Touched beyond coherence

Nov 13, 2008 19:33

As many of you are no doubt already aware, Keith Olbermann did a special comment on Prop 8 a couple of nights ago. Now, I usually enjoy Keith's comments, sorta in spite of myself and my usual distaste for name-calling and general unkindness ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

shimmerdance November 14 2008, 01:47:25 UTC
*nods along with you*


dakinishir November 14 2008, 02:43:11 UTC


shimmerdance November 14 2008, 14:32:05 UTC
how's your FiL? How are the kids? How's everything, Miss Ineverpostanymore? I miss you!!!


dakinishir November 15 2008, 22:02:20 UTC
Hey there~

1) FIL doing much better, actually. Still in hospice, but not looking as imminent as before.

2) Kids all good. Eldest in the midst of callbacks for Chicago! at school. Please to be sending positive energies! Middlest visiting friends in NYC all weekend, did great at her her bat mitzvah. Youngest growing up. Asked a girl to a dance! presently at a sleepover.

3) Everything is big. But on an Absolute level, as terrific as always. On a relative level, pretty damn good as well. Remortgaging the house, with any luck, shortly I will have no short-term debt. Joy.

4) Not only do I never post, well - rarely ever - I've been shit at keeping up with reading the flist as well. I've been subsumed by politics. Which is so odd, as I've never been particularly political before. But I'm enjoying it. I imagine it will run it's course eventually. As do most of my enthusiasms.



foolishfiddler November 14 2008, 01:53:23 UTC
I have a crush of ridiculously epic proportions on this man.


dakinishir November 14 2008, 02:44:45 UTC
Yeah. I'd marry him tomorrow. And I don't ever want to get married again. And if I DID I'm thinking I'm more likely to fall for a woman, but this guy? Especially when he's like this? hubba-hubba.


wendelah1 November 14 2008, 03:10:11 UTC
This was posted a couple of other places on my flist, but yes, he was very moving and articulate. Of course, he doesn't actually vote himself. Ever.


dakinishir November 14 2008, 03:13:31 UTC
Yeah - I know about the no voting thing. normally that would piss me off, but a) I buy his reasoning and b) he DOES do his civic duty in contributing to the conversation. It's not like he bowed out of the whole political deal and went to live with his head in the sand. Quite the opposite. He influences the electorate to some degree. I'd say he's fulfilled his civic responsibility.


clytemnestra215 November 14 2008, 08:53:32 UTC
It was really something to see. Makes me glad of the human race for once, you know? Something's going right, at least somewhere.


dakinishir November 15 2008, 22:04:01 UTC

It really is heartwarming, innit? I took eldest and some friends to a protest against Prop 8 today. Felt good to show up.


tirwen_star03 November 14 2008, 18:30:36 UTC
Oh my gosh, I know. I generally enjoy listening to whatever he has to say, but this was such a different side of him. I was touched by how open he was with his emotions, and impressed as ever with how well-thought-out he is.

Also, you/Keith sounds like a pretty awesome ship, yup. ;D


dakinishir November 15 2008, 22:06:13 UTC
I'm glad it wasn't just me. I was SO TOUCHED by his emotional openness. Seemed a bit ooc, and yet completely genuine. *loves*

I think it sounds like a pretty awesome ship myself. But I checked. He's in a long-term relationship, so is completely off limits. Yes, even for fantasizing. Thoughts do have power, and I don't believe in poaching. Ever.

I will simply admire from afar and wish him and his love all happiness together.


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