Liam Gallagher/Josh Holloway - Taming Liam....

Sep 02, 2005 02:31

This is an AU BDSM themed story, cowritten with lexi_mirkwood - my very good friend and the person with whom I first wrote smut. She's been staying with me and this is the result - Thanks for reminding me of stuff, babe!
In the meantime, this fic is dedicated to BSD and Arabia764 who we had dinner with tonight - and may your portals remaind clearly defined at all times.

People - this is BDSM - ergo it is rated NC17...

And here's the fic...

Type: RPS
Pairing: Liam Gallagher/Josh Holloway
Rating: /NC-17
Category: AU
Disclaimer: Completely and utterly made up of course.
A/N: Again with the warning; there be BDSM ahead...

Liam is leaning against the wall. His stomach is churning with nerves as he waits for Josh. They’d met by chance in the bar and got talking. The upshot is, here he is waiting to be taken down he hopes. Taken down, hurt and fucked by someone who is strong enough to take on his own particular brand of northern brashness…

Josh wasn’t expecting to be doing any scening tonight. He had only come to the bar for a drink and maybe to catch up with anyone he knew who was hanging around. Instead he had spotted Liam sitting at the bar, nursing a half pint of beer and looking around with a mixture of belligerence and nervousness. Now after a brief discussion Josh is on his way out to his car to get some equipment, he takes his time making his way to the room, wanting to make Liam wait, to build the tension.

Lighting a cigarette to quell his rising sense of almost panic, Liam wonders how much longer Josh is going to be. Taking the trickle of smoke as far down as he can, he gently blows it out and wonders what’s on the menu for tonight. He came here looking for pain and a fuck, not really expecting to find it. Underneath the bravado buried very deeply he knows there’s a desire to please - if a Dom cares to look beneath the surface. The door opens, looking up he sees Josh carrying a large holdall.

Josh walks into the room and drops the bag to the floor with a loud thud. He raises an eyebrow at the sight of Liam leaning against the wall smoking. Josh can see the slight tremble in his fingers as he brings the cigarette to his mouth.

“Put that out,” says Josh shortly, as he begins to pull things out of the holdall and line them up on the table.

Taking a long drag, Liam cocks his eyebrow and spotting an ashtray on the other side of the room, saunters over, taking his time and making damn sure there’s very little of his cigarette left by the time he stubs it out. He exhales the last of the smoke and looks at Josh.

“Now what?” To his own ears, his voice sounds most unlike itself and he feels almost sick with nerves.

Josh stares at Liam for a long moment before he answers.

“Well I guess you could start by you taking your clothes off and folding them nice and neatly and putting them in pile over there on that chair,” drawls Josh lazily.

Liam’s hands are clenching into fists and he nods. So far he hasn’t been asked to do anything outré enough to freak over but by the look in Josh’s eyes this is not a state of affairs he expects to last.

“Alright, mate…”

He begins stripping his t shirt over his head and tosses it carelessly on the chair, until he catches Josh’s eye. Grinning he toes his shoes off and undoes his jeans, stepping out of them. Just as it looks as if he’s going to leave his clothes as they dropped, he picks them up and folds them reasonably tidying.

“There you go, what next?”

Josh picks up a riding crop that he has laying on the table and strolls over to where Liam is standing nervously, shifting from foot to foot. He trails the handle up Liam’s naked stomach and chest, before hooking it under his chin and forcing his head up so he is looking Josh in the eye.

“I guess what next depends on you. What do you want?” asks Josh digging the handle in harder under Liam’s chin.

Liam frowns, he hasn’t a clue what to ask for. He steps back. You’re the Dom, mate, you tell me.

Josh steps forward closing the gap again between he and Liam.

“Oh no you need to tell me. Do you want me to whip you until you’re screaming? Put nipple clamps on you? Cut you with my big shiny knife?” purrs Josh, watching with well hidden amusement as Liam’s eyes widen slightly.

Oh fuck what have you got yourself into our kid. He is suddenly aware of how vulnerable he is, naked, while Josh remains fully clothed, towering over him by several inches. He summons up every inch of attitude he can. “You hard enough to make me scream?” He drawls.

Josh smiles a very feral grin and threads his fingers through Liam’s hair, dragging his head back hard.

“I think the question is more how loudly do you want to scream?” queries Josh as he tugs his head back even further.

The sudden pain makes Liam swear but he doesn’t fight it. “Takes a lot to make me fucking scream, mate, so give it your best shot.” The adrenaline is beginning to flow, the verbal badinage serving as the perfect hors d’oeuvre to the main course.

