Characters: Agent Morris, Agent J
Content: Lelouch's little righteous warrior act has pushed some unhappy buttons. These Agents need to drink it off a bit.
Location: The bar at Bryant Park Hotel
Time: Afternoon, not too long after the announcement of Birdman's execution
Warnings: Moody Agents
Just when you thought the Agents were getting better... )
Comments 8
J couldn't get the lyrics out of his head, and even if the song normally had a bit of pep to it he wasn't feeling it today. Things in the city had gone quickly and decisively wrong - someone had been taken out and killed by a mob, from what he could best pick up from the network post. A mob led by one of the guys that had helped turn back the monster.
They'd motivated a killer.
He had a name for this sort of thing, or it had a name all on its own; he didn't know the difference and didn't care. Lynch mob justice, it was called.
Lynch mob, huh.
He shuddered.
Just how ill J was starting to feel hadn't really hit him until he'd seen Morris' conversation - no, fight - with Raiel. His oldest friend and one of his newest going at it - and Raiel of all people siding with the maniac ( ... )
Morris reached over the bar again and set another bottle before J. "Take a brew, brew it over," he replied, before shaking his head. "Brew, boil and steam. That's what I've got." Though he did prefer his beer cold.
Rapping his fingers over the bottle's neck, Morris glared at something beyond the opposite wall, trying to pick how to piece what he wanted to say together. He didn't want to fight with J. But he didn't want to back down on this.
"That bull back there," he muttered. "Load of... fat load." Morris let out a tight breath. "I can't accept it. People saying those things. Can't." The Agent rubbed his forehead, before taking a swig of his beer.
"Don't expect you to," he finally replied. "Network's just not the place t' get into it." Which was the very tip of the iceburg, but J wasn't about to go swimming in those waters.
"No. Sure ain't." Morris finally agreed, before giving J a good glance up and down. "That's why we're here, after all. Taking turns going through an argument without even seeing a person. That's no way to try and explain yourself." He put no emphasis on those last words, but he trusted J would pick it up all the same.
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