Walk on By - XV

Feb 06, 2005 16:20


Author: Lottie Lenya
Type: RPS
Pairing: VM/OB
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU
Disclaimer: This is fiction, not based in reality - to the best of my knowledge Viggo Mortensen has never lived rough and Orlando Bloom was never part of the Constabulary.
Beta: blueskydancers who beta-ed this because she sat and listened to me trying logic the whole thing out. Thanks, love!
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my very lovely Corrupter of Souls whose Machiavellian skills are second to none…

“Where are you Viggo?”

Orlando had been in for an hour and still there was no sign of him. He had phoned Bicknall and left a message on his voice mail. There was a lot riding on one man and Orlando was not looking forward to hearing what he had to say.

His mobile rang and he answered.

“Bloom, you cunt, tell me that was your idea of a joke.”

“No sir, I’m sorry. He’s missing.

“You fucking waste of space; let me clarify the situation for you. If Viggo Morganson doesn’t turn up you will not only be out of the Drugs Squad but you will be out on your fucking ear, mate. No fucker in the Force will touch you. I will personally make sure that you end up working on Civvie Street. I will pursue…

Orlando broke in impatiently.

“Yeah right, whatever you say ‘guv. I don’t fucking well need you to tell me my arse is on the line here. Viggo Mortensen happens to be my friend and…

Bicknall sneered. “You stupid cunt, your lovers’ tiff may have lost us the chance to put the head of the fucking biggest human traffic operation in this country behind bars and you are mewling to me about your ‘friend’.” Let me clarify something else for you. If that heap of stinking shite comes back, you are gonna bring him in and we will put him in protective custody.”

Orlando’s heart sank; the situation was beginning to run away from him.

“No sir. You are not putting him behind bars. He’s done nothing wrong, he’s gone out with a camera and has probably lost track of time. He is not going back behind bars. If you do that to him I will make sure he doesn’t testify at all.”

The silence that followed this remark was chilling.

“What did you just say to me Detective Sergeant Bloom? Are you threatening me you perverted, arse bandit? Just as soon as this is over, you are out of my squad and off my manor. I don’t give a fuck where you go but I tell you this, I never wanted a fucking poof on my team but no one listened. Well, I gave you enough rope and you hanged yourself, cunt…”

Bicknall hung up and Orlando stared at his phone as if it was going to turn round and bite him.

He found he was shaking and sat down, lighting a cigarette with shaking hands and there he sat, still hearing Bicknall’s voice echoing in his head.

The phone went and he looked at it, and then answered.


“Lan, it’s Frank Ludlow here. Are you okay, you sound a bit odd?” Not waiting for a reply he rambled on. “I’ve got old Vic here. Dozy fucker turned up, no money and not a clue how to get home. I’ve just given him a tenner and sent him on his way in a cab… Lan, are you there, mate?”

“Fine, thanks, mate. I’ll give you the money next time, yeah?”

Frank sounded offended. “No need for that, Lan, I like old Vicco, he’s a good bloke, didn’t recognise him, actually none of us did, ‘cept the fucking dog. He came…”

Orlando cut him off. “Thanks, Frank, see you soon then.” He said, disconnecting the phone.

He sat down again, feeling like he was somehow looking down at his body from a great distance. Was this the same day that he’d woken up with a hangover? Was it the same day he and Viggo had nearly shagged? The same day that he’d gone to the life class? Surely, he thought, surely it couldn’t have gone so pear shaped in such a short time. He felt one of his old familiar rages engulf him and concentrated instead on the techniques that had turned him from a slightly flaky, walking time bomb into the controlled man he was today. He owed a lot to George.

When Viggo knocked on the door, Orlando got up, almost in a trance, and let him in.

Viggo took one look at Orlando and realised something was wrong. He still didn’t think it was anything he’d done. His face was alight with enthusiasm and there was colour in his face that hadn’t been there before.

“I got some great shots, Orlando, really good. Lots of architecture, some real old London characters; it felt so good to have a camera in my hand again, it’s been years, since before Tina and me, well years…”

He wound down; Orlando’s demeanour was one of blind fury. When he began to speak, Viggo wondered where the guy he had nearly made love with that morning had gone.

“You are possibly the stupidest blokes I have ever had the misfortune to get tangled up with” he said this conversationally. “I had to tell Bicknall that you were missing….”

“But I wasn’t missing, I only……”

“I told you to come straight home. I told you that it was dangerous out there, very dangerous for you. But you went out with a camera and took a load of worthless snaps that no cunt will ever look at.”

“But Orlando….”