Josh sighs loudly and runs the tip of the crop up and down Liam’s body.

“Pretty cocky aren’t you boy?” he says sounding almost bored, as he flicks the leather end of the crop across Liam’s body a number of times.

Boy? “Who the fuck are you calling…” he gasps at the feel of the crop. “boy?” He wants more, much more than this but his pride won’t allow him to back down. “I’m no-one’s fucking ….” He hisses as Josh catches the sensitive spot between his groin and bellybutton. “boy”

“You are tonight,” says Josh casually backhanding him across the face.

“Shiiiit….” That fucking hurt and for a moment, Liam is fucking scared. He’s alone in a room with a guy who he doesn’t know, his phone is sitting at home on his kitchen table and no one knows where the hell he is. He feels a little dizzy from the force of the slap and what freaks him out far more is that he actually wants Josh to hit him again. This time he says nothing, looks at him balefully and waits.

Josh runs his finger across the vivid red mark marring Liam’s cheek.

“That looks very pretty,” he says smirking at the challenge still clear in Liam’s eyes. “Let’s see how pretty you look with some more marks on you boy.”

Josh turns to the supplies on the table and picks up a pair of handcuffs.

“Put your hands out in front of you,” commands Josh, holding the cuffs in the palm of his hand.

“Not fucking pretty”…” Liam mutters oh so quietly, again he catches Josh’s eyes and says no more as he holds his hands out in front of him. He can’t quite rid himself of the notion that he looks ridiculous but he wants the pain, wants to fuck and knows he can’t have one without the other.

Josh is about to hit Liam again when the other man decides to obey.

“My marks always look pretty,” purrs Josh, as he closes the cuffs around Liam’s wrists with an ominous sounding click. He hooks a finger into the chain linking the cuffs and drags Liam over to a hook hanging from the ceiling. Pulling Liam’s hands over his head, he hangs him from the hook so he is balanced somewhat precariously on the balls of his feet.

“Feeling comfortable?” chuckles Josh as he gently nudges Liam off balance and watches with amusement as he struggles to regain his footing.

“Oh ha fucking ha!” Fear makes Liam lippier than is probably wise. “That one went straight to video, mate…” He is desperately trying to find his footing and get used to the position which leaves him so vulnerable to whatever Josh wants to deal out.

Josh raises an eyebrow at the outburst and calmly backhands him again. Liam completely loses his balance and hangs helplessly until he manages to get back onto the balls of his feet.

“I recommend you keep your mouth shut unless I ask you a direct question.”

Josh turns to the table again and picks up a cat o nine tails that has vicious looking knots tied along the length of each strip of leather. He turns and faces Liam running the whip through his fingers and grinning at him.

“This is one of my favourite whips,” drawls Josh “See the knots?” Liam doesn’t answer the question “They make it hurt much more than a normal cat and its going to make you hurt so much.”

He feels sick and horribly aware that his cock is reacting to that Southern drawl, Liam looks at the cat, looks at Josh and involuntarily licks his lips. There is no smart arse comment at his disposal, his face is stinging and he wants this. But just in case anyone might be labouring under any illusions he kicks out at Josh. Hard.

Josh has been expecting something like this and he steps out of the way before the kick connects. Almost automatically he swings his fist, punching Liam hard in the stomach. As the breath whooshes noisily from his body, Josh calmly walks over and sits down in a chair in the corner of the room, waiting as Liam struggles to get his breath back. He runs the cat through his fingers, looking with disinterest at the man hanging in front of him.

“You done acting like a fool?” he asks quietly “Or should I just go and leave you hanging there until the cleaners find you in the morning?”

Slumping as much as a man in chains can, Liam all but admits defeat. His limbs ache and not in a good way and he feels like he’s been hit by a ten ton truck. Tears that he aren’t aware of trickle out of his eyes.

“Done…” He has no breath for more.

“Oh good. We can keep going then,” says Josh the sarcasm clear in his voice as he climbs slowly to his feet and saunters over to Liam. “You want me to hurt you with the whip?” Liam nods “Beg me to do it then.”

Not Liam’s strong point. He looks at the whip. He looks at Josh and then back at the whip. He knows what he’s got to do but doesn’t know if he can do it well enough to satisfy…. He licks his lips again very softly utters one word.


“Is that the best you can do?” asks Josh dismissively “Cos it’s a pretty pathetic effort.”

He turns again and puts down the whip and picks up two clover clamps, balancing them on the palm of his hand. He takes his time flicking at Liam’s nipples until they are hard and then attaches a clamp to each one.

