Title: Part 1 - Denial
Length: Oneshot
Focus: Yunho
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing really matters
IU - Cruel Fairytale
Part 1 - Denial
Changmin’s quiet voice broke through to Yunho and he looked up at the tall boy; to him Changmin would always be a boy despite the years turning him into a man.
“Hyung, what are you doing here? You must be cold. Come on,” Changmin urged as he took hold of one of Yunho’s cold hand and pulled him up.
Changmin slung an arm across Yunho’s shoulder, offering his silent support as the two of them walked down the hill.
“Why isn’t Joongie here?”
Changmin’s eyes widened in shock at Yunho’s question and looked towards his other hyungs. Junsu stepped forward and laid a hand on Changmin’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as he continued walking to Yunho.
Junsu held onto Yunho’s arms as he looked into his eyes. “Yunnie, we… we just buried Jaejoong.”
Yunho threw back his head and laughed, sounding unhinged as he grasped onto the wall for support.
“Very funny, Junsu, you really shouldn’t joke about something like that.”
“Yunnie…” Junsu trailed off pleadingly.