“There is a contract out on your life, you stupid cunt. These people do not mess around. If you had been spotted you’d be dead by now. If someone followed you, there could be a network of people working towards putting a bullet in your brain at point blank range.”

“Yes, but…”

“Shut it.” Orlando’s voice was low and intense; Viggo could see he was practically shaking with rage.

“So now, you stupid sack of shit, now Bicknall wants you in protective custody where he knows you’ll be safe. Of course if they find out you’re a grass and that you’re grassing a woman who murdered her own son when he stepped out of line, a woman who would stamp on you as if you were no more than an insect, your life won’t be worth Jack…”


“No buts. Now I have to ring Bicknall who is going to get me transferred because he is a homophobic cunt who has been waiting for me to fuck up so he can get rid of me. Therefore, on top of everything else, I have lost the job that I joined the Force to do. Thanks Viggo, you played a fucking blinder…”

He lit another cigarette and stood by the window looking sightlessly out.

Viggo was pissed off. He had had the best day; he’d wandered the streets without being given sidelong looks of disgust; he’d had money to buy a sandwich and a cup of tea and for the first time in years he actually felt human; he’d given the rest of his cash to the flotsam and jetsam still living on the streets, in what he felt was at least a gesture of solidarity. Now he had come back to the place he was beginning to think of as home to find that he had inadvertently lost Orlando his career.

He found to his own amazement that he was angry. He stepped into Orlando’s personal space and poked him in the back.

“Look, I needed to get out, okay? I’ve been a prisoner here for days; I just wanted a bit of time and space. Please don’t be so pissed with me, I had such a good…”

Orlando whipped round and pushed Viggo back against the sofa. Hard. Viggo stumbled and landed badly, legs all over the place, he covered his head with his arms, expecting Orlando to begin punching him.

“Please, Orlando, please don’t…”

He was cut off as Orlando almost jumped on him, pinning his arms above his head and kissing him hard and passionately. He was almost biting, his tongue once more acquainting itself with Viggo’s mouth, and then sucking on his lower lip. Viggo relaxed and enjoyed the feel of hands on his body, undoing his jeans and pushing his t shirt up, feeling the wet mouth licking and nibbling at his nipples. Pausing, Orlando stripped his shirt off and let go of Viggo for a moment.

“Clothes off.” He said as he stepped aside to lose his jeans and boxers.

When they were both naked, he lay down between Viggo’s legs and resumed kissing his way down towards the rapidly hardening cock. Viggo was making little whimpering noises and arching into Orlando’s touch. When he felt his cock engulfed by a hot, wet mouth, he nearly went into orbit and was grateful for the hands that held his hips to keep them still. The skilful tongue ran up and down the thick vein on the underside of his cock, explored the sensitive head and dipped into the slit, while his balls were oh so gently squeezed. It was too much and not enough, all at the same time and when Orlando opened his mouth and swallowed his entire cock, Viggo managed two weak thrusts before coming. It had been years since anyone had gone down on him and he was beyond speech. Orlando carefully licked him clean, before reaching for a condom.

“Babe, are you gonna let me fuck you?”

Orlando wasn’t so far gone that he’d force a lover to do anything he didn’t want to.

“Please Orlando, please make love to me.”

Reaching for lube and condoms that always lived under the sofa, Orlando nodded.

“Gonna fuck you good, Vig…”

He ripped the wrapper off the condom, rolling it onto his cock which was almost throbbing and squeezed some lube onto his fingers. Once he’d lubed his cock, he began teasing Viggo’s hole, rubbing his fingers over it, then retreating a little, then pushing the tip of his finger in then out again.

He was fascinated by Viggo’s responses, the man was literally writhing underneath him and he couldn’t remember when he’d seen anyone so desperate to be fucked.

Pushing Viggo’s knees up to his chest so that he was wide open and exposed, Orlando lined his cock up and began the slow push, only stopping when his balls rested against his lover’s arse.

“Just fuck me please…” Viggo was beyond rational thought, it hurt, yeah, but it was a good hurt and one that he’d desperately missed.

“My pleasure, babe…” Orlando replied and begun thrusting in and out in a steady rhythm, his hands holding Viggo’s legs firmly but gently. When he felt Viggo relax and begin to move with him, he upped the speed and begun pistoning in and out. The need to come was the only thought in his head. He was transfixed by the sight of the normally placid man on fire with passion, a sheen of sweat covering his body as he thrashed about.

Orlando could hold on no longer, all the stresses and strains of the godawful day seemed to explode out of him and he came with a great yell, leaving him breathless and almost speechless. Withdrawing, he removed the condom, tied a knot in it and dropped it on the floor, collapsing on top of Viggo, he was asleep in moments.


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