“Maybe these will help you to concentrate your efforts a little more,” chuckles Josh stepping a safe distance away from Liam.

“Oh bollocks, bollocks, fuck…” The pain shoots through him; he loves it. It’s been so much but he desperately wants the whip to counterbalance the effect of the clamps. “Fucking fuck, please ….” He's twisting this way and that, as if he can get away from the pain. “Please fucking use the whip, for fucking… Oh fuck, please…”

“Tut tut do you kiss your mother with that mouth boy?” teases Josh as he trails the strands of the whip down the front of Liam’s body. Josh pauses for a second to flick randomly at the clamps, watching as he twists helplessly and loses his footing again. “So you want me to use the whip do you?” he questions rhetorically grinning evilly as the swear words pour out of Liam’s mouth.

Liam almost, almost but not quite screams even as he twists.

“Please … Josh … please….”

“Oh if you insist,” smirks Josh as he walks around behind Liam, and pulls back his arm before laying a stroke across the smooth skin of his back.

Liam lets out a guttural moan. It’s beyond good but…

“Not a fucking pansy; come on put some wellie into it…”

Josh shakes his head even though Liam can’t see him. Again he walks over and sits down in the chair, ignoring Liam and contemplatively dragging the tails of the cat through his fingers over and over. Finally he looks back up at the man hanging helplessly in front of him.

“Shall we try this again?” asks Josh sounding totally disinterested “You have a choice, either you shut up unless you are begging me to hurt you, or I leave you fucking hanging here all night. To be honest I don’t really care, so make a decision.”

Shit… Liam glances at him, reads his body language and realises he’s fucked. Whichever way he looks at it. He wants to push but he’s met his match; this isn’t a Dom who gets pissed off and starts shouting. Josh is totally in control and though it hurts his pride to admit it, he wants this, needs it and he daren’t risk losing it.

He nods. Opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He looks back hoping that his silence will be taken as assent.

“Alright then boy, let’s see if you can try not to fuck it up again,” sighs Josh dramatically, as he gets to his feet and walks back over to Liam. He walks behind him again and lays down three strokes across his ass and lower back, watching as the red stripe blossom beautifully across his skin.

Biting his tongue, Liam doesn’t want to let Josh know how much he’s affected. It fucking hurts, it fucking hurts so much and it’s so bloody good. He grunts. trying to centre himself, waiting for the next blow.

Josh pauses briefly, enjoying the vision of Liam’s body held tense waiting for the next stroke. “See I knew you could manage to behave boy,” says Josh condescendingly., before he lands another flurry of blows up Liam’s back until he gets to his shoulders.

Liam twitches, the pain is beginning to segue into pleasure and his cock is hard. He hears Josh’s words and inside he balks at the ‘boy’ but he doesn’t want it to stop again, he bites back any remark he might want to make, grunting again. His breathing has quickened and he is sweating.

“See I told you my all my marks are pretty,” murmurs Josh happily, as he rakes the fingernails of one hand down Liam’s red striped back. “You know I’m going to keep going until you scream for me boy,” he adds almost as an afterthought.

The tiniest whimper escapes Liam’s mouth. Fuck that’s really good. He wants to scream, he really does but he’s not quite there yet, he’s still too aware of who he is and what he looks like. A shiver runs through him.

Josh adds a matching slash of red fingernail marks down the other side of Liam’s spine before he takes up the cat again. This time Josh doesn’t stop to taunt Liam, he just lashes him over and over until he is hanging helplessly from the hook, the multiple stripes merging into one broad stroke of red skin across Liam’s back and ass.

As the last stroke hits him, Liam opens his mouth and lets out a bloody curdling scream. He is sinking fast and the world has constricted to the feel of the cat and the scent of Josh which is his heightened state, fills Liam’s nose.

“Perfect,” says Josh surveying his work like it’s a painting on canvas.

Liam is hanging limply on the hook, sweat sheening his skin as Josh walks over to the table and opens a small ornate wooden box. He carefully lifts out a silver knife that is inlaid with gold filigree, the razor sharp blade covered with a protective guard. Josh again stands in front of Liam dragging his head back up by a handful of hair.

“Shame it’s our first scene really,” murmurs Josh dragging the blunt side of the knife down Liam’s chest “Because I just know you’d look so good bleeding for me.” Josh looks at the knife for a long moment “But I’m sure I can think of something to do with it that is that is almost as much fun.”

