Characters: Akutare, Rikku
Content: An awesome movie deal is in the works! Two strangers meet to flesh out a masterpiece!
Location: Times Square
Time of day: Afternoon - Backdated
Warnings: None
It hadn't been too hard to find--this place stuck out like a sore thumb, and it was definitely Akutare's kind of meeting place. )
Comments 10
She spotted Akutare, guessed it must be who she was looking for, and lifted the hand not carrying the tool box in a fist.
"Yo!" she called, hopping over quite ungracefully.
"Hey!" he called back, pushing himself off the wall and breaking into a wide grin. Not too long after, he noticed the tool box she was carrying around. "What's that?"
When she finally reached him, she dropped the toolbox at her feet in a loud clatter, putting her fists on her hips. Thank God she and Apollo had done that clothing run, or else she'd be going about this chilly weather in a bikini still! The jacket she had on made things far more comfortable, as did her new 'jeans' (that was what he had called them, right?).
"So, anyways," she said as business-like as possible, "I'm Rikku. Who're you?"
He blinked confusedly. "What, you haven't heard of me? The name's Akutare, the Dark Hero! The greatest star the world has ever known!" He paused a moment before continuing, losing some of his enthusiasm. "But no one seems to know me here. It's weird. Would have thought at least three people would be asking for autographs."
It was probably because this was the human world, but it was still a bit disappointing.
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