 10:28:58 UTC
When there was movement in the seat next to him, Leon lifted his head slightly to give the person a bleary look. Were there not enough available seats in the rest of the sun room that someone had to be sat down next to an obviously sleeping patient? Was it that important that he get to know other people, because there was no way he could look like he was hoping to meet new faces at the moment.

He sat up once the nurse was gone in order to give the man more room. His eyes drifted to the book he was holding and he almost raised an eyebrow but said nothing about it. If someone wanted to entertain themselves with what was clearly a children's book then he wasn't going to stop them. He was sure plenty of them could be entertaining in their own right.

"You can go somewhere else once she stops looking over if you want."


sanguinario November 27 2010, 08:00:05 UTC
Good. That was... a surprising, hardly used adjective, coming from Edward. But it was how he would have described his breakfast, having had nothing to do with waffles and syrup and various other piles of food that made him glad - as monstrous as it was or not - that he had a half-filled bottle of blood tucked between his mattresses. But with Venom, he felt as if he was actually getting something done when they combined their information together. Compiling it all into one source was the most constructive idea they'd had in a while, and it would definitely prove worthwhile as Landel kept explicating on his secrets with his self-obsessed, megalomaniac ramblings. Maybe the man was just waiting for someone to figure it all out - why leave the note ( ... )


frostingboy November 28 2010, 23:41:27 UTC
Breakfast had accomplished only one thing for Peeta: it had convinced him that the waffle was real. Of course, the cynical voice inside his head that had sustained him since the Capitol got hold of him those months ago had to point out that he didn't really know if the waffle had been real. The man who said it was obviously hadn't been real; he hadn't known who Katniss was, after all. But he needed to believe that the waffle had been real, because otherwise nothing was. Having established that he'd eaten real food, he could consider whether what he'd heard from the intercom was real. Something about patients and doctors. Could that mean...the war was over, and he'd been put in an institution in District 13? If that was the case, then maybe Katniss was still alive--

But every time he considered that prospect, his definition of reality did somersaults, and he couldn't hold on. He certainly couldn't hold on if she was dead, either, but at least then he knew he couldn't hold on. Somewhere in his mind, it made as much sense as anything ( ... )


sanguinario November 29 2010, 06:44:37 UTC
The vampire didn't even look up as one of the nurses approached; honestly, he kept forgetting Christopher was supposed to be his real name. He tried to maintain a distinct lack of conversation with any of the personnel in the institution, half because he knew it was futile and half because their mental silence infuriated him. If anyone should have been able to glean clues from the staff, it should have been him. He was the only one who could do what he could do -

Ah. Not entirely true. He had met Abe.

Though the approach didn't catch his attention, the patient's words - the one he imagined the nurse had led to him for "friendship" - certainly did. He looked up from his notebook, eyes narrowed with suspicion. The words themselves wouldn't mean much to anyone who looked at the handwritten notes, but he was paranoid. Beyond paranoid. With what he was and the limited amount of space, he had to be. Then again, he wasn't the only one - Claire, the older one, certainly seemed to be much more paranoid than he. If her mind wasn't lying, ( ... )


frostingboy November 30 2010, 04:16:29 UTC
Peeta's eyes, as they focused on Edward, were a little too bright. Not with tears; he was beyond that. More with memories that his mind wasn't good at containing. He was beyond paranoid, too, but he had more than enough reason to be.

"Last time the Capitol had me," he said patiently, as if it should have been obvious. "When they--" He licked his lips and paused. He was trying to remember the word. "When they hijacked me."

He leaned forward a little bit, his gaze intense. Maybe this other young man was real. Maybe he knew Katniss. Maybe the world would make sense again. "If you know that much, can you tell me what they did to Katniss?" He had to know, even if the answer would only drive him right back into madness. At least then he could let go.


scintillatingly November 27 2010, 08:36:03 UTC
After wishing Woody luck on both adjusting to his new body and finding Buzz, Sora was led into the Sun Room, which was already starting to get packed with people. It was hard to keep track of just how many patients were around; sometimes it seemed like there were less, sometimes more. It always fluctuated and he could never quite be sure of what to expect. Since everyone except those few who had been sent to therapy were now in this room, though, he had to fight just to get an open seat ( ... )


kingdomless November 27 2010, 15:57:31 UTC
Honestly, Kairi was grateful for her meeting with Goku that morning. She had been looking for something to take her mind off of what happened last night, and he had certainly been a good distraction. However, now it was a different shift, and she knew who she had to look for.