Gulping, Liam hisses. He isn’t really hearing the words but he doesn’t want to be cut. The tour is imminent and in a tiny part of his brain which isn’t befuddled by pain and need, he knows cuts would be too visible and the rest of his band, and specially Noel would go fucking apeshit. He looks down at the knife and tries to move, but has no energy.

“No blood…” He whispers. His throat is sore, his arms ache and he wants more but not that. Not yet.

Josh lets go of Liam’s hair and his head drops back down.

“Jesus try not to panic boy, I already said I wasn’t going to cut you,” says Josh the contempt clear in his voice, “I’m sure you couldn’t cope with anything that intense anyway,” he taunts unkindly.

Josh reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sachet of lube, tearing it open with his teeth. He stands right where Liam can’t help but see him and slowly slicks up the handle of the knife.

“Not going to cut you with it,” he says slowly and clearly so Liam can understand him. “But I am going to fuck you with it.”

Hearing that tone makes Liam want to kick off; he knows better but he watches, his dark eyes expressing what he lips dare not. Cunting bastard He thinks to himself. But he’d be lying if he didn’t admit if only to himself that the idea of being fucked with the handle is turning him on.

Josh stares at Liam a wicked smile playing across his lips, one finger dancing feather light up the length of his hard cock.

“You are so desperate for this aren’t you boy?” chuckles Josh as he flicks again at the nipple clamps “So hard and ready for me to fuck you with my knife.”

“Nnnnggg...” That fucking hurt. His feet lose their purchase on the floor as his nipples begin to tingle all over again. Bastard! But of course he’s right, Liam wants it bad. This time he can taste blood as he bites his lip to stop himself replying.

He prowls around behind Liam again as the other man finally regains his footing. Josh smirks as he kicks his feet out from under him again so he’s hanging by his arms.

“Take a deep breath boy, this might be a bit uncomfortable,” says Josh with a vast degree of understatement, as he oh so slowly starts to press the handle of the knife inside Liam.

What comes out of Liam’s mouth can only be described as unearthly. He screams and keeps on screaming. It’s cold, feels like nothing on earth and it fucking hurts.

A shiver of pleasure slides down Josh’s spine as he hears Liam’s cries filling the room. The handle is halfway in before Josh stops to give him a moment’s respite.

“I told you I could make you scream,” says Josh quietly, quite well aware that in his current state it was unlikely that Liam will be able to hear him.

Slumped on the chains, Liam’s thought processes have ground to a halt. He has nothing left. Everything has been stripped away and he feels like he’s floating, looking down on the scene. How interesting… one part of his brain is saying whilst the other part is screaming at Josh to just get the fuck on with it whilst all the time, he continues to scream hoarsely.

Josh watches him hanging in the chains and knows that Liam has finally given up. He shoves hard once more until the handle is buried all the way inside him, then he bends close to Liam and whispers into his ear.

“Going to fuck you with this knife until you come boy, so I wouldn’t take too long about it if I was you.”

He wants to do this despite being called boy which he really, really hates. But he can’t come, he needs more than this, he needs more pain and he isn’t sure he’s going to get it. He licks dry lips whilst his body jerks every time Josh shoves the knife deep in his arse.

“Need more, can’t come…” And though it fucking hurts worse than anything else tonight. “Please…

Josh stops fucking him and sighs heavily again so Liam can hear his displeasure.

“More what?” he asks with exaggerated slowness “More fucking? More whipping?”

He doesn’t answer and so Josh carefully places the knife back on the table and returns to Liam. He reaches up and unhooks the cuffs and letting Liam fall to his knees. He hits the floor so hard even Josh winces at the sound.

“You look good down there boy,” says Josh softly “Beg me to keep hurting you and if you do a good job I might do it.”

Liam’s head is spinning as the blood returns to his arms; he stays where he lands. He shuts his eyes, he’s beaten. He knows it, Josh knows it. What’s the fucking point?

“Please … just fuck me…”

“I think the words you are looking for are ‘please just fuck me Sir.’” says Josh still making no move to touch Liam again.

Liam feels exactly like he did when Paul and Noel had him cornered when he was knee high to a grasshopper. He screws his face up in an expression that his brothers would recognise in a heartbeat. If he had the energy he’d just walk but apart from the fact that his cock aches with the need to come, he wants it and he knew there were conditions to this scene.

In a voice totally devoid of any expression he repeats Josh’s words. “Please just fuck me …. Sir…”

Josh can see Liam’s emotions painted clearly on his face before he finally speaks.

“Oh that’s much better boy,” says Josh coldly, dragging him back to his feet by his hair.

