Support Stacie news, auction date change.

Nov 02, 2009 12:54

I got this email over the weekend, and I thought it was worth posting directly here.  More info on my own Handmade auction items soon at this space, for pre-pimping purposes.  ;)


Greetings, Friends of Stacie!

Our final figure for the September 2009 Author Auction is now in, and it is mind-boggling!


For a detailed breakdown of that figure by fandom, as well as comparisons to previous auction totals, visit
I’m currently frozen at the keyboard, struggling to express the gratitude all of us, including Stacie, feel towards you amazing, wonderful, generous people. Perhaps a quick illustration will help,since we all seem to live for a good narrative?

Stacie received a donation in the mail recently from a complete stranger. The woman had heard about Stacie’s story from the friend of one of our volunteers. This friend-of-a-friend-of-a-volunteer happened to be at a little Italian restaurant where she mentioned Stacie’s story in passing to the Nona who was the proprietor. The older lady became choked up and slipped away. A few moments later she returned with a check for Stacie and the promise of her devout prayers on behalf of Stacie and her family.

That random act of kindness from someone completely disconnected from Stacie’s story is a perfect example of the kind of generosity you have all shown. You’ve deeply involved yourselves in the life of someone far removed from your own world and you’ve poured out your hearts in an effort to save a life and support a stranger and her family as she goes through a terrible situation. “Thank you” will never begin to convey the depth of our gratitude.

*Update On Stacie:*

The funds from this auction will be applied towards both Stacie’s existing medical bills as well as helping her obtain the treatment and medication she needs for her costly on-going care. Stacie was temporarily taken off of chemo on August 1st in order to allow her body some needed respite from the immense strain which chemotherapy places upon her organs. Recent tests indicate that she has improved sufficiently for chemo to resume, so beginning November 1st she will be back on chemo. As you all probably know, chemotherapy is an exhausting, sickening treatment and will be very rough on Stacie. Please keep her in your thoughts in prayers in the months to come.

A recent ultrasound indicated that Stacie does not have any new breast tumors, which is extremely good news after her three month break from chemo. (In the summer of 2008 when she went off chemo for a few months, four tumors grew.) Thanks to the free mammograms available during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness programs, Stacie was able to get another mammogram which we hope will confirm the ultrasound’s test results. Results are still pending.

*November Auction - Date Change:*

The I’ll Be Homemade for Christmas auction has been receiving some wonderful responses! Thank you all for your enthusiasm! There are details about the auction available at , but we have one important update.

We’ve received several requests from friends in England who are concerned about the postal strike there delaying their ability to send us auction items. We’ve also encountered several others outside the U.S. who are simply facing the usual delays of overseas shipping. As this is our first Homemade auction, we must confess we had not expected such a generous response from our overseas friends! In response to these very legitimate concerns, we are pushing the auction dates froward:

*Saturday     14th November *-     Deadline to submit registration forms; email to

*Saturday     14th November* -     Deadline to ship items (and email photos)  to Support Stacie (Outside the U.S.A.: Please ship with enough time for us to receive package by 25 Nov.). Email photos prior to shipment.

*Saturday     28th November*    12:00pm Noon - Auction opens

*Sunday     29th November*     12:00pm Noon - Auction ends

All times are Central Standard Time (-5 GMT). <>

For those of you shipping items from overseas, please note that whenever it is you send the package, the goal needs to be for it to reach us by Nov. 25th if at all possible. All donors should make sure they email us photos of the items prior to shipment.

*New Auction Board!*

Finally, the Support Stacie auctions have grown so big that we have had to finally bow to the inevitable and move onto our own auction board. Majik’s World of Fanfic has very generously loaned us board space for the last four auctions, and we credit Majik with making the auctions’ amazing success possible! However, we’ve grown so large that we realize we really need to move over to our own permanent home. You can now find Support Stacie at with the auction board at

Please note, we are not hosting fanfic at this new board. We will only be using it to host the auction threads. We invite you to continue to use Majik’s board to post your auction stories in one central location ( if you so desire.

Thank you again for your ongoing support of Stacie as we help her battle Stage III Breast and Ovarian Cancer. She still has a long, difficult road ahead of her, but we know you’ll be with us as we work to help her each step of the way.

Best wishes,

The Support Stacie Volunteers

auction, fandom, news, charity

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