The Rigney Legacy 1.1

Dec 26, 2009 10:49

I've been itching to do a pixel_trade legacy for some time now so, since I got a new comp and had to reinstall anyway, I figured there's no time like the present!

Our founder is(was?) Olympia September, one of the september pixel_trade founders submitted by bondchick_nett. She's going by the name of Jordan Rigney (naming theme, anyone?) for the purposes of this legacy. Her stats are family: leo: 6-10-2-0-7, which is exactly what nett specified.

This also happens to be an ISBI so we can all have fun guessing how long daisywenham can hold on to her sanity. :D

Jordan: It needs to be at least this big around. See how the tip of my index finger barely touches my thumb?
I really have no earthly idea what this gesture is directed at. She's just landed on the lot and neither the paper kid nor the welcome wagon has arrived.

Ohai feet with toes that are actually distinguishable (I totes almost typed extinguishable, but that's a term which applies to most things except, apparently, for this town in Pennsylvania) from one another!

Annnnnd the First Walkby Award goes to Kermes Kohler-Wielle, also by bondchick_nett. Unfortunately she dropped greeting him out of her queue in favor of getting in the taxi I ordered for her. D:

Unfortunately her foray out into the community was largely unsuccessful. Thaddeus Lee here is another bondchick_nett sim. While not in itself a bad thing, we're only allowed two main characters from any one pixel_trade member. Using Thaddeus or Kermes would mean both nett sims used up on day 1 of the legacy.

She does get along well with Thad tho. Unfortunately, he left not long after this and nothing but wimenz showed up the rest of the time so back home we went. I haven't yet put ACR on this comp and I'm undecided about whether I will so, for now, everyone's sexual preference is up to me which means they'll all be straight. I've nothing against gay people, but my brain clings to reality juuussssst enough that I've never been able to let same sex sims actually impregnate each other, despite having the same sex preg mod.

So. Now that we've got the Public Service Announcements out of the way, what's our founder up to? Getting her body skill point in hopes of a first day promotion, that's what. Her LTW is Marry Off Six Children. I don't think I have the mental fortitude to produce 6 offspring in the 1st generation of an ISBI, so we'll just file that one under "not in this lifetime", shall we? We took Law Enforcement since a) it was there and b) it pays well.

Turns out she had just enough time to get 1 point before the welcome wagon turned up, bearing with it Birch Jackson (jesstheex). Birch is awesome incarnate but I'm not really in need of MOAR BLONDE at this point.

Turns out they don't get along anyway.

They wiled away much of the afternoon alternately poking each other in the boob.

Seriously. This shit went on for hours.

Poke, poke, scowl.

Poke, poke, scowl.

They did eventually progress to slapping.

But Jordan is apparently too nice to slap back.

Jordan: I'm tired of this.
Me: Good call. Go to bed. We'll try again tomorrow.

Attempts to get Thaddeus to come visit were unsuccessful the next day so we went on another excursion, this time to the park.

Tasnia Emrich (quellasims) was there. This woman's genetics WILL be in this legacy. She made some of the most spectularly adorable giant eared, overbite-sporting kids before my old laptop melted.


She gets along with him as well as with Thaddeus.

And here's Lugosi Cullen, another of bondchick_nett's sims. Jebus, you'd think I didn't install anyone else's sims. o.O

This afternoon was wiled away much more productively, i.e. pushing Kermes on a swing.

Lugosi: Mebbe if I swing, Jordan will touch my butt too? :D

Jordan obliged. :D

I cancelled the swings out of Jordan's queue in the hopes that she could actually do some relationship building but all that happened was that
she became the target of multiple water balloons. D:

Jordan: Abduhwaahh?

Jordan: HA! Good one!

Back home, Jordan wasted no time turning her lunch into a blazing inferno.

And thus we arrive at our first aspiration failure on day 2 of the legacy. I'm not even going to try keeping a tally of fails because I'll forget more often than not anyway. :P

She recovered quickly enough though and invited Kermes around for a date. We'll just have to use up both our nett sims in Gen 1.

Good times were had by all.

Somewhat over-violent mating rituals were engaged in.


Kermes moved in with, I think it was 11k, got a makeover and, became the legacy's first Idiot.

Jordan is taking a leaf out of Ruther Randolph's book and causing all the lecay's fail...

while the uncontrollable turns out to be all kinds of awesome. Autonomous random skill points FTW.


More autonomous awesome.

Best pawp face EVAR, IMO.

Now that we have a bun in the oven (not to coin a phrase or anything >.>), it was time to propose. He looks a little dubious.

Awww come on...

Well at least it's not a failed wedding, plunging their relationship score into the negatives.

We gave Kermes a chance to freshen up a little bit and tried again.
Jordan: If he rejects this one, I will END YOU. :D

He didn't. :D

Quick, get the wedding over with while his mood is still good!

Kermes is seriously incredible. He washes dishes...

He goes to work...

and washes more dishes.


D'awwww look how proud he is!

Meanwhile, inside...
Jordan: This is about to hurt isn't it?

D'oh! I don't even have Trips and Quads installed. D:

It's 2 girls, Moiraine (mwah-rain) and Egwene (egg-wain). Both with alien eyes and red hair, Moiraine with a light genetic skintone and Egwene with Jordan's.

In other news...

Moiraine: Is this normal?

Egwene: What is this container she's putting me in?! O.O

Moiraine: Something feels wrong about this.

Even the nanny got an extra-large dose of competent.

You can't see it through the censor blur, but Egwene is wearing an expression of stunned disbelief.

She picked both babies up several times, but just cuddled or played with them and put them right back.

Moiraine: This is becoming rather alarming.
Me: Ne'er a truer word was spoken bubby.

Moiraine: *noms on daddy's finger*

And just like that, it's birthday time already. Neither child came in contact with the floor their entire infancy.

JESUS GOD COULD SHE BE ANY CUTER?!? (That's Moiraine btw)

Egwene came out a little awkward, but those cheeks don't look like anything she can't grow into.

A slightly poofier hair to balance out the poofy cheeks and propels her into the realm of cute too. :D

That's all for this time. Next update: more babies, somewhat less competance, and know...stuff. :D

rigney legacy, legacy

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