Characters: Aya Brea, OPEN.
Content: Over the course of time, a plan has been brewing. Finally it is time to set the plan into action. Aya Brea calls together a meeting at the 16th Precinct to discuss a probably escape from their prison.
Location: The 16th Precinct.
Time of day: Wednesday morning, starting at 9:30am.
Warnings: N/A.
[ OOC: Party-style log. You know the drill. Separate threads, characters can interact with each other before Aya sets the meeting in place. ]
It had been a pretty eventful year, to say the least. With one event after another, it was no wonder why some didn’t have the chance to come up with a game plan of escape.
That all came later, however.
The door to the precinct was left wide open, with signs leading to the office where the meeting would be held.
As usual, Aya was still setting things up, making the room comfortable for those to sit and occupy it for the next few hours. The office within the 16th Precinct was occupied by her and a few who had helped her with the preparations for the meeting itself.
Snacks and coffee were placed on a table next to the wall, free for anyone who skipped out on breakfast that morning. Of course, anyone attending was also more than welcome to bring their own food, since the office was more than welcome for that sort of thing.
Hung on the wall behind her was a map of the entire city, with a few additional closer perspectives of the edges of the island. Nothing was yet written on the whiteboard. Although there were some hints here and there, there was no indication or hints as to what this topic was going to be about just yet.
No finger-pointing, no debates of trust issues or what have you. They weren’t going to get anywhere accusing each other, were they? No, this was going to be more straightforward, to the point. Good to make note to not let the words ramble on for too long.
Aya herself resigned to one of the chairs, sitting since for the most part she will be standing up the entire time, once they get things started. She looked tired, but after energizing herself with a few drinks of coffee she decided it should be enough to hold herself up throughout most of the day.
At least long enough to get through this meeting.