Characters: Brothers Tringham, any and all comers.
Location: BPH ballroom
Summary: Birthday party for the kidthing. Only this one won't be lame.
Rating: C for Cute
[[Thread format is party-style, but go ahead and pile up after Russel's second comment for the surprise spring.]]
Russel just hoped this didn't horribly backfire. )
Comments 98
He knew Russel was planning a party for him, but it wasn't on his mind right now. He wasn't expecting a thing.
But when he pushed open the ballroom doors, it was another story entirely. The biggest giveaway was probably Giselle's beauty of a cake. Russel was not going to let Fletcher slip by without even acknowledging his birthday.
The second Fletcher entered the room and flicked on the lights, Harry added his voice to the chorus of "Surprise!" He even added his own little touch with a bunch of magical sparks that lit up the ballroom.
A surprise party for... how many people were here? It made him dizzy trying to count, or maybe that was just the suddenness of it all. He hadn't been expecting this at all. And someone had made a cake, taken the time and resources to...
Fletcher didn't want this. He didn't want anything like this. But he forced a shaky smile onto his face and looked around at everyone in the room, then up at Russel. "W-wow... um... th-thanks, everyone!"
Plus, it was a birthday party! It seemed like forever ago that he and his friends had celebrated his 16th, but it was only fitting that he attend a party for someone even younger than him. Birthdays were supposed to be really happy occasions with friends, and Sora was sure Fletcher needed it.
He wandered around the crowd, hands folded behind his head with a smile, appreciating the feeling of happiness that seemed to be permeating the place.
Wasn't this the girl that had talked over the network about looking for the Key, and the King...but it was all somehow different than what he knew? That whole conversation had still left him rather confused, and given him the impression that maybe she was from the distant future. The clothes were different enough. "You're um..." he struggled for a moment to remember her name. "...Shirayuki, right?"
This was very perplexing. This whole different keys business. Just the slightest of Souta's Key could do amazing things, and in theory both keys together was even more powerful. So the thought of more keys in the worlds, and more worlds in the world. Was both scary in the power of combining these keys and that so many worlds might mean God split the world in more than two parts. Which was just unbelievable, even for a mind as great as Shirayuki-hime's!
"So, you have a key of some kind as well? Like my sweet Souta does?"
There were a lot of people here, though, some of whom Bolt didn't know. He made his way between some peoples' legs, tail wagging, before he happened upon the table holding the huge cake that Giselle had made.
Bolt may have been a hero, but he was still a dog, and instantly fascinated by the sweet smell the huge cake gave off. Penny usually had cupcakes on her birthday...this cake was much fancier. It still hadn't been cut yet, but Bolt really wanted a taste for himself now...
So, as dogs were prone to do, he got up on his hind legs, sniffed at the cake and then began eagerly lapping up the frosting.
"I can have one?" he asked. No one ever seemed to let him have sweets aside from dog treats. And dog treats were good, but they weren't like cake.
The only 'birthday party' he'd ever attended, he'd never really counted as such, since it was usually a day that was used to celebrate all things draconian as well as finding the female eggs in Thorbardin; the females and the few hatchlings that were running around were the only ones of their race that even knew when their birthday was.
Kang knew it was tradition to bring a gift for humans, and after having to do some thinking, had brought a book he'd found in his room on landscaping, and one on flowering plants. Hopefully Fletcher'd like them.
"Hello," he called out.
Reaching up to rub at one eye, the red-cloaked man idly wondered if heading back to bed was the best of ideas. It was Fletcher's party, after all... and it would be rude to leave.
He glanced down at his drink in thought.
He didn't want anyone coming if they didn't want to.
He hesitated for a moment, but finally worked up the nerve to walk over to him. "H-hello, Mr. Valentine."
The kid, Fletcher. Even worse to leave a party when the birthday boy was right there, so he paused, looking behind him and down at the boy with a uncharacteristic weariness about him. Something wasn't right at all. This never happened in his time in the city before ( ... )
"Are you all right, sir?"
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