Today I got in my Sontaran and my Judoon with an additional assault Dalek to even out my forces to 12. My Daleks went into a brief panic at seeing the arrival of a Sontaran and the Doctor quickly confiscated its weapon. I was ordered to take it out of the packaging second (the first was the helmet, so Gemini could play with it). Then out came the Sontaran. After being confronted, I moved him over to the other side of the desk so my Daleks could calm down. My Sontaran remained indignant of the whole situation. That is, until... he caught sight of my Daleks at play.
Little Gemini's cries for help were immediately answered. But can the three Daleks save the little Dalek, as their only knowledge on rescuing was simply to exterminate the evil-doer? Or will the Doctor be able to pul the Daleks together and find a less harmful way of resolving the situation?
This was taken just moments before the evil act. Some Sontaran is going to be at the bottom of the toy box with Megatron and the Joker if he keeps this up! Nobody hurts the baby Dalek!
Part 1 ||
Part 2 ~