Characters: Laharl and Flonne
Content: Laharl finds Flonne.
Location: The destroyed Rai Rai Ken Apartments
Time of day: Third night since the attack, into the early morning hours.
Warnings: Jen might still twiddle some of Laharl's internal stuff, but this is like the 4th draft, so hopefully not. lol
How long had it been now? )
Comments 8
"No," she managed quietly. "I knew you'd come." She'd had every confidence in Laharl, and he hadn't let her down. She knew he wouldn't.
"O-Okay," Flonne replied softly, not realizing quite how tired she'd been until she tried to function. She obviously wasn't going anywhere on her own - she'd need Laharl's help, as almost always.
As carefully as he could manage, since he'd recognized that painful wince earlier, he slid one arm beneath her shoulders and his other beneath her knees. Gathering her close, he lifted her up into his arms, adjusting his grasp around her a bit. She wasn't heavy in the least, it was just a little awkward, her being taller than him and all.
"Hold on best you can, right?"
Not that he was going to drop her or anything, but it was more about keeping balance.
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