Characters: ANYONE on board the U.S.S. Ultimatum
Content: The continuing battle between Tagruato and those aboard the Ultimatum
Location: U.S.S Ultimatum
Time of day: All Day
Warnings: Assume violence and swearing
Notes: Treat this thread as party-style, with new subthreads for new events or encounters
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Then, something drove his feet out of the cell and down the corridor. If he was absolute in his resolution to eliminate all of the remaining Umbrella scientists, and avenge those thousands of innocent people that died in horrible ways that day, he was going to have to do this.
"Birkin!" he snapped harshly. The anger in his face was obvious, and the grip on the stock of the rifle tightened more deeply.
The people aboard the Ultimatum will find the sound of anti-air guns on the aircraft carrier they are trapped on firing out toward something.
Evangeline flew straight toward the ship at top speeds. Her barriers protected her from the firing but it didn't matter to her. She felt a few things on this ship, one calling to her mind. The other two she just knew would like to see her. The guns were nothing to her. She was cured of what held her down, she was free to fly. She got closer to the ship, her arm crackled, a blade formed over her hand as she cut through the guns closest to her.
She landed on the deck, several guards coming toward her. She looked at them and smiled, "Τὸ συμβόλαιον διακονῆτω μοί, ἡ κρυστάλλινη βασίλεια! Ἐπιγενηθήτω, ταἰώνιον ἔρεβος, αἱώνιε κρύσταλλε!" A spell seal formed on the ground under her, every guard around her and the deck encased in ice. Again her blade ( ... )
Until she killed them.
"What the heck did you do that for?!" Danny demanded while blasting back some tranquilizer darts. "You can't just kill someone like that!"
"They are trying to kill us," Evangeline answered, sending a barrage of ice arrows disabling several more guards. Before they could reach their grenades. She hoped to make it to the others without much fuss. "You do not get to be this old if you do not choose to be final with your actions."
She grew tired of the waves of guards, "Malleus Aquilonis" An ice ball formed clogging the corridor, blocking more guards from entering. "I am a 500 year old witch. If they attempt to kill me, I destroy them. No matter who they are or what weapon they bring on me." She was cold, the murder she just called meaning apparently nothing to her. Changing the subject, "Now, I am looking for Negi Springfield. Where is he?"
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