We had a good discussion group today about nursing ,it's perception by the lay person and its' historical correlation to the Women's Movement.
True to form,I am ready to burn a bra or two!!
And the next asswipe who says: "But you're so smart,why didn't you just become a doctor?"
gets an earful of flaming hate.And maybe a dick/coochie punch.
It's not
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Comments 7
I get angry at myself for feeling humiliated when people ask, "So, what do you do?" and I have to come up with words to explain that my husband works, but I do not.
Never mind that when we met, the situation was reversed: and never mind that I don't work because of a disability, not because I think it's my God-given role to be the homemaker. And never mind that I'm actually quite happy with the division of labour: I'd rather be in charge of the housework, which I'm better at anyway, and leave the wage-earning to the boy.
I make a joke of it. "So what do you do?" "I'm a kept woman."
People laugh, which is nicer than pity: but I hate having to justify it at all.
the immediate disdain for any traditional female role-regardless of any extenuating cirumstances or even preferences in a "traditonal" direction.
Yeah,this is reminding me that heading in the Integrative/Holistic medicine direction will have to be my ultimate career direction.
Cleaned up a lot of liquid stool today myself!
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