That was why she instantly chose to go to the Sun Room. Kairi knew that Sora would be patrolling the bulletin board, so it only made sense. He was running a club now, after all! He had to be alert, in case anyone else wanted to help them with whatever they were doing that night.

Needless to say, seconds after entering the room, Kairi instantly spotted a familiar head of spiky hair, and she smiled. His back was to her at that moment, so she took the opportunity to sneak up behind him. Standing behind him for a second, she finally bent over the couch and placed her hands over his eyes. "Guess who!" she chirped happily, pulling away before he could answer. Moving around the house, the princess looked to her friend with a smile. "Good morning, Sora. Want some


scintillatingly November 28 2010, 09:41:25 UTC
It was pretty tough to keep his eyes on all parts of the room, so it was fairly simple for the girl to sneak up on him like that. He'd thought her footsteps were just those of another patient walking by, but when hands suddenly clasped over his eyes, he jerked up in his seat. Though once the initial surprise wore off, he knew it had to be one of two people ( ... )


kingdomless November 28 2010, 15:22:07 UTC
Kairi smiled and took a seat next to Sora, curling one leg underneath her so she could turn in his direction. "I am unhurt! And you look okay yourself. You are okay, right?" This could, of course, go two ways, she knew. However, she wanted to see which route he was going to take.

After a few moments, she finally leaned back against the couch, her confusion over last night finally appearing on her face. "What happened last night?" she asked in a hushed voice, her smile turning into a small frown, "I've never seen anything like that before. It was ... well, it wasn't pleasant, to say the least. And I didn't even have a shadow."

Which, she supposed, was good. However, if her friends did ...

"What did your shadow say to you?" Kairi asked Sora gently, not wanting to distract the attention of the nurses. Two long time patients sitting together? Surely they would get suspicious if it looked like they were talking about something serious. But then again, she never knew; the nurses were tricky like that.


razing_phoenix November 27 2010, 08:52:37 UTC
The conversation he'd had with Claude had been necessary, but that didn't make it any less draining. As Guy was led from the cafeteria out into the Sun Room, he couldn't help wishing that he could just go back to his room to get some rest. Claude had been extremely understanding about everything, but there was still a lot that they needed to get through. He still had to consider his friend's offer to just spend the coming night sorting through all of it. Part of him thought it was a waste of time, but if they let this stew for too long, who knew what would happen ( ... )


nobleobliged November 27 2010, 12:59:15 UTC
Breakfast had remained, overall, a grim affair. Natalia's appetite, reduced, had barely stomached half a waffle and the fruit; she'd mostly nursed her juice and wished she was better able to lift both their spirits. Not that it had not been good to spend time with Anise, even under such solemn circumstances. When the intercom announced the closure of the meal and the move to another room, Natalia bid the girl a reluctant good-bye.

As she walked the short distance to the Sun Room, Natalia thought back to her posting. Within the room, she stopped at the Bulletin Board and looked over the replies, lingering on Guy's. A few disappearances -- and a promise to speak later. Anise had neither spoken to nor seen Guy the night before, thus he could only mean Luke or Asch, and for him to say a few cast a definitive cloud of foreboding.

Perhaps now was the later to which he'd referred. Turning from the board, her eyes swept the room, seeking the former servant. Her enthusiasm, her desire to meet again with Guy was tempered not only by the ( ... )


razing_phoenix November 28 2010, 09:31:41 UTC
In the end, she found him without him even having to wave her over, and Guy made sure to straighten in his seat as she approached. Still, that hadn't stopped Natalia from noticing his earlier posture, and Guy was merely relieved that she had read it as bored rather than troubled. So he was still as good at putting on that mask as ever ( ... )


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