IMPORTANT: Military Arc Information

Mar 07, 2011 17:38

Now that the military has Landel's Institute under its complete control, General Aguilar and those under him have decided that it's time to get down to business to defeat the Huns by enforcing some real rules around here. As you can imagine, this means they'll start shaking things up even more once this nightshift is over.

First of all, starting from the morning of Dayshift 55, most of Landel's staff will be replaced with soldiers. They're tough and well-trained, and can easily restrain an unruly patient if necessary. There are still some nurses around to take care of any potential medical/sedation/receptionist duties that the soldiers can't or won't do, but most of the old staff are missing. As before, you'll still need to contact an NPC mod if your character needs disciplining or is breaking the rules somehow. However, the biggest thing to remember is that the soldiers will not be violent with a patient unless the patient is violent. They will not punch, hit, kick, slam the butt of their guns into, etc. unless there is a good reason for it. This is important; physically abusing patients is not Aguilar's aim. Nor is drugging them and carting them off to be useless for an entire day.

Secondly, everyone will wake up in new uniforms. The new uniform consists of:

1. Black beret - Made of wool, this hat includes any small, round gold-colored pins awarded for completing certain NS activities (see “Earning Pins”). Earned pins are displayed in a neat row on the right side of a person's hat. Must be worn at all times unless given permission to do otherwise. Patients only get one of these, and will be put on report if they're ever caught without it during the day.

2. Long-sleeved army service uniform shirt - Light blue, button-up, and includes shoulder flaps. There is an armband with a smiley face attached to the upper-left arm. Must be tucked in at all times.

3. Black trousers - They have a permanent crease in them so they always stay looking crisp and sharp.

4. Black leather belt.

5. Black leather boots - For dayshift, they're dress boots worn by cadets in military school. However, at night all characters will find heftier, combat-ready boots in their closets.

6. Black leather gloves - Typically worn for special occasions, such as receiving visitors or going into town. Patients will be informed ahead of time if they're required to wear gloves for an event.

7. Dog tags - Includes your character's “real” name, rank (see "Ranking") and serial number. Serial numbers are any random 8-digit number chosen OOCly, followed by either the letter M or F, depending on whether they've been assigned to the male or female blocks. Must be worn at all times.

For example, Sora's dog tag might read:

Matthew Lawrence
S Class

Obviously you'd make the serial number more random than that, but that's the basic set-up. xD (ETA: Kes made a great suggestion of using your character's journal ID number if you're looking for a quick, randomized number.)

What this means for your character is that they will be expected to wear their uniforms properly during daytime hours (dog tags must be worn, hats must always stay on, shirts must be tucked in and fully buttoned, etc.). Permission to loosen the dress code can be earned (explained under “Rewards”); but, if a patient fails to follow the dress code, they'll get into trouble for violating regulations! A soldier will definitely notice if something is up, so please keep that in mind in case your character decides to fudge with their uniform somehow.

Third, all weapons, canon outfits, and other items not listed under Default Equipment will be confiscated during Dayshift. This means your character will not have access to those items during the day. Instead, they'll wake up in the morning and discover their non-default possessions, as well as anything they had on them when night ended, are missing from their rooms.

These items will be returned to them in a medium-sized metal box labeled with their serial number during dinner so they can be used during Nightshift. All over-sized items, such as weapons or shovels, will be propped next to the box and tagged with the owner's serial number. Anyone thinking of using the box's metal for something else, though, will find a message boldly inscribed on the inside of the box that reads: "Anyone who purposely destroys or defaces this box in any way will have future access to their possessions revoked." However, any character who's been put on report that day for bad behavior or failing to comply with the Institute's rules in some way will not get their possessions back for the duration of one Nightshift.

Fourth, the menu will change. Instead of eating from the set menu used by Landel's staff, the military will serve their own food to the patients. This will consist of pink-colored gruel that has the same consistency as oatmeal. It has the necessary nutrients to keep everyone healthy, but little else. Furthermore, the only drink available is water -- unless your character is under 16, in which case they'll also have a milk option (calcium promotes healthy bone growth, after all 8) ). There are ways to earn access to better food (discussed later in this post), but anyone caught sharing with others who're supposed to be eating gruel will get put on report.

Fifth, characters will find themselves ranked according to IC seniority, which will affect their day-to-day lives. This means the military will be enforcing a hierarchical system among the patients, which has the potential to grant some characters rights and privileges based off of their rank.


Starting from Dayshift 55, characters will find themselves ranked according to their IC seniority. The ranks and their qualifications are as follows:

S Class (4 + weeks)
A Class (3 weeks)
B Class (2 weeks)
C Class (1 week)
D Class ( < 1 week)

Note that a character's rank will change if they suddenly qualify for a higher one. For example, if someone has been given the B Class rank, but they reach their 3-week mark on DS 57, they'll automatically be considered and treated as A Class from that morning onward.

