Greece v Spain

Jun 18, 2008 22:34

Title : Greece v Spain (Group D, game six)
Author: dalehead
Pairing : Orlibean
Rating : NC-18
Summary : Football … yep, that’s right !
Disclaimer: This is entirely made up.
Author’s Note : For dienw (As I post this, a trailer for Sharpe came on - weird or what *g*)

“Turn over Sean, we missed the sodding Russian goal.”

“I wanna watch Spain, I thought you liked Spain.”

“I do but I wanna see the other match, you’re being fucking annoying today.”

“Yeah well, it was my arse that got fucked last night … three times. I am on the bench today and I need to be waited on hand and foot.”

“Your arse could have taken more if my cock had been up for it.”

“No I couldn’t, I was sore.”

“You liar Sean, you begged me for more, you said if I really loved you, I’d fuck you again, I ended up asleep with my cock still inside your arse so don’t give me that.”

“I was high on sexual thingy, endorphins, ‘s like being drunk only without the hangover.”

“You do say the oddest stuff, Bean.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like being drunk without the hangover?”

“Well isn’t it?”

“I guess but what a fucking comparison.”

“So do you wanna switch over then?”

“You are milking this and I am making notes.”

“My backside is covered in teeth marks ‘Lan, I look like someone tried to eat me.”

“I did eat you, I sucked my come out of your arse … remember?”


“But Sean, you loved it, you squirmed and begged for more, remember? More Master, you said over and over again, you raised your arse in the …”

“Shuddup … “

“Are you blushing? God Sean, you wanted is so bad, and …”

“Geddoff my cock…”

“But baby, it’s a hard cock, you see, you’re remembering how much you like to be on all fours with my tongue inside you, slurping.”

“Not when we’re watching TV and stop fucking well laughing at me, it’s not fucking fair, we’ve missed the goal and now it’s half time and I’ve seen next to no bloody football…”

“Sorry …”

“You don’t sound it.”

“Well I am, I was just teasing.”

“I love you ‘Lan but for the love of god, let me watch some of at least one match…”

“Not another word…”

“Quiet as a church mouse…”


“Two fucking one Sean, see what we missed! I fucking told you, if you hadn’t been going on about the bloody Russians…”

“You were the one going on about branding.”

“No, that was last night. God I missed it, what a fucker.”

“Stop winding me up about that fucking brand.”

“Then let me watch the Spainish goals in peace and Sean?”


“No sulking…”

Greece 1-2 Spain

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