Title: Untitled NaNo
Chapter: This is only half of it!
a_silver_storyGenre Angst, Romance, bits of smut.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: ManOnMan. Nom.
Disclaimer: If I owned anything in this, I'd be a rich rich rich bitch. However, I am not a rich rich rich bitch so you may all, therefore, assume I own nothing. Which I don't. It all belongs RTD and the BBC, in
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Comments 5
lovelovelovelove. <3 love how he's just not going back to him and being all.. wow. :) yayy. xx
Tosh and Gwen buying Ianto a sexy coat and Owen getting him a fish just made me 'Awwww!' lol
Make him work for it damn it! He can't just come and go whenever he wants and you be there waiting with your legs arms open!!!
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