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Comments 5

astrogirl2 May 15 2011, 16:18:34 UTC
Yeah, there are probably a few sniffy, "The TARDIS doesn't talk!"/"It's just a machine!" sorts out there who were offended by it

I haven't seen any of that, but if there are such people out there, they are wrong. I can argue that from canon, if necessary. :)

And, my goodness, yes, was that not just an unabashedly fannish episode, with the premise and all the continuity references and everything? And yet not a fanboyish one, in the lame sense, at all.

And surely there must be fic about this Corsair person now!


yamx May 15 2011, 16:47:21 UTC
*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* It was AWESOME!!!!!!!

As for the forest--the first two times(from his perspective) that the Doctor met River BOTH had to do with forests--the library and the forest in a bottle in a spaceship in a maze.

Also, River and Amy both have water-related names.

And what about Rory's repeating line?

I want answers!!!


honorh May 15 2011, 18:37:54 UTC
I adored it. I thought of you and all the people who've written the TARDIS as alive and aware and how this really validates them. No, she's nowhere near human--she's so very alien that being in a human body is a totally different way of being alive. Her thoughts don't belong in a human brain. I hope this spurs more TARDIS-fic, because it's such a fertile area.

And I love that she loves, loves, loves her Doctor, and he's as much hers as she is his. She takes him where he's needed and where he needs to go. Also, when she calls Rory "the pretty one"? Priceless!

I loved her moment of mourning over her sisters, too. The Doctor isn't the only one who lost his people in the Time War. But they've got each other. Maybe he'll feel less alone now.


foalen May 15 2011, 19:31:36 UTC
I have to agree with you. I was delighted by this episode. The only person I have run into so far that did not like the episode was someone who has written a series of stories that explain who and what the Tardis is and is deeply disappointed that all her work is suddenly non cannon. I can sympathize, but personally this story mealy reinforced what I had always assumed to be true. I have always considered the Tardis to be a character rather than just a ship. Through out the series she has had a personality and has interacted with the doctor though never in such a direct manner. This episode slots nicely into all the hints that have come before. I adore the tardis, she is fierce and funny and just how the tardis should be. I found the performances by all to be compelling and truthful but especially the Doctor and the Tarids. This episode was a wonderful gift to all of fandom from an amazing writer.


wendymr May 15 2011, 20:02:09 UTC
I think this is the first time that I've really enjoyed an episode in the Eleven era. I did find the first ten minutes boring, to the point of being tempted to switch off, but once we got into the real story I was hooked. The episode still did nothing for my Eleven-indifference; he still doesn't feel like a Doctor to me. But to make me enjoy an episode enough to consider watching it again despite Eleven is a huge achievement.

Loved seeing Nine and Ten's control room, more of the inside of the TARDIS, and confirmation that there are bedrooms in the TARDIS (yeah, we always knew you were talking rubbish on that one, RTD!). Loved the TARDIS stealing her Time Lord, and the confirmation of what many of us had always suspected: that she takes him where he needs to be. And so many reminders that both of them are the last of their kind, and that it still hurts.

Couldn't help thinking, though, of how this might have played out with Nine...


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