Characters: Flute and Hamel
Content: A stunned and ecstatic Flute goes on a date walk and possible lunch with a nervous Hamel.
Location: Around Bryant Park Hotel
Time of day: Noonish
Warnings: None
There will be love, true and wise, like a rock between the eyes )
Hamel continued to just fidget in front of Flute's door. Every so often, his arm would rise up and ready to knock, only to pull back and make a short pace before standing in front of the door again.
Maybe he should kick the door down and come in dramatically? That's pretty normal for him, yeah. Well, no. Flute would obviously be mad at that and that wouldn't do. Argh, these clothes were killing him. A long black coat, black dress shirt and white slacks, while were his favorite colors, were much too prissy and made it look too much like it was date. Maybe he should go back up and change. No, there wasn't much time for that.
Should he just walk in or knock or-
"AH, Fuck it!" He groaned and knocked on the door rather hard
"That probably is something him and his wife have to deal with on a frequent basis."
What was with him? He was so easily distracted!
She smiled at Hamel again. "It's kind of funny, we've been traveling for so long and we still don't know little things like that! I know you like to cook, though. I wish there were some more ingredients here so you could make something good... m-maybe not with giant earthworms, though," she teased."
"Tch." He lifted his nose into the air as he felt rather offended by her sudden teasing of his trademark dish. "I don't seem to recall you disagreeing with having such a delicacy.
She scratched the back of her head and looked at the streets around them for a moment. She didn't feel uneasy with Hamel here. He could certainly protect her from crabs. She assumed.
"Have you seen the monsters on the streets yet?" she asked.
"Monsters?" Hamel repeated, looking more than a little confused. "I thought you said there we no Mazoku here?"
She hadn't meant to get quite so preachy. But just the thought of Hamel in such pain as the crab bites brought... Flute shuddered.
"Just be careful, okay?"
When they reached a street corner, Hamel came to a stop and heard Flute's last sentence. Hamel gave out a long sigh and waved his hand at Flute in dismissal. Seriously, girls were all too predictable, especially flute. "Like I would really want someone to panic and cry for me. No thanks."
Unfortunately, his recklessness with about to get back at him with every step.
Whoops! Didn't see that hole in the street! Hamel's eyes grew wide for a moment as he fell in which only moments later a large Splosh! could be heard at the bottom of it.
Why would there be an open manhole to the sewer is anybody's guess.
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