One of the immediate differences among the ranks is that it will affect how soldiers treat a patient they're escorting between shifts. The basic gist is this:

D Class: they're not really talked to or told where they're going, only given basic instructions if necessary.
C Class: they're treated brusquely, but will sometimes get a word or two from their escort on what's going on.
B Class: the soldiers are fairly decent, and will freely tell them basic things about where they're going or what they're doing.
A Class: the soldiers are bordering on friendly, and might do things like pick another patient for them to sit with during a shift if they think they'd get along, things like that.
S Class: they actually converse with them, ask them how their day's been going, and generally treat them more like their equals.

Ranks will appear on dog tags, and will automatically entitle some characters to certain privileges. Regardless, some of these privileges may also be earned by lower-ranked patients as they accumulate special pins.

Earning Pins

Patients will have the opportunity to earn pins during NS activities. When earned, these pins will appear on their berets.

A patient may earn a grand total of 5 pins for now, but there are more than 5 ways to earn pins. These are the current ways pins might be obtained, though more may be announced in the future.

1. Monster kill, lower grade: A patient must participate in the killing of at least three of the institute's weaker creatures. These include Cockroaches, Rats, Spiders and Cats. (Awarded pin has three stars engraved on it.)

2. Monster kill, intermediate grade: A patient must participate in the killing of at least two of the institute's stronger creatures. These include Dogs, Scorpions, Squirrels, Spiders, and Salamanders. (Awarded pin has two stars engraved on it.)

3. Monster kill, advanced grade: A patient must participate in killing one of the institute's strongest creatures. These include Lurchers, Huntsmen, Lucentians, or a rare Nurse. (Awarded pin has one star engraved on it.)

4. Fulfilling a mission objective announced by the military during Nighshift. (More information on this when the time comes.)

5. Being selected for Special Counseling. (Awarded pin has the letters "SC" engraved on it.)

6. Participating in an M-U Session. (Awarded pin has the letters "M-U" engraved on it.)

7. Completing the basement coliseum. (Awarded pin has a sword and shield engraved on it.)

Patients who've already completed SC, M-U or the basement coliseum will automatically start with those pins on their berets at the beginning of Dayshift 55.


While the military will be quick to issue punishments for violations, they'll gladly reward their charges as they see fit. Such rewards can be earned by seniority, Nightshift achievements, or betraying unruly patients. These are the current privileges available to characters, but more may be announced in the future.

1. Slightly loosened dress code - top buttons can be undone, and the beret can be removed from the head while indoors. Extended to characters who've earned 3 pins.

2. Access to the pre-military menu, granting characters the ability to eat the same meal they would have had under Landel. This is automatically extended to characters of S and A ranks, OR characters who wear 4 pins on their beret. (Note that anyone caught sharing with others who're supposed to be eating gruel will get put on report. Seeing how there are soldiers at every turn, the chances of getting caught are extremely high if this is done in the cafeteria, so please bear that in mind if your character decides to try sharing with someone!)

3. Free roaming in hallways during Dayshift. This means each shift is essentially a “free-choice” period where eligible characters can walk about the building freely, but are barred from going into rooms with orange or red locks. This is extended to characters who've either completed the basement coliseum OR earned 5 pins.

4. Other small comforts of home, such as candy, coffee, tea or cigarettes, can be earned in exchange for doing the soldiers favors. Such favors may include reporting patients who are violating a rule, or informing them about other people's nighttime activities. (This must be cleared by a Head Mod and played out with an NPC mod.)

Note, however, that all earned privileges will be revoked for the duration of one 24-hour period if a character has been put on report for any reason.


In addition to having extra possessions and privileges revoked for one 24-hour period, patients who get put on report for misbehaving:

1. Will be barred from eating the next breakfast or lunch (whichever comes first). Instead, they must join their fellow patients for their meal and watch everyone else eat.

2. Won't be allowed to sit down or lean against a wall for four consecutive Daytime activity/meal shifts.

For example, say Sora was put on report during 2nd shift of DS 55. He wouldn't be allowed to sit for the remainder of 2nd shift, during 3rd and 4th shifts, as well as 1st shift of DS 56. On top of that, he wouldn't be served any lunch during DS 55. He could, however, interact with other patients, and go about his day as he normally would otherwise.

If a patient refuses to comply with their punishment, they'll be ordered to drop down and give 20 push-ups right there on the spot. Afterward, they'll be given a warning and told to shape up.

If the patient still refuses, they'll be put on report a second time, and may be forced to perform some sort of manual labor. The offending patient must then miss a second meal, stand for four more consecutive Daytime activity/meal shifts, and their non-default equipment will be confiscated for a second Nightshift. Two soldiers (NPCed by the character's player) will stand at his/her side for the remainder of their punishment, except during dinner shifts.

Patients on report will still be allowed to eat dinner and sit in their rooms as normal, and their record will become clean once they've served their allotted punishment. However, repeat offenders might face harsher punishments if they keep pushing their luck.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Players with characters who are either 1) put on report OR 2) earn some sort of reward must comment to an OOC post that will likely go up in the lounge with its own set of simple instructions. This is so both the Head mods and NPC mods will be able to keep track of who's done what.

And that should cover the changes you guys need to know about for this starting DS! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them here and either Court, Erin, Psyche or myself will answer you ASAP. Thank you!

*military arc, !mod

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