Today Was The Day… - Chapter 7: Sunday

Jan 01, 2014 19:11

Title: Today Was The Day… - Chapter 7: Sunday
Chapters: 9
Pairing(s): Jaejoong/Yunho
Genre: Romance, fluff
Rating: G
Summary: A look at the days in Jaeho's lives

From the first day that I met you
I felt like I knew you
And the two of us melded together so naturally
Tohoshinki - Why Did I End up Falling In Love With You?

Today Was The Day… - Chapter 7: Sunday

Jaejoong cleared his throat as he straightened his white tie looking at the mirror. There were butterflies in his stomach and his voice had been shaking so much that he abandoned practising his vows. He jumped at the knock on the door and turned around. He gave a nervous smile as Yoochun entered the room.
“Are you ready?”
“I think so. Do I look okay?”
Yoochun gave him a smile. “I don’t think Yunho would use that to describe you.”
Jaejoong smiled back as he and Yoochun hugged.

Yunho breathed out slowly as he watched Jaejoong walked down the aisle towards him. Though the years had passed, time could not mar Jaejoong’s ethereal beauty and his heart swelled with the love he felt for the older man as Jaejoong took each step closer.
Jaejoong tried to control his breathing as he neared Yunho and forced his fingers to relax as he concentrated on moving one leg in front of the other, praying his infamous clumsiness would not come into play. His eyes met Yunho’s and Jaejoong saw the resolve in them, saw the love in them and the certainty of a together forever.
Yunho knew Jaejoong had finally calmed down as he took the final step to him and Yunho reached out a hand to Jaejoong’s cheek. Jaejoong closed his eyes briefly as he leaned into Yunho’s hand before the tender moment was spoilt by Junsu’s tears and Yoochun’s greasy suggestive comments to calm him down as Changmin looked at them with a pointed glare of disgust.

“That red car is spinning out of control,” one of the guests pointed at a car as Yunho’s eyes hastily looked for Jaejoong.
“Jae! JAEJOONG! JAEJOONGIE!” Yunho screamed out.
Jaejoong turned to look at Yunho running towards him as black met red.

“Hey,” the whispered greeting caught his attention and Jaejoong held onto Yunho’s hand tighter.
“Don’t scare me like that!” he half demanded and scolded as the machines beeped loudly in the sterilised white room.
Yunho gave a chuckle and winced at the pain it brought. “I had a dream, you know. It was so real - maybe I dreamed our future, and you were so beautiful as usual. It was just you and me… with our children.”
Jaejoong felt his breath hitched and he held Yunho’s hand to his cheek. “I would love that.”
“I know you would,” Yunho answered as he caressed Jaejoong’s soft skin and closed his eyes, and the beepings on the machine sped up.
“Yunho?” Jaejoong asked worriedly.
“I’m fine. The dream was so lovely,” Yunho said as his breathing became laboured and the alarm started ringing, doctors and nurses came running into the room but Yunho did not notice all that.
“Go now, go back into the dream,” the soft voice of his love whispered.
He closed his eyes as the beepings were cut off.

Today was the day we married...

today was the day..., chaptered

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