He pushes Liam toward the table, watching him stumble and struggle to recover his balance with his hands still cuffed in front of him. Once he’s standing in front of the table, Josh shoves him hard in the back until he’s falls forward across the tabletop. Josh hears his intake of breath as his chest hits the table top jarring the clamps.

“Ready?” asks Josh running a finger across the vivid red stripes on his back.

His nipples feel like they’re about to drop off such is the force with which he hits the table. Everything is so painful, including his cock which is throbbing helplessly as Liam waits. He just nods, his voice sounding loud to his ears. “Please…”

“Oh I guess you’ve earned it,” chuckles Josh as he pulls a condom out of his pocket.

He unbuttons his jeans just enough to free his cock, that has been aching painfully since Liam started his unearthly screaming. He tears open the packet and rapidly rolls the condom on. Finally he steps up behind Liam and slides just the head of his cock inside, before pausing.

“Fuck me, you are tight boy,” Josh groans.

Finally he reaches up and grabs Liam’s shoulders, using the leverage to allow him to press all the way inside him in one long burning thrust.

“Good…” Liam is babbling incoherently, such is the relief he feels. That burn, it’s perfect after such a long period of abstinence and he can’t help but push back against Josh desperate for more, desperate to be fucked.

“God you are so fucking needy aren’t you boy?” growls Josh as starts to fuck Liam hard, knowing that each thrust will be grinding his hips into the wooden edge of the table.

All the pain is centring itself in his cock as the thrusts knock him into the table and he’s going to be bruised come morning. He whimpers as the burn in his arse intensifies and as he feels orgasm approach. His instinct is to ask for it but again, he can’t quite bring himself to and Josh hasn’t said he can’t.

Josh tightens his grip on Liam’s shoulders and fucks him with long strokes driving himself toward his climax. Each thrust into Liam brings the rough edges of denim into contact with his tender red ass.

“I’m close boy,” he tells Liam “So you better hurry up and come, ‘cos if you don’t do it before I do I’m not letting you come at all.”

The words are barely out of his mouth and Liam’s doing just that, his come splattering the table, the floor and his hand, arse contracting round Josh’s cock, whimpering loudly.

“Good boy,” says Josh softly as he feels Liam tighten around his cock and that pushes him over the edge. As he starts to come, he leans forward and licks a trail up the side of Liam’s neck before biting down hard.

No voice left to scream, Liam revels in the bite and contents himself with a half moan half grunt. He wishes he’d had more bites but this one’s the icing on the cake. He’s exhausted and is aware of how much his back and arse are hurting. And that extra sting from being fucked is a feeling he’s done without for too long.

Josh lays his head down between Liam’s shoulder blades while he gets his breath back. After a minute or two he finally stands back up and pulls out of Liam, listening to him hiss through his teeth. He pulls off the condom and drops it in the rubbish bin by the table and does his jeans back up. He gently pulls Liam back up to a standing position and turns him around flicking the release on the cuffs to free his hands.

“This is really going to hurt,” he warns Liam as he takes the first clover clamp off.

Gritting his teeth, he moans, it fucking hurts like buggery and he is horribly aware that he’s probably made a right tit of himself. As the second clamp comes off, feeling his legs give way, he grabs hold of Josh to stop himself falling. The air feels too close and he’s hot and sweaty. He needs to get out of here and now.

“Sorry… “ He murmurs and starts to shuffle to where his clothes are, each step sending a fresh wave of pain through him.

“Liam wait,” says Josh softly “I need to take care of your back before you get dressed.”

“Kay….” He is so tired he just wants to go home and sleep. He turns to Josh, looking at him in the eye for almost the first time tonight. “Thanks, thanks very much…”

Josh picks up the tube from the table.

“Turn around Liam” he says gently before he smoothes the salve across the welts on his back and ass, some of which are already bruising.

The gel feels wonderfully soothing and he relaxes into the touch, shivering, suddenly cold. The moment he senses that Josh has finished, he’s dressing, wincing as the fabric rubs across his skin.

“Right, that’s me then.” He nods to Josh and makes his way as quickly as he can to the door. “See you around…”

“Will you be alright getting home?” asks Josh wanting to make sure Liam is going to be okay.

“Sure… Thanks.” And he’s gone, out of there as fast as his battered body will allow. Once out on the street, he hails a cab, determining not to think about this until he’s safely behind his own front door.

Josh watches Liam leave, wishing he’d at least given himself some time to recover before he had bolted for the door. However Liam was obviously too freaked out to hang around and Josh had to let him go. He slowly packs away his things and as he walks toward his car he hopes that he will be okay on his own. He’ll call him tomorrow, just to be sure.
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